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Honorable Citizen
Why is this an important trait?
Being an Honorable citizen is important because it shows that
students have morals and actively give back to their community.
Giving back to ones community shows an appreciation for it.
Volunteer work is an activity that creates an active path to being
an honorable citizen. This trait can help students create exemplary
resumes that can increase their chances of obtaining a job or
acceptance into programs.
How do you demonstrate this trait in daily life?
I demonstrate this trait through my active participation in Apache
Closet. Apache closet does a variety of volunteer work, anywhere
from bringing breast cancer awareness to Sanger High to holding
events that provide community members and high school students
with clothing and prom dresses. I am the assistant to the club
advisor and therefore participate in every event that the group
holds. I am required to know what is happening, and what is
needed of the volunteers at all times.
How does the sample provided show that you actively
demonstrate this trait?
This picture from the Pre-Event lunch we held shows that I
volunteer my time even on weekends. It shows my dedication to
giving to others, and that I care about those that have struggled.
Dedicating my time and effort to organize and create this event,
gave back to my community.

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