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Skill Practices


Figure 1

Bowling Lanes

Skill Practices

Figure 2: (Williams, 2016)

Figure 2: (Williams, 2016)


Students will work in groups of 3 assigned by the teacher (1,2,3,1,2,3

format) to improve their accuracy for the skill of bowling
Students will set up 3 cones (5m, 10m, 15m)in a straight line in front of
the wickets.
Bowler will begin on the first cone, delivering 6 balls trying to hit the
The wicket-keeper will then receive the ball from the bowler
hand it off to the slip (3rd fielder).
Who will then roll the ball back to bowler
Repeat for 6 deliveries, then rotate


If the student bowls the ball and it hits the set of wickets, then ask the
student to move back to the next cone back.
If student hits from the last cone, continue for bowling form that distance.


Begin on the end cone, if a bowler hits the wickets, eliminate that stump
from the set (i.e. if the ball hits the middle stump, take that out leaving
the off and leg (outside) stumps)

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices


Figure 3

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Front Foot Straight Drive


With the bat (placed in the correct positon) pick up the bat

Student will then send the ball resting on a tee with a F/Foot straight drive back
towards team

Receiver performs a Long Barrier, underarm rolls the ball back to the batsman, and
places the ball back onto the tee.

Repeat 6 times then rotate batsman

Continue process until each member of the group has completed the skill twice.

Moderate: Chin drop
- The batsman will place the ball underneath their chin
- While leaning forward (head over the ball) the student will drop the ball,
let it bounce and perform the straight drive towards their team.

Receiver performs a Long Barrier, underarm rolls the ball back to the batsman, and
places the ball back onto the tee.

Repeat 6 times then rotate batsman

Continue process until each member of the group has completed the skill twice.

Advanced: Throwdowns

1 member of the team will have the bowl, they will send the ball towards
the batsman, who performs the front foot straight drive towards the

Receiver performs a Long Barrier, underarm rolls the ball back to the batsman, and
places the ball back onto the tee.

Repeat 6 times then rotate batsman

Skill Practices

Continue process until each member of the group has completed the skill twice.

Leg Glance


a) Students will set up facing their partner with a distance of 10m between them within the
wickets of the diamond.
b) The Ball will be placed on the Tee, with the bat on the ground placed in the correct
position (Hump side of the bat facing up, vertically next to the Tee).
c) The student at the Tee (batter) will kneel down and pick up the bat (create a V with
dominant hand and grab handle base, create a V with non-dominant hand and place it
comfortably above dominant hand.
d) On the whistle, the batsman will then stand to the side of the tee and send the ball with a
leg glance towards partner in the process. Must remember to apply the KTPs within the
e) Receiver will perform the Long Barrier technique to collect the ball, and then roll the ball
back to the batter.
f) Once the batter has hit 6 shots, their group will wait for everyone to finish and then swap
with their partner.

Students can create a goal using 2 extra cones at the receivers end. The cones can
be places 2m apart where students have to attempt to hit between the goals to score
a run. To make the differentiation easier or harder, students can increase or decrease
the distance between the cones.

Skill Practices



a) In groups of 4 (1 batsman, 1 wicket-keeper, 2 fieldsmen) position students in the set
up as shown to the left.
b) Students will be positioned at their wicket, facing outwards.
c) The batter will send the ball from a still position on top off the tee (2 outside stumps,
base, 1 middle stump, tee) and wicket in the form of a pull shot.
d) Either fielder 1 or 2 will receive the ball in the long barrier position and send the ball
to the wicket keeper.
e) Wicket keeper will place the ball onto the tee.
f) Skill repeats for 6 hits (over) and then positions are rotated.
Students are in groups of 4 and are practising the Pull shot.

Students have the opportunity to hit 6 balls each (an over) and then rotate through
the rolls in the following order:
Fielder 1 (left)
Fielder 2 (right)
Wicket Keeper

Fielders have the opportunity to practise their fielding techniques of the long barrier and
return of the ball to the wicket keeper.

Have keeper throw ball up for the batsman (straight up-and-down)

Have 1 fielder move to the side of the stumps; underarm throw the ball to the
batsman (ball coming onto the batsman) to practice the action of a moving ball.

Skill Practices



Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

Skill Practices

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