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Technology Integration Matrix

Colorado Academic

Standards for Standards for





1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

Have my students
use an app called
Mental Math Card on
their iPad or phone.

I would want my
students to be able
to use this app to
help them practice
their Number sense
and properties.
4& 5

Students are
implementing what
they already know and
applying it to the math
app to help them

Teachers are having their

students use this app to
help them better
understand adding,
multiplication, and
division. This is useful for
students, because they
are then able to use this
app with in the comfort of
their own home.

I think it is a
beneficial idea to
have your students
practice their number
senses on this app
within the classroom
instead of
worksheets, due to
they can have more

Not only could your

student practice
within the classroom
but they can also use
the app at home for
extra practice.

2. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability

Have students create

a short clip of how to
complete a statistic
problem and with
each step explain
1, 4& 5

I want my students
to better understand
how to complete a
statistic problem and
why their way works
and is accurate.
1, 4, &5

Students are creating a

video that apply their
knowledge to either
have them or their
fellow classmates
better understand what
they didnt know
apply and create

Teachers are letting their

students be creative in
their work. This gives the
students the opportunity
to be the teacher and
teacher their classmates.

Students are able to

create the video
within the classroom
where the teacher is
there to support. The
video option gives
them the chance to
be creative.

Students are to go on
to the class website
where the videos are
to be posted. They
will then watch all of
the videos so they
come to class

3. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic

Teachers have their

students use the
To help them better
understand how
patterns and
Algebraic structures

Students are able to

accesses this
website for free and
watch the videos
that could be the
most useful to them.
They then can
complete worksheets
and games online to
solidify what they
4, 5

Students are using this

website to help them
better understand
Algebraic structures
and have it help them
with what they find the
most difficult.

Teachers are letting the

students use their
electronic devices to
watch videos that are

Like I said before the

website offers
worksheets and
games online that
they are able to work
on once they
understand the
concept better.

Students then can go

home and use this
website to help them
continue their

4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric

-Have students go
online to phET
simulations and play
with the Area Builder
4,5, & 6

Students will play

the simulation and
discover how you
can figure out the
area and perimeter
of an object.
4, 5, & 6

Student are exploring

the simulation to help
them build a better
understanding of how
area works.

Teachers are using this

awesome website for
their students to be able
to interact with finding
area. This is a more
useful tool than just
having the students
complete a worksheet.

Within the simulation

there is a game that
the students are able
to play to help them
solidify what they
had just previous

I want my students
to go home and use
the simulation game
and practice area so
they can be well
reversed in how area
is found.

Reading, Writing, and Communicating

1. Oral Expression and

Have the students

create a mock News
Station. Where each
student will have a role
and create a speech and
recite the speech.

This project will

involve every student in
some way. If the
student is not writing
or presenting the
speech, the other
students will be video
taping and editing the
video. Once the video
is completed I want it
to be posted on the
class website where
everyone has access.

Students are learning not

only how o work together,
but how technology can
be integrated into oral
presentations. Students
are working together
being creative to come up
with a presentation that
hits technology standards
and oral standards.

Teachers are teaching their

students how important the
news is to keeping the world
up too date with important
news. Not only that, but
also teaching the students
how to use technology

The fun part is that the

student are getting to
enjoy playing a role.
This role is made up
and creative as they
would like.

Students are to practice

their scripts at home.
They also will be able
to show this video to
their family due to
public accesses on their
class website.

create analyze


2. Reading for All


The teacher will have

their students create
a movie with in the
app iMovie. They
then will have to post
this video on

Students will have

been in a group and
studied one
particular picture
book. I want them to
create a video of the
Analysis of the
picture book that
they created. They
will then post that
video onto YouTube.

Students are
implementing their
hard worked
knowledge into a
video. They are getting
the chance to be
creative and learn how
work such apps and

Teachers are getting the

students to think for
themselves and learn
how to be creative. They
are also teaching them
about technology
manners and how to
appropriately use

Students are to
create the iMovie and
upload within class
so they are able to
get the help from
their teacher if

Students will watch

the rest of their
classmates videos
and come to class
the next day and
critique them for
their creativeness
and usage of the
picture book

3. Writing and

Have the teachers

teach the students to
write using pages
instead of Microsoft.
As well teaching
them to use other
tools but a computer.

