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Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

Curriculum Map
Paige Millan
Arizona State University
PPE 310
Dr. Hesse

Curriculum Map Context

The following school standards are pulled from the Roosevelt School District
curriculum map for the first grade. I am student teaching at Valley View School in the
Roosevelt School District in a first grade, mainstream classroom. My class is comprised
of 25 students, three of whom are English language learners. The out of the 25 students in
this class are African American, while the other 22 are Hispanic. More than half of the
students are bilingual.

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

AnchorStandard:Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects
based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject
under investigation.
GradeLevelStandard(s):1.W.7Participate in shared research and writing projects
(e.g., explore a number of how-to books on a given topic and use them to
write a sequence of instructions.
Gathering information
o Recall what is read.
o Make a list of the information
o Compile and organize information.
o Write a set of instructions on a particular topic.
o Participate in shared research and in shared writing projects.

AnchorStandard:Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital
sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the
information while avoiding plagiarism.
GradeLevelStandard(s):1.W.8With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.
o Discuss information from experiences or sources.

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

o Paraphrase information from provided sources.

o Sort information into categories (to plan writing).
o Write the answer to a question using information from experiences or
S01-S6C1 - 05 Identify ways to conserve natural resources (e.g., reduce, reuse, recycle, and find

Mini Lessons
The Importance of Sleep
1.W.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
This lesson will begin with asking the students why they believe sleep is
important. They will have 30 seconds to think of one to two reasons why the believe
sleep is important. They will be provided the sentence stem Sleep is important because
________. Students will then face their shoulder partners. Student A will share their one
to two reasons first, then student B will share. The students must use the sentence stem
when sharing. Teacher will monitor the classroom to hear the various responses. After
student B has shared, students will high-five each other and turn their attention back to
the front to show the teacher that they are ready. Teacher will call on 3 students to share
their reasons why they believe sleep is important.

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

After hearing the students responses, the teacher will pass out a worksheet that is
numbered 1-4 with room for students to write beside the numbers. The teacher will then
direct the students attention to the board while the teacher navigates and reads the
information provided by the website While the teacher is reading the
information the students will select four of the most important facts they have learned
about sleep and write them on their worksheet.
Once students have finished writing their four facts, they will be read the question
Is it important for students to get sleep? Why is it important? and they will be asked to
write their response, using evidence to support their answer. They will complete their
writing at the bottom of the worksheet in the provided writing space.
What is Sun Safety?
1.W.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of
how-to books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions.
Students will begin learning about Sun Safety by watching a video called Sun
Safe Play Everyday. After the video is over the teacher will ask if they ever think about
sun safety and what they do to protect themselves from the sun. The students will think,
pair, then share on this topic. They will have 30 seconds to think, followed by 2 minutes
to share with their shoulder partners. Students will be asked to follow the sentence stem
I do ______ to protect myself from the sun. The teacher will walk around and listen to
students conversations and make sure students are using the sentence stem. Ones both
partners have had the chance to share the students will turn their attention towards the
board to signify that they are done. Teacher will call three students to share with the class.

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

After the sharing has been complete, teacher will pass out a list of sun safety tips
taken from and distribute them to each student. The teacher will
read each tip and have the students echo read. Students will be tasked with highlighting
tips that they want to make sure others will follow. After reading through the list the
students will be given a prompt that asks If you noticed your friend was not thinking
about sun safety before going out to play, what would you tell them to do? Be sure to
include at least four tips for sun safety. Students will have 15 minutes to write their list.
Teacher will monitor classroom and keep students on task. When students are finished
writing three to five students will be called to the front of the class to share their writing.
How Can We Protect Our Planet?
S01-S6C1 - 05 Identify ways to conserve natural resources (e.g., reduce, reuse, recycle,
and find alternatives).
To begin this lesson the teacher will ask the students to think about how they take
care of our planet. Students will think for thirty seconds, pair up with their shoulder
partners, and share what they do to take care of our planet. They will be asked to use the
sentence stem To take care of our planet I _______. After students have had time to
share, the teacher will call three students to share with the class.
All students will then be asked to gather at the carpet to watch a BrainPop Jr.
video on forests. When the video is over, students will be asked, What did you learn
about how forest are changing? Students will raise their hand to share their responses.
After several responses have been heard, students will be asked, What did Annie and
Moby suggest we do to not use so many of our natural resources? When the students
respond, the teacher will write their responses on the board.

