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Human Error is commonly defined as a failure of a planned action to achieve a desired

outcome. Error-inducing factors exist at individual, job, and organizational levels, and when
poorly managed can increase the likelihood of an error occurring in the workplace. When errors
occur in hazardous environments, there is a greater potential for things to go wrong. An
understanding of the different error types is critical for the development of effective error
prevention and mitigation tools and strategies. A variety of these tools and strategies must be
implemented to target the full range of error types if they are to be effective.

1. Erosion of Pavements

The above picture depicts broken road. So if the streets are having numerous little gaps, or the
lines on the streets begin to vanish, then roads are not maintained properly. The issue is the point
at which you are driving on a highway at high speed, it will be difficult to identify that if the
street has openings or not before you hit the gaps. Additionally, you can distinguish the issue
when the driving begin to be troublesome and hard, having numerous issues in the car because of
the driving in unpleasant streets, and having numerous pile ups due the low quality of the streets.
This problem shows how the lack of education of building roads can be dangerous. It also
indicates poor quality of material used in construction of roads, without taking into consideration
interest of daily commuters.

Applying the latest technological innovations in building streets and highways as far and wide as
possible. Attempting to keep up and maintain the nature of the street or road conditions by

investigating them on a continuous intervals. Fixing any holes that is there in the road and also
leveling surfaces, because many places have uneven roads which leads to accidents.

2. Overflowing Trash-can in restroom at NJIT.

This trashcan is located in one of the restrooms at Njit.It seems that trashcan is overflowing,
however it just utilizes one-fourth of its space. There seems to be little bend on the outer surface
of the trash can, due to which all the garbage falls out after certain level. The quality of the
trashcan is bad to the point that it can easily bend. Also there is another quality issue of
cleanliness. This is a human error that can be easily detected and fixed.

The Cleaning staff should have been aware of the situation that the trashcan is damaged when he
or she cleans the trashcan. The company manufacturing the trash-can should also conduct a
quality control process to make sure the trashcans are not damaged due to any circumstances.
The student and staff at NJIT should also be responsible for the dirty surrounding created in
restroom. The person in charge should report the damage and make sure this not repeated again
and trash can is replaced.

3. Heavy bag kept at height without support

The above picture is taken in my apartment, where one of my roommate kept bag full of luggage
over closet, without proper support. This could fall on someone resulting in serious injury. It also
indicates improper arrangement of things on closet. This is human error which can be easily
detected and fixed. This also is a good example of human laziness to keep things at improper

This can be prevented by providing appropriate support to the bag or moving it down somewhere
on the floor. It should be adjusted on the closet in such a way that it corners does not hangout and
proper support is provided to avoid it from losing the balance and falling on someone.

4. Bunch of wires passing across heater coil

The above picture depicts the electrical and internet wires running across coil of heater. Heating
of heater coils can burn this wires resulting in short circuit and fire. This is human error which
can be easily detected and fixed.

The bunch of wires should be tied with a wire bow and should be kept away from heater. Proper
concealing of wiring should be done.

5. Parking judgement error

The above picture indicates auto stopped in multilevel parking. Here as we can see there is
judgment mistake while stopping in assigned path of distance. The driver was ignorant of the
water channel funnel and there was misconception while ensuring that it is appropriately stopped
in path. The driver in most extreme scenario could have hit hard on the channel bringing on harm
both to auto and funnel.
As prevention the parking authorities should employ personnel to take care of this and make sure
that this kind of scenario not arises and every car is parked proper in lane with help of their
guidance. Auto manufacturers should provide front and rear camera as a basic feature in every
car, so driver can get exact judgement of the object in front and rear. The other thing the parking
authorities can do is avoid parking of cars in this kind of spaces and leave it open.

6. Big hole on the side of walkway

The above image was taken on one of the streets in Jersey City. There was repair work going on
the sides edges which was broken so they had put on temporary traffic cones for people to make
them aware of the big hole which could lead to accidents where at times death is possible.

The government should immediately take action and get the work done as soon as possible. They
should shut down the walk way and see to that no one accidentally is near to the spot. The hole
should be temporarily sealed with some construction material like cement, so that someones feet
doesnt fall into the hole accidentally.