Student will use

pages to write their
papers because that
way they can
download their paper
to iCloud instead of
saving and sending
the paper to

Students are find new

and easier tools to
save and take their
papers with them.
Pages is a more useful
tool when it comes to
saving documents.

Its good for students to

learn new ways to use
technology that could
help themselves save
steps in the future.
Teachers are just
preparing their students
for quicker technology.

Students can practice

using pages and how
easy it is to download
to iCloud and be able
to access your work
from anywhere.

Students send their

papers to iCloud and
then work on the rest
of it at home.

4. Research and

The teacher will post

QR codes throughout
the room, where each
one will have a fact,
however each is not a
true statement. The
purpose is for the
students to understand
the difference between
fact and opnion.

Students goal is to
reach every QR code
and state whether the
stamtent is an opinion
or fact.

Students are evaluating

the statements given by
the QR codes and
disscusiing whether they
are fact or opinion and
what makes them that

Students are understanding

the difference between an
opinion and fact. This is
important to learn due to its
key to have students be able
to weed their way through
credible sites.

The teacher can make

QR code hunt a race
and the first group or
person to get through
all the QR codes, win.

Students are to study a

little bit about fact and
opinion before they
enter the classroom.

understnad apply

Social Studies
1. History

The teacher can use

QR codes to have
students learn about
the world wars. This
gets students getting
up and around of just
sitting in their desks.

Students would have

to go through ten QR
codes, where each
stop would an
important date and
reason to it. They
would have to guess
the correct answer
before they would be
able to move on.

Students are learning a

new topic and using
internet sources to
help them get a better
grasp of the World

Teachers are letting their

students be creative and
explore the other
resources then just their
text books.

Like I said before QR

codes gets the
students out of their
seats and moving
around. This lesson is
almost a scavenger
hunt letting the
students have fun
while learning
important dates
about the World

Students can go
home the night
before the QR code
hunt and get more
familiar with the
topic so they are
ready to go the next

2. Geography

Teachers give their

students the app
Stack the States
where they are able
to learn about each
state while
understanding where
each state lies.

Students are use this

app and get a better
understanding of
each of the fifty

Students are applying

their general
knowledge of the fifty
states to learn in
greater depth on how
each differ from each

Teachers are using

technologys such as
apps to help their
students grasp concepts
because it can be a more
exciting way as well be
more interacting. Its good
for teachers to keep class
interacting instead of
having their students
nose in a book.

The app in itself is a

game that the
students can mess
around with. The
exciting point is that
the students are
having fun playing
games but are
learning as well.

Like every other app

I request; each
student can access
this app at home, so
the fun does not stop
at school.

3. Economics
Teachers give students
the option to work off a
table or phone where
they have access to the
app Key Note. Students
will use this app to
create a presentation
about spending costs.

Students will use Key

Note to create a
presentation about
everyday spending
works. I want my
students to imagine
how much money it
takes to live on average
daily. They will create a
presentation and on
each slide it will talk
about what they spend
their money on.

Students are learning how

money works and how
much it takes to live off a
certain salary. They are
getting a better
understanding how much
money it takes just to live
off of in one day.

Teachers are giving their

students the opportunity to
learn the difficulties it is to
keep one afloat. They are
learning about money and
how to save and what

Have student pick

another students
presentation to watch
and see the difference
in what they would
spend the most money
on. The students then
would converse about
their differences.

Students can work on

their Key Note
presentation at hom,
because key note
downloads to iCloud
which allows the
students to be able to
acres their work from

Teachers are giving students

the chance to research
about their con tries past
and learning what many
people had to do, so they
have the freedom they have

Teachers can create a

game consisting a
matching game to what
era the civil right
movement occurred

Students can go home

and show their findings
with their parents and
then come to class the
next day and as a class
talk about their

Teachers are using a

helpful simulation so that
their students are able to
better understand how
an atom is created. To
make a difficult concept
be brought to life.

