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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: Melissa Friskney

Clinical Instructor: Kortney Deal
Missed Clinical Hours: 0

Missed Lab Hours: 0

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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Program Goals
Students graduating from this program are prepared as generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups,
communities and populations) in a variety of settings.
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups,
communities and populations) in a variety of settings.
Graduates will learn to continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing
knowledge in their practice.
Students graduating from this program will be prepared to demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care
Graduates will be prepared to contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and
mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers.
Students will demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and
health care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates of this program will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed
interventions and outcome measures.
Year One Goals
Define and describe the term 'self-regulating' and what it means to a part of a 'self-regulating' profession. Build a sense of identity between
building a sense of self and profession.
Demonstrate the ability to work with the aging populations in the residential settings.
Recognize the meaning and relevance of the five foci within the nursing program.
Define the ways of knowing and learning with a focus on critical and scientific inquiry.
Recognize the experience of leadership in nursing and undertake a leadership role in peer groups.
Articulate their role as individuals and professionals in providing safe nursing care.
Establish and maintain a professional relationship with peers and an engaged, caring, and culturally safe relationship with older adults.
Understand the concepts of advocacy and social justice. Begin to develop self-advocacy skills.
Explain the relevance of information and technology skills that are essential to safe health care.

Explain the components of the nursing process. Perform a basic biopsychosocial assessment of an individual.
Identify evidence informed interventions and outcome measures with guidance.

Course Objective
therapeutic nurseresident
relationships in
residential longterm care settings.

Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)

Performed skills
relevant to situating
an individual within
his/her personal,
familial and
community context

Developed and

I make sure I introduce myself and state my title to the residents each time
I enter their room.
I address the resident by the name they prefer and explain to the resident
the steps involved in providing care so they are aware at all times what is
going on.
I consider the residents preferences such as whether or not they want
lotion on after their bath.
I communicate and use active listening when residents are talking about
their life in order to get to know them better.
I build the therapeutic relationship by ensuring privacy for the resident by
closing the door.
I also ensure to only expose the areas on the resident that need to be
addressed in order to maintain privacy.
I feel like I have a good therapeutic relationship with my resident because
she talks to me about her childhood, her family and we both are very
comfortable around each other.
Performed a number of nursing skills such as lifting and transferring, bed
baths, toileting and feeding.
When toileting my resident I am able to easily transfer them from their
wheelchair to the toilet
I am able to successfully change residents briefs while they are in bed.
I am aware of and accommodate the various dietary restrictions the
residents have.
I feel comfortable using different lifts such as the sit-to-stand lift to move
residents to and from their chairs.
I am able to successfully roll patients onto their side while in bed to
perform skills such as peri-care
I was successful in performing the two-step blood pressure on my


Not meeting

demonstrated skills
in basic assessment
techniques relevant
to the long-term
care population

Demonstrated skills
in providing
(resident) clientcentered support for
activities of daily

knowledge about
the experience of
residents living in a
long-term care

I was able to listen to my residents breath sounds by using the zigzag
procedure required for auscultation.
I have identified all of my residents pulse points including radial, ulnar,
apical, brachial, carotid, femoral and dorsal.
I successfully took my residents temperature and O2 stat.
This semester I was able to assess my residents skin integrity and do an
abdominal assessment by auscultating and palpating my residents
I assisted my resident in performing oral hygiene by helping them brush
their teeth and gums
Helped the resident get dressed in the morning by changing her out of her
sleep wear, giving her outfit options and helping her put on her clothing
including her undergarments, pants, shirt and shoes.
Supported the resident when toileting by helping her on to the toilet,
performing peri care and changing her brief when she had a bowel
I have developed a partnership with my resident by allowing her to guide
the care by asking her questions.
I have learned how to successfully help my resident perform activities of
daily living in ways that are both fast and efficient.
Every week I assisted different residents with their meals by feeding them.
Throughout the semester I have become confident in my skills of assisting
with performing activities of daily living and feel comfortable helping
residents with them.
I make sure I perform tasks efficiently by ensuring I am prepared with all
the materials I need and that I pre-plan and combine steps.
Talked with residents about their views of long-term care and what they
like and dislike about it.
I communicated with the PSWs and gathered information about why
residents like and dislike living in long-term care.


