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COST DATA MANUAL Oregon Department of Transportation Bridge Section 2002 o4ni403 Overview ‘The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) tracks the cost of projects by dividing the work to be done into measurable items. Contractors then bid on projects by providing a dollar amount per bid item. ODOT Bridge Section is interested in tracking the bid item cost for a variety of reasons; developing the annual federal report, developing the cost data book and developing the estimating sheets for use in future projects. The Bridge Section has developed a cost data program to help facilitate the data collection. Because the program has been developed to report the bid information using a consistent and optimal format, all project cost collection done for ‘ODOT Bridge Section should be done using this program. The cost data program is used throughout a project’s development. It typically is first initiated during the concept plan stage and will be used until the project is “let. Estimating cost of future bridge projects has become a real part ofa designer's duties. A designer will be required to estimate cost from the scoping phase to post bid letting. At the scoping stage of the project, square foot (meter) cost are used (see Appendix A). As the project progresses, a more detailed estimate is required. At the Type Size and Location (TS&L) phase of the project, the designer will assemble an estimate using specific id items. As the project progresses through the preliminary, advanced and final phases of the project, the estimate will be refined. At the advanced plan stage, a copy of the estimate sheet will be given to the specification writer and the cost unit for their use. See appendix B forbid item cost estimates and appendix C for ‘an example of what should be given to the specification writer. Once the project has went to bid, designers will ‘complete the bid tabulation information and export the data for use in the FHWA annual report, the cost data ‘book and the estimate sheet. The cost data portion ofthe project is complete once the information has been ‘exported and the bid tab sheet, the plan and elevation sheet and a seismic retrofit data sheet has been tumed into the ODOT Bridge Section Cost Data Representative. For intemal designers, the return of the design cost signals the designer cost data has been checked and everything is in order. FHWA requires DOTS to report annual bridge cost per square foot (meter) of bridge. This report helps determine distribution of federal dollars to the State Departments of Transportations. A copy of this years report ccan be found in Appendix D Annually, ODOT pulls together all of the cost data for all che projects that required bridge designers attention into a cost data book. This book includes cost data information for each structure and then a summary of the year’s work. Historically, the book includes cost for bridge construction, bridge widening, rail retrofits, deck overlays, retaining walls, sound walls, culverts, and sign supports. In the future, the ODOT Bridge Section will no longer be designing walls, culverts and sign supports. This design work will fall to DOT's Geology and Hydraulics Unit. Therefore, future books will not include the cost for that type of work. A copy of each year’s ‘book can be found in each design room or you can request a copy for the price of copying from Kathleen Phillips (503-986-3338). ‘The estimate sheets discussed above and shown in appendix A & B along with the estimates shown in the estimating program should be used with judgment. These estimates are an average of the last three years bid information. Large or small quantities, shipping distance, staging etc will all effect the estimate shown and should