7. Gap in the wooden ply

The above wooden ply is located in my home. The crevices between the wooden networks in the
deck is creating the dust to accumulate and be the foundation for the ugliness and untidiness. In
addition to the above issues, a peculiar noise will be made when there is weight on the wooden
floor at specific spots where the wood isn't settled or uneven surfaces due to improper
installation of ply. Cleaning these zones is truly a major inconvenience and is alongside
incomprehensible. Also this type of gaps is the place where we can find parasites like bugs at
times which is not at all acceptable.
This case clearly demonstrates the way the work is performed by laborers while applying the ply.
The fissure exhibit the skill of the specialists is questionable. It is important to know the capacity
of the authorities before distributing the task that this kind of inconvenience is not raised to the
customers in keeping up the property.

8. Wires springing out of flexible shaft:

Fig A: Conforming flexible


Fig B: Non-Conforming
flexible shaft (Wire
sprung out of shaft)

The above image of flexible shaft was taken at my workplace.Fig A shows the conforming shaft
with absolutely no defect.However in Fig B there is a wire springing out at the end.Also there is
visually detached wire which can unwind the entire shaft during its normal operation.This can
cause great damage to million dollar equipment in which it is assembled.This case is clear
evidence of the error of winder who winds the shaft on the winding machine.

This can be avoided by appropriate setup of winding machine by winder.Also inspecting the
shaft at regular intervals to make sure that production is free from defect.Winders should be
properly trained before assigning them the job.

9. Deteriorating tables:

This picture is taken in Cullimore Lecture Hall where number of tables are damaged due to the
wrong type/size screw used to fasten them. The screws used in these chairs are standard wood
screws which are larger compare to table size. There is also only one point at which the table
portion is being affixed to the chair which is not beneficial to the life of the table. The tables are
essentially being ripped apart and have become difficult to use. Students also get hurt in fingers
due to gap in the table.
Manufacturers should perfrom appropriate testing before releasing design to the market.Proper
stress and strain analysis should be performed.Rigid support should be provided to the table
attached to the chair.Heavy objects should not be placed on the table which are fastened at one
point.Students sometimes try sitting on the table which should be avoided.

10. Broken cabinet in bathroom:

This picture is taken in bathroom of my friends apartment.It shows doors of cabinet are
broken.This can cause dust to enter in the cabinet.Person might get hurt by the cabinet.It
becomes risky to open and close the doors of cabinet for putting or removing things.This might
have happen due to rough use or poor workmanship during manufacturing.

This can be prevented by predictive or preventive maintainence,using right screws,tools and
wood needed to assemble it.Not opening the doors of the cabinet beyond extent.Overloading of
cabinet should be avoided.

11. Bending of earphones:

This earphones were included with the purchase of a new Samsung Galaxy Note 2 phone and
they produced decent sound quality. This earphones are less than six months old and they are
functioning partially. This human error detection was an audible one, actually, a lack of audio
coming from left ear phone. At start, only the left earbud produced less sound, then some time
later, the right earbud was also producing less and less sound. While there is not much physical
damage on the earphones. However, due to rough use daily there is constant opposing force
between jack of earphones and earbuds, which creates stresses in the wire. This resulted in lower
sound on left and right earphone.

This can be prevented by using the earphones in appropriate manner. The wire of earphones is
not made to handle stress. It should be redesign considering daily rough usage of people using
earphones while sleeping, jogging, driving etc. A redesign of the product, with a more common
plastic enclosure, and long flexible reinforcement would correct the problem, restoring the
earbuds sound.

12. Wet floor at NJIT light rail station

This picture is taken at warran street light rail station.There was running water constantly
dripping from staircase and got collected on the floor.The floor and staircase both had become
slippery and few students slipped because of that.The main reason for this water collection is
uncovered staircase which gets wet due to rain.


This can be prevented by assembling the shade over uncovered staircase.There should be caution
sign used when floor and staircase are wet.The ground area where water is collected should be
closed with boundaries.The texture of staircase should be made rough so that it doesnot become
slippery when wet.

