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EDAD 632: Scripted Observation #3

David Bollish
Dr. New
Chadron State College

For my third observation I have chosen to evaluate the conclusion, a 9th high
school business lesson discussion accounting and book keeping which was resourced
under, tools for leadership in our Educators Virtual Mentor portal. While observing I
took notes, and scripted key components of the lesson segment which I will apply, in a
simulated observation format utilizing the four key domains of teaching responsibility
that are found in Danielsons text.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation:

This conclusion of this lesson is clearly very academically focused and requires a
great deal of content knowledge by the instructor. It is evident that each student is
following along with classroom materials, marking a coconscious effort by the teacher to
not only be prepared herself but also to pre-plan so that her students may be prepared as
well. Also, the teacher is very deliberate about covering a variety of examples covering
both credits and debits showing that the delivery of the content is mindful and has been
thought out. Lastly, there is clear purpose between direct instruction, student
accountability, and planned transitions and work time showing that the teacher is
purposefully using planning to maintain structure and order while also maximizing her
time with students.
I would encourage a reflective conversation with this instructor about what she
could to add variety and relevance to students, as the delivery format was very dry. I
would of course offer support and make available resources and any other necessary
materials, with in reason to help support the teacher in developing herself. Lastly, I
would strongly suggest, possibly even request to see the planning that took place prior to

these new methods as it is clear and supported by Danielson that preparation and
planning are the sparkplug of positive efficient and effective teaching.

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment:

The classroom environment for this particular lesson is traditional and workable.
Students are very respectful, focused, and most of them are engaged and involved in the
lesson. The engagement and positive environment of the classroom is demonstrated
through students knowledge, ability to recall previous information accurately and on
demand, while also providing a platform for risk taking. One of the most impactful
strategies utilized was the instructors ability to address students personal questions
privately, but also pose those questions to the class as a whole, capitalizing on teachable
moments and reinforcing student questions. Also, she essentially is promoting and giving
students permission to take risks by casually sharing questions with the class. This
demonstrates a high level of skill in including risks and both modeling and promoting
questioning and risk taking as key, normal, expected components of the learning process
in her classroom (Danielson, 2008).

Domain 3: Instruction:
The teachers instructional method for this lesson is clear, concise, and focused.
She clearly, has a strong command of content, as do her students evidenced by their
callbacks through out the lesson. The teacher also is very deliberate about remaining
focused and on task, modeling the expectation for her students through out the direct
instruction phase.

The instructor finishes her lesson with a concise review of the material covered
and of the tasks and objectives before the students. It is during the student work time
when teacher most clearly demonstrates her talents as a teacher. She is continually
moving, checking, questioning, helping, guiding as her students engage and take
accountability and responsibility for the task assigned to them. Also, she purposefully
uses this time and students successes and questions to enhance the previous direct
instruction delivery. This in fact serves to be the most impactful portion of her lesson for
3 reasons. First, all students are working and engaged on the assignment and lesson at
hand. Second, the teacher wonderfully uses student questions to both improve personal
and class understanding. Also, the educator dually utilizes this work time opportunity to
foster, model, and support students engaging in academic risk taking, as well as the
learning process as a whole. Lastly, it is single most relevant point of her lesson as
provides opportunity for individualized instruction.
Upon meeting with this teacher we would discuss ways in which the instructor
could differentiate and apply problem-based learning, or engage other modalities of
learning through her lessons. While her delivery and content mastery are proficient, there
are certainly areas to grow and areas that should be discussed from a reflective and
supportive conversation.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibility:

The teacher clearly presented her lesson meeting the requirements of a
professional educator. She portrayed herself as a knowledgeable expert of the content,
had clearly put in effective work previously with students and was carrying out,

establishing, and modeling a high level of academic rigor in her classroom. It is clear
that teacher is mindful of her work, and its impact and importance to students. Her skill
in setting up a classroom that allowed and promoted risks, but also eliminated almost all
distractions is a tribute to her professionalism and desire to be excellent at her profession.
Also, and as a professional, it will be exciting to watch as the teacher herself takes risks
and branches out into professional development.

In conclusion this teacher is mastering and progressing through all 4 key
instructional domains referenced by Danielson but will need to be prepared to make
adaptations to continue to grow as an educator. In preparation for this conversation as a
building leader I would prepare to find text and look for available professional
development relating to instructional diversity. While the teacher did a great job of
presenting her lesson, it is the same presentation format that has been being used for 40
years and this is a style that while highly effective is best in moderation, as are most
things. This would be an exciting teacher to work with given that she already possesses
so many skills and her impact and ability has the potential to increase so quickly and
dramatically. I feel that being able to use Danielsons framework or one similar to it
could provide qualitative as well as quantitative objective observations for the teacher to
reflect on which would be highly beneficial in having the post observation conversation.


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