UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning Elementary Lesson Plan Template

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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student:

Samantha Hunter

PSMT Name:

Lesson Plan Title:

Grade Level:

Peanut Butter & Jelly


Lesson Plan Topic:

Estimated Time:
School Site:

Sherry Trujillo/Bridget
40-50 mins each day

1. State Standard(s):
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and

definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of
events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to
signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

2. Teaching Model(s): Direct and cooperative learning

3. Objective(s):
The students will create a timeline of how to make a peanut butter and jelly and will write
an informational text on it.
4. Materials and Technology Resources
Sequencing cards
Vocabulary cards and definitions (attached)
White board
Peanut butter
Paper plates
Plastic knives

SMART board
Worksheets for unit (attached)

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement:
Monday I will ask the students, Describe how to make a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich.(DOK1) As they name off steps, do them in a demonstration in front of the
class. If the first thing they say is Spread the peanut butter on the bread. I will say,
What bread? No one told me to get out anything yet. Then they will all tell me to
get out the peanut butter, the jelly and the bread. Then I will ask them what I should
do. If they forget to tell me to use a knife, I will use my hand to get the peanut butter
out to make it silly and hopefully engage them.
Tuesday Introduce vocabulary.
Devour, expensive, grinding, paste, recipe, spoiling, and smear
Wednesday Read the history of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and talk about
George Washington Carver.
Thursday We will review the history of the peanut butter and jelly and look for the
main idea and details in the text.
Friday We will review and talk about the steps in making a peanut butter and jelly
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Monday The students will complete the chart with the steps of making a sandwich.
Cut out chart. Cut apart slits. Glue into notebooks leaving flaps free. Students can
draw a picture of each step under each flap. Ask the following questions:
How can you organize the steps to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
What would happen if you did the steps out of order? (DOK3)
Tuesday Students will cut out each puzzle piece and match each word to the
definition. Students can glue the completed puzzles into their notebooks. I will model
how they need to be glued into the notebook once I see that everyone has successfully
matched up the words with their definitions. Then, the students will cut out each text
feature flap and glue into notebooks. Under each flap, students can add attributes of
each text feature. I will model how this should look as well.
Can you recall all of the text features we have learned? (Glossary, heading, bold
words, subheading, etc) (DOK1)
Can you put one of our vocabulary words in a sentence? (DOK1)
How are our vocabulary words related to peanut butter and jelly? (DOK3)
Wednesday The students will cut out question organizer and glue into notebooks. I
will model exactly what they need to do on the Elmo and they will follow me step by
step. Under each flap, students can add questions and answers about George
Washington Carver. We will play a few rounds of Snowball (Kagan) before we glue
in our question organizer. (Questions for Snowball attached)

What do you recall about George Washington Carver? (DOK1)

What can you say about the history of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
What would happen if peanut butter was never invented? Jelly? (DOK3)
Thursday The students will cut out each sandwich piece and add main ideas and
details from the history of peanut butter and jelly. They were left vague so you can
use them for any part of the unit. You can staple them together and add them to
notebooks or hang for a cute display.
What facts would you use to support the details you chose to write about?
What can you say about the history of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Friday The students will get a paper with the title How To Make A Peanut Butter
and Jelly Sandwich with the transitional words: first, next, then, and finally. They
will write the steps using complete sentences and this will be turned in.
How would you describe the sequence of making a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich? (DOK3)
How could you test that you sequenced the steps in the right order? (DOK3)

c. Closure:
Monday Friday Each day we will review what we learned that day. We will
reread our vocabulary words in our notebooks. We will review what it means to
sequence something.
d. Extension:
Monday Friday I will have different sequencing worksheets for the students to
do if they finish early. They will sequence a letter by showing which parts go in order
(heading, body, closing, etc.) They have been learning about writing letters so this
will be good practice for both standards. I will also have a page where they can
sequence their day from when they get up to when they go to bed.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
Accommodations: Each day the students will have opportunities to move closer to the board
to see or closer to me if they have trouble hearing.
Modifications: Each day I will ask different level DOK questions. If I see that some of the
students are struggling I will ask more level one and level two questions. If I see that they are
excelling, I will ask more level three questions. Also, on the assessment, there will be a
portion where they will have to read orally to me. I will read it to them first and then have
them read it back to me.
Differentiations: Each day there will be many differentiations. They will be working not
only individually, but also with partners and in groups. Also, everything will not be done with
direct instruction. We will be playing games, they will watch videos and I will be modeling
each step that we will be doing each day.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:
Each day I will be formatively assessing the students while they are adding
information to their notebooks. Also, I will be asking questions to check for
understanding. I will have the students show a thumbs up sign when they are ready to
move on and continually ask review questions in DOK levels 1 or 2.
b. Summative:
The summative assessment will be at the end of our unit on Friday. The students will
have to complete a draft of the steps on how to make a peanut butter and jelly to show
that they understand how to sequence events.
8. Homework Assignment:
Week 1:
Monday: Practice sequencing something at home. For example, how to make your bed
or how to set the table.
Tuesday: Practice using at least three vocabulary words in a sentence with mom, dad,
sibling, or anyone at home.
Wednesday: Tell someone at home at least two things you learned about the history of
the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Thursday: Practice sequencing something at home. Something different than Monday
night for example, how to make an ice cream sundae or how to make a cake.
9. Reflection:
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:

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