1. The Futuristic $4 billion World trade center transit hub:

The most terrifying 9/11 attack was worst day in the history of US.US observed loss of
WTC, which was the heart of US corporate world. Along with WTC towers the subway
station under the towers was also destroyed. This incident was extremely terrifying in the
history of US. The project to build new subway station was announced in 2004.At the
launch of project it was expected to complete by 2009 and expected budget allocated was
$2.2 billion. The project was started in 2005 with the help of famous architect Santiago
Calatrava. The new stark white hub which connects New Jersey to New York Subway
system has very high ceilings and numerous windows which lit up the entire hall with
natural light. Its 350 foot long sliding window at the top brings enormous amount
skylight in the hall. The portion above the ground has shape like oculus with ripped
wings spreading out modeled like a dove. Towards the completion of the project it was
found out that total cost of building this huge station came out to be $4 billion dollars. On
March 3rd, 2016 when the station reopened it became the most expensive transportation
hub ever build. This transportation hub attracts people from all over the US and world.
The people of NYC while looking at this station will resemble the worst day they
observed in the form of 9/11.In my opinion this grand structure is worth wait and cost as
it introduces the strength of United States to the world to standup again with more
beautiful and modern design. New Yorkers would feel proud standing at this beautiful
place, which once was covered with debris. From the point of view of cost, I believe New
York subway is one of the busiest transportation network in the world. Millions of people
commute via subway every year, so ROI period for this station would be short.
2. My first summer- job scooping of ice-cream wasnt glamorous, but it taught me
meaning of hard work:
This article introduces us to one of the inspiring lessons from the life of Mr. Barrack
Obama, President of United States. The first summer employment in his career taught
him most important lesson of understanding responsibility, hard work and how to balance
his social and professional life. Being a teenager scooping ice cream at Baskin Robbins is
not an easy task as it seems, layers of rock hard ice cream is very brutal for the hands to
handle. There is great importance of summer employment in the career of young people.
Nowadays finding employment for the student between age group of 16 to 24 is most
difficult, as they dont have any hands on experience in professional world. Summer

employment helps students bridge this gap by providing employment to students in their
respective majors. Students sitting idle during the months of summer slowdown their
academic progress and they start getting involved in activities which could end up in
serious issues. As a result, Barrack Obama appeals to local businesses and leaders to
create more summer opportunities for young people in the organization and train them
throughout the year. Administration has decided to invest to get most young people lend
their first jobs. Businesses with the support of Barrack Obama have started hiring young
people helping them jump start their career. Students also mention that this first
opportunity helps them grow in professional world, finding them better opportunities in
the future. Barrack Obama through his first job explains the essence of how the first
employment opportunity helped him achieve where he is today. He appeals to every
American that it is our responsibility to make sure that we help young people achieve
their dreams. In my opinion as a student, Obama and his team is doing a great job helping
students like me to get into the professional world. Finding an employer with a blank
resume is extremely difficult, rejections in the early start of the career demotivates the
student to achieve success in life.
3. First US-manufactured Airbus (A321) jet takes flight:
Airbus is one of the leading civil aircraft manufacturers based in France, Europe. It has
manufacturing facilities mainly in France, Germany, Spain, China, United Kingdom and
the United States. However, most of its production takes place in France. In 2012, Airbus
decided to open its first US based manufacturing facility in Alabama and its construction
started thereafter. Alabama facility became operational in late 2015, with total cost of
$600 million dollars spend over period of time. Facility has capability to produce midsize
single aisle passenger jets such as A319, A320 and A321.Airbus predicted that when
Mobile facility reaches its full production by 2018 it will be able to produce 40 to 50
midsize single aisle passenger jets a year. In the week of 23rd March, 2016 first airbus
A321 build in Alabama facility completed it test flight for over 3 hours. The aircraft was
tested for its internal systems, engines and structures. Following few weeks after testing
aircraft will be delivered to commercial airliner JetBlue. State Politicians and Vice
president of Airbus facility in Alabama are proud of the Mobile facility staff, whose
efforts and skills have taken one step ahead in improving economy for small town of
Alabama. Vice president and General Manager of Airbus facility mentioned that this is
one of the many aircrafts that are going to be manufactured in Alabama facility in future.
Airbus claims that it will provide 3,700 full-time jobs and contribute $400m to the states
economy annually. In my opinion, US should try bringing manufacturing in house which
will help raise employment for both skilled and unskilled workers.

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