be modified for site-specific conditions. The Estimate Program The bridge cost program will begin by pulling up four linked Excel files; costmac97.xls, costmst'97.xls, costdat97.xls, and Priseed97.xls. Costmacd7-xls contains the excel macros necessary to run the program. Costmstr97-xIs contains the programs templates. Costdat97.xls contains all of the lists for the program (county, bid items, types of projects, etc.). The Prjseed97.xls is your working file. It isthe file that will pull up all the other files. The designer will want to rename project files as they proceed with their estimates, o a blank priseed97.xIs file can continue to be utilized, ‘The costdat97.xls file utilizes Excel worksheets that are generated from ODOT Access databases. To get the ‘most use out of the information that we collect using the Bridge Cost Data Program, the databases are kept consistent with ODOT Cost Estimating and Specification Units’ information. Therefore, itis important Page | 0414/03 designers use only the bid items shown in the pop up box (discussed more in estimate sheet discussion). If the item or unit of measurement is not shown in the cost program’s bid item list, the designer should speak with the Bridge Section’s Cost Data Coordinator so that an item number can be obtained. “Through out the program, input boxes are shaded in two shades — yellow, and green. Yellow shaded boxes are user-input fields. Green shaded boxes ar filled in based on a computer-generated list, The user can access those lists by double clicking the green box. Gray shaded boxes are inputs that are automatically filled in by the program based on earlier user inputs. An Example from the ttle sheet- once you input the county, the program will automatically input the region. ‘To begin a project file, select the Priseed97.xIs file. All the necessary files will be opened and the ttle sheet will be visiable. TITLE SHEET ‘At the beginning of a project, the lead designer should start a project cost estimate file. You can do this by ‘opening the file PRISEED97.xls. This isa blank estimating file that will open all necessary links. There will be a worksheet named “TitleSheet” (see below). cose ODO Bue Enylneetinyy Seti, aes Estimate and Bid System ay a eso Seetion Nae: Coun: sion. [Add aNew"| “tmport ano _Job Recor Job Record | Note Press Cit to sve at a tie Figure 1. Title Sheet ‘The user will need to manually input the “Key No” (PCS Key Number) and the “Section Name” (Project Name). Double clicking on the green box next to “County” will access the county name list (see Figure 2) Page 2 04/14/03, relon Name: Baker Berton Clackamas Clackamas Clatsop Clatsop Based on that selection, the program will input the county name and region number. Once the project general information is input, the user will need to add “Job Records” for each structure. There are two buttons on the bottom of the Title Worksheet ~ “Add a New Job Record” and “Import an Old Job Record”. The import button is used only when you have an outdated file (as the program is improved on, old data will need to be regenerated in the new format), Most often, however, the “Add a New Job Record” is the button that will be used Key: Seoton Name = PS Usekelters numbers and ‘underscores only, Max 20 characters - NO SPACES, Not: Press Cu to save at anytime Figure 3: Add Job Record Input Box The input box allows 20 characters of number, letter or combination. However, the use of the bridge number is the most appropriate choice for future reference. Choose “OK” and the job record folder will be generated, The tab for the job folder worksheet is based on the characters input above (i.e. 18353 will generate a worksheet named “IR_18353), Page 3 BRIDGE ENGINEERING SECTION 3/22/2003 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JOB RECORD