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Narco Second Novel Update

Pages 73-151
Chapter 5 to 8
Most of the novels you are reading deal with either a culture being dominated
by another culture (as in Things Fall Apart) or a culture in Diaspora (a group
that has had to leave its culture and currently lives as a minority group among
another culture). Which does your book deal with? How does dominance or
Diaspora affect the lives of the characters in your novel?
This book approaches the fact that many Mexicans have had to enter
work in the drug trafficking world due to the lack of opportunities given to
them when young. Starting with the need to attend a stable school near where
they live and going as far as not having anything to eat. On the other side of
the coin many Mexicans prefer the search for the American dream going
north to the U.S.A leaving everything behind and put their lives in danger
crossing through rivers and deserts not knowing what awaits them on the other
The author describes the danger of being news reporter that writes of
the organize crime in Mexico, like the case of the famous journalist Jesus
Blancornelas, who had several attempts on his life after writing about the
cartels that worked on the Tijuana zone like el Cartel de Sinaloa and the
Beltran Leyva amongst others. This makes the perfect case for Diaspora not
only for the illegal immigrants on the U.S.A but more focused on the
journalist that leave Mexico for their own protection or businessman that fear
for the security of their family and send them live on other countries.
Another case is the immigrants traveling from Central America to the
U.S with the same dreams and aspirations as the Mexicans but with a very

rough path to cross. These persons have to go through Mexico with almost
anything on them, and are the targets to several organize crime cartels. Some
other times they have to stay and work before they can try to return to their
dream and make a living for themselves.

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