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

Teacher will ask the students to raise their hand if they recycle. After seeing a
show of hands, the teacher will ask the students to go back to their tables. Each student
will receive a piece of blank paper, and will be asked to take out their crayons and
pencils. Students will be asked to fold their paper in half and draw a line along the fold.
Students will be prompted to draw a picture on one half that shows the world if no one
ever reduced, reused, and recycled. On the other half of the paper, they will draw a
picture that will show what the world would look like if everyone reduced, reused, and
recycled. Students will have 15 minutes to draw their two detailed pictures. Once all
students have completed their drawings, they will have the chance to share their pictures
with their table teams. Students will be asked which world they would rather live in, a
world where no one recycles or a world where everyone recycles. The teacher will then
ask, who plans to always recycle in order to make our world a cleaner and better place?

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

BrainPOP (1999-2016). Forests. Retrieved from
[canadiandermatology] (2009, November 8). Sun safe play everyday! [Video file]
Retrieved from
Sleep for Kids (n.d.) A Service of the National Sleep Foundation. Retrieved from
Sun Safety Tips (n.d.) Sun Safety Alliance. Retrieved from

and Sequence
of Health

Exemplary (5)
Your Assignment includes:
A cover page that includes the
followingname, the course,
the assignment, the date and an
appropriate Running head in
APA format. Your cover page
should include a page number.
District provided curriculum
map/scope and sequence
appropriate for placement
Highlighted text, outlining the
followingSleep = Blue, Topic
of your Choice = Yellow,

Proficient (3)

Your Assignment includes:

A cover page that includes most of
the followingname, the course,
the assignment, the date and an
appropriate Running head in APA
format. Your cover page should
include a page number.
District provided curriculum
map/scope and sequence
appropriate for placement
Highlighted text, outlining most of
the followingSleep = Blue,
Topic of your Choice = Yellow,

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

Plans (IP)

Environment/Sustainability =
Integration of the health
components do not detract from
the academic content
Teacher regularly implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to
enhance student content
Specifically, places that logically
fits into the academic content
that is being taught, where you
can teach three separate mini
lessons; one about sun safety,
one about sleep, and one about
environmental health. (TCKTap)
References are included where
This rubric is attached at the end
of the document
Your word document file name
includes your last name, first
name, assignment #, and your
class section #
There are no writing,
grammatical or spelling errors
Your assignment was placed in
your E-Portfolio under the
Healthy Curriculum
Development tab
Curriculum map includes: (IP)
o Evidence that assignment
is appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests
of all learners you teach
o 3, 1 page, double spaced
mini-lessons in teacher
talk format, one for sleep,
one for sun safety, and
one for environmental

Environment/Sustainability =
Integration of the health
components sometimes detract
from the academic content
Teacher sometimes implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to enhance
student content knowledge.
Specifically, places that logically
fits into the academic content that
is being taught, where you can
teach three separate mini lessons;
one about sun safety, one about
sleep, and one about
environmental health. (TCK-Tap).

References are included where but

not on the last page of the
This rubric is attached but not at
the end of the document
Your word document file name
includes most of the following
last name, first name, assignment
#, and your class section #
There are few writing,
grammatical or spelling errors
Your assignment was placed in
your E-Portfolio however it was
placed in the wrong section
Curriculum map mostly includes:
o Evidence that assignment
is appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests
of all learners you teach
o 2 of the 3 following, 1
page, double spaced minilessons in teacher talk
format, one for sleep, one
for sun safety, and one for

Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

o A brief narrative
summary describing your
grade, the school district,
describe your classroom
context and other
pertinent information

environmental health
o A brief narrative summary
describing your grade, the
school district, describe
your classroom context
and other pertinent

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