SHEET County: Not Entered Key No.: 00000 Structure Name 2 Str No _ Existing Structure No: Ceunty Str No _ Highway Name: fey Na eee wees stator: Type of Funding BA ISSA FHWA Reviw Roque = Co Free Br Ossian: Estimated Advance Plans Date: Bid Opening Date Prospectus Estimated Structure Costs ket Stuct Design Cost: Date to Project Assignment Team: yo on Design Team: Utilities | Ralvoad: ‘What Permits Required ‘Traffic Handling/Detours: HYDRAULICS AND FOUNDATION: Hydroullos Report Received: Foundation Report Received: Bank Protection/Channel change: Foundation Type: STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION: Sys Metric Project: Type: Crossing! ‘Structure Dese: Length: im Wiath: Spans: — Sidewalk: _ im ikeway: m Structure Removal Description: Proposed Rall Type/Std. Drawing Numbers: Special Work: ‘Atterates Considered (with costs): TSAI Concept Review Meeting: te ¢ u ornare: a 0 Estimate From Reviewod: Date: Reviewed: Date: Figure 4: Job Record Sheet Page 4 04/14/03, JOB RECORD FOLDER A Job record folder is needed for each structure that has an estimate. Following the Job Record Sheet (next page) is the inputs and a brief explanation. ‘The job record worksheet contains general and structure. Table 1: Job Record Inputs Yellow boxes are manual input and green boxes are generated inputs Inputs marked with * are for intemal designer input's only Input Input’s Description box color Siructure Name Yellow Sirictare name Structure Number Yellow For new or replacement sucture these numbers are assigned by Bridge Program Coordinator Existing Structure Number Yellow Existing structure number before replacement] County Structure Number Yellow Only those structures that are or Rave been | - ‘owned by county will have a county number Highway Name Yellow Highway name (See Appendix Ey Highway Number allow State highway number (see Appendix E) MP Yellow Mile Point ofthe structure along the highway Station Yellow Project stationing Ge 1F#135) [Type of Funding 7 Yellow Funding Source (i.e. HBRR funds) EA Green Project accounting charge number ( PE00036 000) : FAWA Review Required Green Is FHWA review required? Yeuno * County Free Bridge Design Green Ts this under free county bridge design” Yesino Estimated Advanced Plan Date Yellow ‘Advance plan distibatTon date Bid Opening Date Yellow Project bid Tet date Saesecsr EAmmacd anemone melon Structural cost from the prospects estimate * simated Structure Design Com Yellow Talal desiga coat estimate * Date to Project Assignment Team co Tieave blank] * By Yellow “Who assigned the siucture’s designer * Design Team Yellow Design team number (ie 7460) Fon Yellow Date The project was asigned to Tividual Uae Railroad Yellow ‘What utilities willbe affected by the structural work? ‘What Permits are required Yellow "| What permits will be necessary to complete the structural work? : ‘Traffic Handing Detour Yellow iow will traffic be handled while the siructural work is done? Fyaraulie Report Received — Toren asthe ydraulie report been received? yesno [ Foundation Report Received Green as the foundation report been received? Yesino Bank Protection/Channel Change Yellow ~~ What bank protection or channel reconstruction] will be necessary to complete the structural 7 work? | Page 5 0414/03 Foundation Type Yellow ‘Siructural Foundation type Ge piling) Project Green Type of work being done (see Figure 5) Type Green ‘Type of structure being proposed (see Figure 6) System Green Ts project being designed in metic or english? ‘Crossing Green ‘What isthe structure crossing (see Figure 7) Length Yellow Length of structure Width Yellow ‘Width of structure Roadway Yellow ‘Roadway width at stuctare Spans Yellow ‘Number of spans a structure has ‘Structure Removal Green Will there bea structure that needs to be removed? Yesino/na