Students are able to

play with the
simulation and learn
how the number of
protons and neutrons
can create a new

Students can interact

with this simulation
at home on an iPad
or computer at

apply understnad


4. Civics

Have students on the

l-resources/we-thecivics-kids/ where they
can explore the
importance of civic
leaders throughout

Students can explore

these articles and learn
what makes their
government today and
what had to happen
history for this to

Students are learning how

our government is created
based on these
movements and how they
changed the view of
government all together.
While they are learning
about technology

1. Physical Science

Have my students
use the online
resource phEt to play
simulation about how
to build an atom.
4,5, &6

Students will interact

with simulation
named How To Build
An Atom. This will
them to understand
how an atom is
created and the
difference between a
electron, neutron,
and a proton consists
4,5, &6

Students are
understanding a new
concept while using
technology to help
them solidify their

2. Life Science

Teachers will let their

students explore the
app called This my
body Anatomy for
Kids. They will have
their students mess
around with the app.

Students are able to

play with this app
and learn about the
human body
anatomy. It also
explains to them how
each part the body
works and what type
of fuel it needs to be

Students are using this

app to help them
better understand how
the human body works.

Teachers are giving their

students an interactive
activity that they can
learn and grow from.

Students are also

able to play games
that help the
students better
understand what
type of food is fuel
and what food is not
fuel making but

Students can enjoy

this app and game at
the comfort of their
of home.

3. Earth Systems

Teachers have
students use the app
called Brain Pop to
watch movies on the
Solar System.

Students can watch

interactive videos on
how the solar system
is made up and how
each plant differs
from others.

Students are using

apps as a tool to help
them apply previous
knowledge to what
they are learning new.

Teachers are finding more

interactive ways than just
having their students
work on worksheets or
reading a book. Students
are able to go at their
own pace while using an
app that allows to
interact with what they
are learning.

The best part about

Brain Pop is that with
every video there are
quizzes and games
that help them
practice what they
just learned.

Students are able to

play with this app
from a cellular or
iPad device from
home. This gives the
students the freedom
to practice if they
would like the extra

Teachers are giving the

student who may not be as
on top of the rest of the
class the chance to stay on
track.This app gives them a
new way to organize.

Students are able to be

as creative when
designing their own
personal planner.

Students can access

their homework at
home because this app
syncs with iCloud
making ti easier to
access from any other
device from home.

Teachers are finding new

tools to benefit the
students that may not be
able follow fully along
with the class.

Students can play

games that can help
them better
understand the
concepts that take
longer to understand.

Students are then

able to use these
apps within their
house, which then
get them to be more
familiar with
particular apps.

Learning Disabilities EEOs

Teachers introduce the

app MyHomework,
where students who
struggle can keep track
of their homework.

Student who storage

with their homework
can use this app to
keep them on track. It
gives the students the
ability to work from
home and make any
changes they would
like. This is also
beneficial for the
parents to keep track
of the students

The students are using

this app as a source of
help where they could use
organization. They are
letting this app keep
them organized.

Physical Disabilities

Teachers can gives

these students
certain apps to help
them take notes or
be active with the
rest of the class.

Depending on the
disability there are
apps in apple that
can make responding
and work easier for
the certain student.

These students are

getting the opportunity
to stay within the
classroom and learn
about technology
understand apply

Gifted/ Talented
Have these students
explore the app Grage
Band and learn how to
use it and incoprite it
within other projects.

These students can use

Garage Band as a new
source of
intertwinement which
they can put forth
towards any other
video projects that
they are affiliated

Theses studuents are

receiving a better
understand of how to use
certain apps to create a
better project.

Teachers are letting these

students get even more
creative as well push their

Studetns are able to be

creative and make their
own sounds.

Students lie any other

Apple app are easily
accessible from home
with the use of iCloud.



I did some extensive research to find interactive apps or websites that students could access. I think it is important to find these
resources and implement them within the classroom because it is a good way to have your students involved. Also these websites and apps can
be mostly accessed from the comfort of students homes, which gives a higher likely that the students will be practicing their lessons more. With
the research that I conducted I saw that there are so many websites that the student can access, which can be a benefit or something negative.
I get a little nervous that my students will fall down a hole of finding websites that are inaccurate or non-educational. However, after reading
the articles that were given to me, I found that it will also be a learning process for me as the teacher. I will scout out those amazing websites
and apps and then implement my techniques to my students. I want to be able to teach my students technology etiquette, so in the future they
are able to navigate through the good and bad websites. Out of all the Matrixs, I feel as though this weeks matrix best prepared me for
implementing technology within my classroom. There are so many different uses that I can make education more interacting and interesting that
just standing in front and writing on a white board.

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