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Megan Ebert

ELED 3223
April 5th, 2016
Observation Lesson Reflection
The social studies lesson that the teacher taught was on the nature and history of the wolf.
This was a great reading for the students, especially since the 2nd graders had a field trip coming
u that was going to be dealing with the outdoors and animals within it. The teacher read a book
about where the wolf came from and how it has evolved throughout the years, as well as what
other animals are related to it. The students love animals and history so they were all excited and
eager to listen to her read and learn about the wolf. I learned a lot from her teaching and how she
interacted with the students throughout her reading in order to keep the students actively engaged
in the lesson. The teacher made sure to keep her body language engaging, she didnt lay back in
her chair or act uninterested or bored or annoyed. She stayed attentive during the lesson, which
reflected onto her students and they stayed attentive as well. Her tone of voice was always
energetic and curious. She would speak at times as though she was the wolf or she would read
the book as though she was asking a question. The teacher kept the atmosphere upbeat and
entertaining, which kept the attention of her students. The teacher would always stop periodically
during her lesson to ask the students questions or have them turn and talk about what is going on
and/or what they think will happen next. This worked very well with these students, it made for
great student/teacher interaction and student/student interaction, it balanced out the teacher
teaching and the students participating in the learning.

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