Description of structure removal]. Yellow low will structure removal be accomplished Proposed Rail Type'Sid. Drawing No. | Yellow ‘What type of ral is being proposed on the structure Special Work Yellow ‘Thusual work required on the sructure ‘Alteraies Considered (with cot) Yellow ‘What altematives to the chosen structure where considered? Give associated cost "TSL Concept Review Meeting Yellow {leave blank] "TSI Estimate Yellow ‘Cost estimate atthe Type, Size and Location CISL) stage Estimate rom Green ‘Was TSL Estimate made fom quantities oF est per unit area EEC Yellow ‘Engineering and Contingencies typically 30- 40% at TSAL stage and 20% preliminary plan - _| stage — final plan stage Date to Project Azsgnment Tears Design Team: GENERAL: ‘ilies Rare What Permits Requied: “TialfioHandigiDetous: HYDRAULICS AND FOUNDATIOF Hataules Report Feceived {Bark PotectoniChanoel hange Foundstion Type: STRUCTURE DESCr Seuctue Desc Ue a Bridge Constructions] Bridge Widening Foundationepot Fe! | pz Bridge Raking CU Guverts = —~ 1 BO Bridge Deck Overlay MI Miscellaneous Proj PF Protective Fencing RR Ral Retrofit, Retaining Wals SR Seismic Retrofit §S Sign Support Sound Wals T9 cr fm Pondwa sm Figure 6: Project Type List Page 6 ‘otpecus Extinated Stoke Cos, Dae to Project Assgemen Team Design Tear, FERAL: ais Front What Permits Requred ‘Trai HandinglDetous YRAULICS AND FOUNDATION: HyerauiosReportReceved Bank Protetion/Channetchange Foundsion Type _ WUCTURE DESCRIPTION: Project _ Bi Suet Bese: Length NONE: Twe _PS SLAP $00, |] RR XING WATER X'ING _RIDGE-WATER XING OTHER THAN BRIDGE 04/1403 Estsuvet Design Cost Ps-SLaa-208 PS.SLAB-380 PS-SLAB-455 PS.SLABS35 ‘CIP CONCRETE ARCH CAST-IN-PLACE RIGID FRAME CAST-IN PLACE SLABS MISC PROJECTS PS SLABS SL 305mm PS SLABS 5. 380mm S SLABS SL 455mm PS SLABS S.S35mm om PS SLABS SL 760m RC BOX GIRDER - CONV REINE Figure 6: Structure Type List BRIDGER XING Sane sioe———T Neti, 'GRIDGE-GRADE XING Figure 7:Structure Crossing List It should be noted that in the “Project Type” box only one type canbe input, when infact there could be several project types. This wil be addressed in the estimate portion of te program. For the Job Record sheet input the primary project. Page 7 04/14/03, Once the Job record folder i filled out an estimate sheet will need to be generated. The user can do this by choosing the “Utilities” button in the upper right comer. ‘The user will have the following choices; Preview Job Record, Print Job Record, Add a New Estimate, Delete this job record, and Clone the Job Record. All of these are self-explanatory. To add an estimate sheet the user will need to “add a new estimate”. Atthe TSL level it will bea preliminary estimate. At the advanced phase of the project, the estimate becomes more refined. At that time an addition “final estimate” will need to be generate. ESTIMATE SHEET ‘The estimate sheet is where the bid items needed to construct the structure are chosen. The Structure ‘Name, Structure Number, PCSKey, System, Section, Station, County, Highway Name, Highway Number, Mile Post, and County Number, ae all automatically input based on previous Job Record inputs (note the gray boxes). Estimate made by, Date, Cale Book Number, Checker, Date, Cale Book, & Drawing are manually input and are self-explanatory. none i mseritane te Seow STINET ESTIMATE SEEY FOR MO . psc: tee seven Pesky, 20000. seston: gesrecentine, coum. ne sepa: cota ts 8 eg owe Wecuea"OVAT 29, ¥0°DTOT, uororat titMoCLeATDN, conan 20. RHORGERING a4 CCNTEIGENCES, Figure 8: Estimate Sheet TThere are five places to input Project Type on the estimate sheet. All are generated by a list (note green highlighted box). This list can be accessed by double clicking on the box. The Primary Project is the main project and should match the Project Type chosen