Ep Rubric Version2

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The University of British Columbia Master of Educational Technology ePortfolio Rubric

Meets TQS

Meets MET



Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations

Demonstrates the individuals learning

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of
theory / research in educational technology
Applies theory and research to educational
Demonstrates the ability to reflect and critically
evaluate previous research to practice

Does not demonstrate the individuals learning

Show no knowledge and understanding of
theory / research in educational technology
Does not apply theory and research to
educational practice
Shows no evidence of the ability to reflect and
critically evaluate previous research to practice

A concrete product that can be used for personal

or professional use
Linkages are made to MET program concepts and
applied throughout
A product is created that is educationally valuable
to a professional audience
The eportfolio is structured around a theme or

Is a concrete product but would not be

considered presentable for professional or
personal use
No Linkages are made to MET program
concepts and applied throughout
The product created is not considered
educationally valuable by professionals in the
The eportfolio is not structured around a theme
or metaphor

Demonstrate understanding of educational

technology theory and research
Wide range of artifacts are selected to
demonstrate learning as well as technology skills

Does not demonstrate understanding of

educational technology theory and research
There is not a wide range of artifacts selected to
demonstrate learning as well as technology skills

Link to educational technology theory and

Describe personal connections to MET learning
Refer to applications of practice

Does not link to educational technology theory

and research
There are no personal connections to MET
learning experiences
Does not refer to applications of practice



ePortfolio is easy to navigate (labeled clearly and

organized) and all links work correctly
Metaphor is effectively connected to artifacts and
Wide variety of media is used to engage the
reader and strengthen the purpose of the portfolio
Demonstrates an understanding of educational
design principles

ePortfolio is not easy to navigate (not labeled

clearly and unorganized) and links do not work
Metaphor does not connect artifacts to learning
Does not use a wide variety of media is used to
engage the reader and strengthen the purpose
of the portfolio
Does not demonstrate an understanding of
educational design principles

Writing style is professional and clearly organized.

Writing is proofread for any grammar, punctuation
or spelling errors
Referenced are used appropriately using APA
format and all images are given credit.

Writing style is unprofessional and unorganized

Writing has multiple grammar, punctuation and
spelling errors
References are not used appropriately and APA
format is not followed

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