Demonstrated safe
and ethical clinical
practice at the level
appropriate for a
year one nursing

Helped with the cart at mealtime and bedtime, and I have been able to
learn the preferences of different residents such as who prefers coffee as
opposed to tea and where they like their bedtime snack to be put if they
are already asleep.
Throughout the term I have been able to talk to many residents and find
out their different views on long-term care. I was surprised to learn that
many residents enjoy living in long-term care and have done a wonderful
job of transitioning into long-term care by making friends and going to
different activities.
I have also noticed that some residents do not enjoy living in long-term
care and often complain about how their family put them into long-term
care and how they hate living their.
When I performed skills I used proper technique to ensure not only my
own safety but also my residents safety.
I asked for help from peers, my instructor or support staff when I was
unsure how to perform a task or I felt I was unable to perform the task
safely on my own.
I worked hard to respond fast to the tasks that my resident asked me to do
such as toileting in order to accommodate their needs of daily living.
I ensured that I gave my resident the respect and dignity they deserved by
doing things such as closing the door when they were using the
I familiarized myself with my residents care plans to perform clientcentered care and to ensure the safety of the residents such as putting fall
mats down when they go to bed.
I made sure I was aware of my own safety by making sure I raised the bed
to my level when I performed care on residents so I do not injure myself.
When using lifts on residents I made sure that I used proper technique and
communicated the reason for assistance and asked for permission before
using the lifts.
I respect my clients wishes because I am aware that long-term care is her

Participated in
development based
on reflective
practice and clinical

Examined personal
attitudes regarding
the elderly and other
residents of longterm care home

Developed a basis
knowledge of the

My reflections allowed me to look back on my practice each week and

give me the opportunity to see what Ive done well and what things I can
improve on in order to provide my resident with the best possible care.
In my nursing lab and NURS 1002 class I tried to connect the information
I have learned back to my clinical and reflect on my practice by coming
up with ways I can improve my care based on what I learned in class.
Completed a learning plan that met the standards of CNO to help shape
my professional development throughout the semester.
My placement this term has taught me a number of basic nursing skills
that I will use throughout my nursing career such as a full head-to-toe
I have also learned how important it is to develop a therapeutic
relationship with my resident and give them the trust, respect and
mutuality they deserve.
I spent time talking to different residents and observing them so I was
able to get to know them and their personal opinions.
I was able to learn a lot about the residents different attitudes when I was
talking to a PSW and she explained to me how in the afternoon at certain
times of the day some residents start to act differently. For example, one
resident at 3:00 becomes even more confused and is always asking how
she ended up in her room.
I noticed that my resident generally has a very good attitude and seems
very happy to have students looking after her. She is always very patient
and never gets frustrated when my partner and I take a little longer to
perform a task such as toileting her.
This placement has helped to shatter many stereotypes I had about the
older adult and allowed me to see the older adult in a new way.
Many residents, even though they struggle with multiple chronic
conditions, are still happy and often try to see the positive side of life.
By completing my Care Cards each week I have expanded my knowledge
on many different chronic conditions and the nursing interventions
required for them.

manifestations and
relevant nursing
interventions of
chronic diseases

By looking at my residents chart it has allowed me to better understand

how their different chronic conditions are related to each other and how
they are affecting my residents daily life
Throughout this term I was able to develop my understanding of chronic
disease, have been able to gain a wider knowledge of chronic disease and
can identify the different signs and symptoms of chronic diseases.
I have taken advantaged of many opportunities to talk to the staff in the
long-term care facility and asked questions about different chronic
conditions that the residents have in order to learn more about how each
individual resident deals with the chronic conditions.
I have also been able to learn about many different nursing interventions
that are necessary due to chronic diseases, for example: for individuals
with diabetes they need to eat a healthy diet and have their glucose levels

Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.

1. Ability to reflect back on the work I have done and determine what worked and what did not work, as well as recognize what
I need do next time to improve.
2. Ability to perform skills such as feeding and bathing residents.
3. Ability to communicate with my resident and build a therapeutic relationship.
Identify 3 areas requiring further development.

Improve my ability to perform vital assessments such as the 2-step blood pressure assessment on clients.
I need to work on remembering to introduce myself to clients when I enter their room by stating my name and position.
I want to work on improving my ability to put briefs on clients properly while they are in their beds.

Clinical Instructor Comments

Melissa was a pleasure to teach this semester. Melissa exhibited a professional behaviour each week by arriving to clinical on time,
dressed in a professional manner and incorporating constructive feedback into her practice. Melissa demonstrated she was able to
collect and analyze client related information by utilizing her assessment skills, gathering and incorporating information from the
residents, their families, staff at the long term care facility and the charts. By the end of the semester Melissa was able to plan her
client care appropriately by determining priorities of care by considering the needs of each resident and the necessary interventions.
Melissa demonstrated to provide great client centered care in a safe and efficient manner by being adaptable, developing partnerships
with the residents and creating safe environments for both herself and the resident she was working with. Melissa communicates with
the residents and their families/visitors, her peers, the health care workers and her instructor by listening attentively, providing insight
and providing clear and relevant information Melissa should continue to recognize, communicate and evolve her strengths and
weaknesses in practice in order to continue to further her competence throughout future clinical placements and her career.
Week 1
Week 4

Week 2
Week 5

Week 3
Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Total number of clinical hours completed_____________

Peer Evaluation Completed ____________ _____________________
Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________


Signature of Student_____________________________________________________


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