on the Job Record Sheet. ‘The subsequent project types listed ‘would represent work done outside the Primary Project Type definition. For example, ODOT could be doing @ seismic retrofit, a deck overlay and a rail replacement all on one structure under the same project. The deck ‘overlay may be the primary project with rail retrofit and seismic retrofit being secondary project type, Then each of the bid items would be associated with the type of work itis being used for (Type ‘F’ Rail would be associated with the ral retrofit portion of the project, while Furnish MC overlay would be associated with the Deck Overlay portion of the project). See Figure 9 Below. Page 8 oso, ed Fat /sont/Clone/Ovete ‘the bidite Panay Proje: "asied or) SA Tube Cu Mourd (S1dFBR200) Gund Ral@idge Comecton@i0F = EA EA Conb. Bi. RaltteHBRZ16, 220) a Conb: 8. RelBKeISiHORZIE ZA) om LS ‘di Moll Pecesion Rl al - once Parapet m 1S TouContwo Adare SE Coring Concrete Ral m= f 7 Fie ype F Rett (StsHO F233) cospen) P RALPRETRO . RAILETYPE Ral: Type F (StdHoF200) ee RAILEW/MTL Rai TypeFW/PedRaiStdH9R256) =m LS SorttyCode | | Sorttynome | Figure 9 Bid item List ‘There are two ways to add or edit bid items. The first is to use the buttons centered on the top of Estimate Worksheet. They are labeled Add, Edit, Delete, In general the bid items are listed by type of work or item first followed by the specifics. For example, Type ‘F’ Rail would be listed under “Rail-Type ‘F™” -Rail being the item and Type F being the specifics. MSE Retaining Wall would be RWL-MSE ~ RWL [retaining wall] being the work item and MSE being the specifics. ‘Once the user has the bid item they need and have associated it to the appropriate project, they can chose “Continue” to chose another bid item or “OK to exit the list. Be aware of what item action you are choosing (Add, Edit or Delete). The action item options are listed in the upper left ofthe input box. Along with those three chooses is a fourth one which reads “Seed Project”, The user can choose that option and the program will seed the file based on the particular associated project. ‘After the user has chosen all the appropriate bid items they can insert quantity and adjust prices if necessary, Prices are based on dollars/quantity (ie. $30/m). On the more frequently used bid items, an average price will appear when a particular bid item is choosen. As discussed in the overview, these average prices should be adjusted for project specific variables ‘The preliminary sheet/s should be used through the preliminary plan distribution. At the beginning of the advanced plans a final estimate should be generated. To do this, follow the steps above or clone the preliminary sheet. At the time of advanced plan distribution, a list of the bid items and a “Spec Estimate” should be sent to the specification writer. At the final plan distribution a construction time estimate and a “Spec Estimate” should be sent to the Construction Cost Estimating Unit. See Appendix C for an example. Page 9 04/14/03 Bid Sum Sheet In Figure 8, there are four buttons inthe top middle of the page labeled “Estimate”, “Tite”, “Bid Sum” and “Summary”. The “Title” and “Summary” buttons toggle the view of the structure information on the top portion of the estimate sheet. Because the top view is frozen, it may be necessary t0 hide the title or summary information in the estimate sheet so the bid item information is visible. The “Bid Sum” bution brings the bid summary sheet information into view. Once the project goes to bid and the contract has been awarded, the designer will need to fill out the bid summary information, either manually or using the Process Bid Tab ‘programBiid tabulations can be found at http:/Avww.odot state or.usitechserv/progsrv/costestmn/Lettings/bidtabda.him . Table 2 