Observation Science Lesson Reflection Imb - Eled 3221

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Megan Ebert

ELED 3221
April 6th, 2016
Observation Lesson Reflection
Thankfully the teacher teaches all subjects each day, alternating science and social studies
every so often. Because the students were going on field trips to wildlife parks to learn about the
animals and insects that live in the outdoors, the teacher taught a lesson about butterflies and
their life cycle. This also helped out because the students were already familiar with the
terminology and process of a life cycle before I did my lesson two days later. While observing
the teachers lesson, I made sure to pay attention to her body language, tone of voice, interaction
with the students and how much teaching she did versus having the students interact with her and
with classmates.
The teacher made sure to keep her body language engaging, she didnt lay back in her
chair or act uninterested or bored or annoyed. She stayed attentive during the lesson, which
reflected onto her students and they stayed attentive as well. Her tone of voice was always
energetic and curious. She would speak at times as though the butterfly was telling the story of
its life cycle, or she would read the book as though she was asking a question. The teacher kept
the atmosphere upbeat and entertaining, which kept the attention of her students. The teacher
would always stop periodically during her lesson to ask the students questions or have them turn
and talk about what is going on and/or what they think will happen next. This worked very well
with these students, it made for great student/teacher interaction and student/student interaction,
it balanced out the teacher teaching and the students participating in the learning.

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