2016-04-03 09-32 1

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October 18, 2015 ‘To Whom It May Concern: Tam delighted to wi teaching all five Felgel hag rr eeenmendation for Tennyson Feige. Because ve had the pei CHe of ildren, 've known Tenny for at least six years. However, during her junior year, | We Tenny’s AP En lish Languay ieee yea mguage teacher, so I have developed a better understanding of Tennyson Feige! over the Tenny is a dedica campettive den ed eden While this is a typical descriptor for Advanced Placement students, her Sraepent a csPosition and natural curiosity place Tenny ina diferent real Whether we were reading an arate atige text examining a politica cartoon or delving into a complex novel Tenny consistently apalyzed and questioned nan effort to know more and understand more deeply. Her tenthusiasm in class was well. She ine Ii ae engagement in class discussion furthered not only her knowledge but helped her peers aS well She loves iterature because i allows her to become ‘pat of something peyond herself, to learn about people and places and times from which she's removed. Asa teacher of Iterature and writing, | appreciated + dedication to developing her critical thinking skills as well as her desire to continually improve her writing, To be clear, Tenny is ranked first in Sanger High’ class of 683 students she has taken elt AP courses while at Sanger High School, and has a 46 grade point average. She seeks constructive criticism For teachers and peers, but the truth is no one pushes Tenny like Tenny pushes Tenny. She isa leader by examples ‘expecting no more from her peers than she herself is willing to give. Outside of the classroom, Tenny is equally dynamic. In addition to her academic accolades, Tenny is an exceptional athlete. She has been a three-sport, varsity athlete since her freshman year, competing 1 Swinnming, basketball, and water polo. In the pool, Tenny has earned All League Honors every year for both water polo and swimming, For Varsity Swim, she has been named League MVP on two occasions for swintin in Gnd fas been Sanger High's MVP every year. Despite the hours she spends on the pool deck or the basketball court, Tenny still finds time to participate in community service clubs such as Interact, Fellowship of Christian ‘Athletes, and CSF. Her faith isan integral part of who she is; Tenny’s commitment to the Church of Jesus Chfist of Latter Day Saints fs evident in all she does. And, all she does uswally involves 2 great big smile and lots of human kindness. Tenny has successfully balanced a tremendously rigorous academic schedule and a demanding athletic routine with time for family and community. She is truly an example of what we, as 2 society, want our next generation to be. White tragedy doesn’t define us, our reaction to adversity definitely reveals true character. ! would be remiss if 1didn’t mention Tenny’s tremendous loss. During January of her sophomore year, Tenny’s mother passed away unexpectedly. Though grief stricken, Tenny reacted just like her mom would have wanted: she kept going, She mourned, but she Kept going, She hit the books and continued her pursult of academic excellence. She laced up her basketball shoes and returned to the court. Without her personal loss, Tenny’s achievements are exceptional. However, when you consider how resilient she has been in the face of tragedy, her commitment to others, her dependability, her leadership, and her overall positivity are nothing less than remarkable. ‘Tennyson Feigel is entirely deserving of your scholarship. She exemplifies the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism, and, moreover, she does so with grace. I recommend her without the slightest hesitation, Sincerely, Phinda dy guns Rhonda Siqueiros Sanger High School English Department

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