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Small Group Field Experience Analysis and Refection

8:53am-9:06 am
Three Year olds

I sat down with the kids and introduced myself and that we were going to
be doing and activity with syllables
Three of the children looked at me and smiled
I asked if they knew what syllables were and some said yes the other two
said no
I said were going to be singing a song that might help us
Have you guys ever heard of the song Bingo?
The smiled and said yes
I told them that I would sing one line and they would follow
I sang the first line and two repeated
I went to the next verse where we would clap for the B
I told them before I continued with the verse that instead we would clap
for the B instead of singing it
They had a puzzled look on their face
I proceeded to show them
I encouraged them to try it with me
They did clap with the B and then the I as well on the first try but once we
did it a few times they got it
Before the next verse I told them we would do it with the B and the I
They all said ok
I started to sing as the joined it. They clapped but it was a little delayed
I continued until we were done
I explained to the them that we would be counting the syllables of
pictures/words by saying the word and clapping as we count
When we counted we would them sort them under the correct number
I held up the first picture and asked them what it was
I made sure everyone got a good look
They responded with its a frog
I said yes it is a frog now lets see if we can count how many syllables
frog has
I sat the picture down on the table to clap with them
They clapped after me as they said it
I asked how many was that? The all replied with one
I said why dont we put it under one
The one child took it and placed it under one
I showed the next card which was butterfly


I asked what it was and they all responded

I sat it down and said lets see how many syllables Butterfly has
I sat down the picture and clapped.
I did it again as they joined in
I asked how many it was and they replied with three
I asked now where do we put it (pointing at our chart)
The one child took it and pointed at two and set it under two
As I continued with the other cards they counted and clapped the
correct amount but they didnt sort/ place it under the right number

The children were pointing and deciding on where to sort the
picture under the correct number of syllables it had.

The child was placing the butterfly under the two because
they thought that it corresponded to the number of syllables

The child was sorting the picture of the cat under one since
they counted one syllable.

The child was placing the picture of the fish underneath two
since it corresponded to the number of syllables.

The children were deciding on where to sort the picture of

the apple.

Describe which materials, strategies, techniques and tools were appropriate and
why. Describe the rationale for any changes you would make to materials,
strategies, techniques, and tools.
I think I would change how I described the activity. They were able to count the
number of syllables but they werent able to sort them correctly. I think I would
also have a bigger chart to sort the pictures on because they were running off
and the one child didnt know where to put the picture and they looked a little
Reflection. How did your plans and implementation promote learning?
I think that the children learned more about syllables then they did before. As I
went on with pictures they were able to clap and count on their own but they
werent able to sort them correctly. When they counted they did it aloud and

they counted correctly( ex when they did butterfly they counted and clapped
three times, said it was three but put it under two) I think that they were able to
correctly identify the number of syllables/count them correctly. I think I didnt do
too bad, I think I would just change whats listed above.
parent information sheet that encourages continued exploration of your
lesson by communicating content learning and learning outcomes in familyfriendly language.

Famliy info Page


Today, we idetifyed and counted syllables for a

few pictures/words. We clapped as we
counted and then we sorted them under the
correct number it corresponded with .
What can you do?
o While taking a walk name a few things you
see and count them.
o While in the car or in the grocery store name
a few things and ask them to see if they can
clap and count.

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