list bid summary inputs and definitions. JGLHI tj) v[ Kit | MIN | 0] PAC) AD] AEL AFL AGL AHI Al| Al | AK } = “ites : process ins Estinote | Tle eid sure | Saery uti [BID SUMMARY FOR 38123 Dae ofLeting Contactor FAPNo NimbeBide Rvs ‘yasded To Contactor VEN Lowel angtow STEED] UTED UTED. ota Prject Cost Figure 10 Bid Item List Table 2:Bid Summary Inputs Bid Summary Inputs Definitions Prepared by = Preparers Initials (Le. MAF) Date of Leting = ‘What was the leting date? F Contract No. : Five Digit ODOT Contract Number FAPNo Federal Aid Project Number. Typically Tsted of a the 6" heading line ofthe bid tabulations. (ue Page 10 04/14/03, PROJECTS): X-BHF-SOOKTAN) ‘Number of bids received ‘How many contractors bid on the project” ‘Awarded 10 ‘Which contractor was the project awarded to? Contractor VIN Each contractor is assigned a unique five digit Total Project Cost Low Bid number. This number ean be found on the bid tabulations in the second column of the “Vendor Ranking” Section - heading “Vendor No.” (i. $0307) This number can be found of the bid tabulations the fourth column of the "Vendor Ranking” Section 2" Low Bid heading “Total Bid.” 3" Low Bid Total Mobilization Usually listed as the first bid item, Tes a lamp sum Low Bid item. 2" Low Bid 3" Low Bid ‘Contract Total Amount ‘The bid tems, bid units and bid amounts are all 2" Low Total Amount carried over from the estimating page. While many 3" Low Total Amount items will have the bid unit price amount listed, itis important to note that these input boxes are the total bid $ amount. The program will calculate S/unit bid item upon export. All items must be input on this page or the program will not allow export. Once all inputs have been made, the information will need to be exported and a copy of the Estimate Sheet, Bid Summary Sheet and the 8 x 11 Plan and Elevation Sheet will need to be turned into the Bridge Section Cost Data Representative, Choosing the “Utility” button on the top right hand comer allows printing, sorting or exporting. Choosing “Export Bid Data” will trigger the program to take the information that has been input inthe cost data program and put it in a text format that is later used by the cost data representative to update the cost data databases, Designers who are using the program outside of the ODOT system will need to take the original cost data file ([key no.].xls) and the ‘wo text files (located under C:\program files\odoticostdata\export\*.txt) and e-mail them to These files ean also be sent by mail to Melissa A. Fox 355 Capitol St. NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Process Bid Tab Program While the above bid information canbe input manually, there is a program that can help expedite the input process. For intemal designers, under the Utility folder on the computer Desk Top, choose "Process Bid Tabs” For extemal users open the “Bid Tab xls” fl. To use this program the user will need to first save an electronic version of the bid tabulation results. From the web site at http://www.odot state. htm the user will need to find the appropriate project bid tab. Once at the project bid tab, choose “File” and “Save As*. The file should be saved as a text file in the appropriate folder (see figure 11) Page 11 o4r14/03 Figure 11:Bid Tab Save Box [As can be seen in Figure 12, there are three buttons on the left. These buttons allows the user to browse for particular files. “Load Bid Tab” button will access the project specific cost datafile. “Load Estimate” button will access the bid tabulation text file discussed above. After the preparer inputs their name or initials, the run button will initiate the bid tab program. The program will walk you through the process of correlating bid tabulations with the structure estimate. If the bid tabulation results for a particular structure are not available check the naming of the structure on the electronic version of the bid tabulation sheet. The program is searching for the characters “No.” (ie. Bridge No. 18652). If that set of characters is not found, the program does not recognize the bid item information as bridge related. Simply edit the bid tabulation information to include the No. characters and begin the process bid tab program again, Once the program has run, the bridge cost data bid summary information should be checked for accuracy. Correction and any additional inputs should be made before exporting the information Page 12 04/14/03, ODOT Bridge Bid Tabs This program takes data off the bid tabs and inserts it into the cost estimate file's bid summary sheet Figure 12:Process Bid Tab Design Cost For internal ODOT, cost data design hours are recorded throughout the projet using our BRTime information (Once the cost data has been checked by the ODOT Bridge Cost Data Representative, a design cos sheet will be generated based on the information in the bridge tne record database (See Appendix G for an example and cost data design cost formulas). The designer should check the design cost estimates. Page 13 03/04/03, APPENDIX A Area Cost Estimating ESTIMATED BRIDGE CosT PER SQUARE METER Jan, 1, 1999 - Dee, 31,2001 Estimated costs for reconnaissance and preliminary estimate ($ per m2 of deck area). E& C and ‘mobilization are not included. Use] $715.66 = = _ $956.91 $908.55] $806.46} $950.00] irder (RCBG) $779.97 $836. 39] $798.25] $800.00) $4,411.62| $1,225.06] _ $780.01 $1,300.0¢ irder (RCBG) Precast RC Bulb-! Deck Girder $943.92| $614.56] $671.44] $750.00) Precast RC Bulb-T Deck Girder $763.46| $833.27] $713.11 $800.00) $1,940.03] $544.02] $722.75] $1,500.00) [Steel Plate $1,153.30] $1,353.88] $1,273.62] $1,300.00) Timber [TIMBER BRIDGE $718.18] - ~ $750.00) Note: * Prices reflect average bid data. Increase values for inflation based on estimated construction date, * Add 10% to 25% for unusual job location, stage construction, etc. * Add structural removal, miscellaneous items, andlor additional items where required. Rev. 8/23/02 ZONETB "APH soafoad &ojan0 oop oun Ea pareIoosse ‘sem ye1p 3408 ureup puw ‘uoneredaud [euorppe “yom yurof apnjouy Ose Kew2r ‘seAeMoH{ “voResedeud pue (uorannsuoD pub Suystuiny) Ke}:9A0 ap 40} 1802 ‘xp apnyout im Keyson0 soap apt e ‘ofdurex> 104 “Yaafoud alp UIGIEN DUOp 30m [IO} ap Joy saeraA axe Xoq, 1509 9dKa soofoud siuaso1das BAOqE aL, :210N, uoReuLojul a10us Jo} spas} S09 pue sjoofoid jsed money “SBunx peauies Jo} pUE SiejeW 97 UeLA Je\e—/6 sUeds UMM SBuIsSOLD Jon1 4OfeUs 40} PeuINba: 5} LOEB|SEAU!Je!09dS « payinbas aley swe! snoaUeyjedsiM pue [enowWe esnjoNS PPY ‘a32 ‘uogonyysucs pabeys ‘UOHEDO| GO! jensnuN 40} %SZ 0} %O1 PPV + ‘yep uononyjsuoo payewnse uo paseq UoHeyul Jo} SenjeA sseeLoU “eVEP plq ebeIONE OAs SBOUd . ‘a10N, 5 7 = Joo'szbs ~__|eosrs =] (Zu) ea18 yoap 16d 1809| Busiew a6pug| t T jooroozs _loveors |sevzis| covizs |ooosrs lerses |sz'ves les vars (qui) ware yoop 16d j505| _Feyeng ¥98G abpuEl lovosers | = = lovose'rs |ovseszs| =| ovens ‘Bujuepum jo 1ejeWN a7enBS 160 1809} Buiuopia eBpua loorosys = _lezisis| = _jooosts = _|azvris | ever l | (zu) Bare yoap 16d 3509) woney auisieg) jooroses levoces [zy wweslez ease es ‘ooe'ts |speges loezez'rs |rovee's ‘suajaul 02 < + joroso'ts |po'010'1s |eg'zees |g0'se1'1$ Joo'oso'Ls = = sua] 0Z-0) (gu) Bare yoop Jed js09]__uononyjsucg eBpug| T T rooz _|oooz _ ess: rooz —loooz __ [seat oan Bujssoig JVM | __OSN. Bujssoin epeip | a “papnyou 10u soroua8uynueZ pu Busaousiug somurso Capuyunpoid puo sourssrouuores sf 1800 porous ‘$1809 NOLIONN, eo zoewe "soy ooroszs| ssvvs | coves | —~ [oooszs] evecs [cores | seses | wi _ | ven aieuon | oo'szzs| serves | ereors | sooees Joorses| seozes | vveves | oooses | w | ano pue ren | 00°0S1S | __scviis twos | 69'9sis |00'OSLS| _sv'esrs. oJ 0 00S zw___| wey pue yoeq oo'os | svzcs | cerses | sevos | — = = = zu Jequilt 00'SZz1$]_sreers esses _| szoss | 00'SZL$ = seses | ov vers cw ‘3}810U09. oo'ozs | soses | ooess | exws | — = = = zw [ ~yenowoy 26pug woz | ove | 06s - tooz__| ooce | cose : asn_| Bussory s0VeNn, asp Buisso1y opeig sun adAy jeaoway 8661 saqus9aq YFnowp 9661 AzenUey AWAOWRY TH¥NLMIS WOd 1503 GALYRLLS 03/04/03 APPENDIX B Bid Item Cost Estimate EstiMaTeD BID ITEM Cost [Romname [Speck [Units [Averages Use These prices are average of bid data received. Each job should be reviewed and | 1989 | 2000 | 2007 | adjusted for site conditions, very small or very large quantities, unusual traffic ‘handling problem, geographical location, anticipated inflation and unusually short construction time limits (00390: Riprap Protection iprap-Loose Gass 25 ne S7O0o] 86723] — F005) 7009 Riprap-Loose Gass 360 ins ‘$000 $46.00] $55.00] 380.0) Riprap-Coose Glass 60 ine $576) $8223] — 80.00] $70.09 (00510: Structural Excavation and Backfill [Granatar Stuctore BackarS ie $5053] $3802] S577] —Bas.05 [Granular Stuctore Backes i ‘$5033] $9602] $57.79] — sab.) [Granutar Wall BackAtS ine $171.20] $6238) S557] $60.0] [Granutar Wall Backes Ins S720] ___ $62.35] $5547] — $60.0] [Structure Excavation tS ine $2088] $2057] $1855] $25.00] (00512: Drilied Shaft Foundations Died Shak Consrete [ns | _ 8271.80] $201.33] ~sia0.39] 422500) Died Shalt Reinforoment ie 3177 S147] __foa7] $179) Dried Shas - Ding im $2604) 363679] F500 09 (00520: Driven Piles Drive Steel Pies IE ‘SaTea| $588.20) “S487 aa] $5200 Dive Steel Pipe Pies IE $5582] $586.17] “$575 00] $800.00 Fun: HP 250mm x62 Kg Pos im 5B $0.00] $4807] — $5009 |Farnish& Dive Steel Sheet Ping ine $0.00] $208.32] $4875] — $00.00 [Furish P55 9.53 im Sra] __ $87 Bal — $080] $5000 Pile Splces. 328mm Pipe IEA $aue Ba] Siz aa] $0682] $180.00 [File Spices, Ex Seat ze] 812000] — $0.00] ~s250.00 Reitarced Pie Tis Pipe Pile Em SUBS] $120.59] F160 77] ~sia0.09 (00530: Steel Reinforcement for Concrete [Reintorcement-coaiod ia Bier] S15] $05] — Sea] Renfarcement uncoated Ie 311 Sr1a]__8138] sta (00540: Concrete Bridges Struck Gone. Gass 5 [| S387 74] —saanai] saat o] $490.00) Struct Gone. Cass 25 Acrosiicn [ns [ S808 | $0.00) $800.00] $600.00 Struck Cone. Gass 30 [no | _seresr|——] $867 10] $090.00 [Suet Cone Gass 30 roica [ns | __ $6288] $7,570.68] $0.00] $560.00) Struck Cone. Cass 35 ins_ [$872.96] $635.60] $355.02] $525.00 [Suet Cone Cass 35 Mcrelica ims] sera] $0.00] 876473] $700.00 (00542: Concrete Treatment [Architectural Treatment ine $5EB7| $4576] $300.00] $180.00] (00545: Reinforced Concrete Bridge End Panels FC. Be End Panole ine SL ST MY [00550: Precast Prestressed Concrete Members [FS. BIT200 Bris STHFBRSIO) im SOTA] $362 78] F3BOGO] $350.09 IPS. BIT600 Bs StaRBRSOO) im 057i] $571 00] $590.00] $450.00 Rov, 8/23/02 EsTiMaten Bip ITEM Cost Spot [Remnvame [Units [Averages Use ("These prices are average of bid data received. Each job should be reviewed and | 1999 | 2000] 2007 ‘adjusted for site conditions, very small or very large quantities, unusual traffic ‘idling problem, geographical location, anticipated inflation and unusually short ‘construction time limits. FS, BTTSO0 Bre THREAT) FIST OO] S400] $A00.00] FASTIOD PS. BTSs Bas im 30:00] $569.78] $0.00] $550.00) IPS. Box Bm TOSEmm(SERBRAS) [im 30106] $600.66] —sa.o0] $550.00 [P.S. Box ns 1220 SERBRAAD) 30.06] 80.06] $8029] $450.59 PS. Box Bre Bai STHFERAZ) In $55586| __ $566.24| S457 10] $550.00] PS. Box Ba 0rm(STERBRATO) = $0.00] $608.48] $0506] $560.0) IPS. BTiZ20 Bra(SiaRBRTTO) im $6.00] $500.00] $427.00) $5000) IPS. Deck Bub.T 137m im 30.00] $565.78] $719.26] $6000) [PS Dex bub T iamm he $0.00] $645.00] $0.00] _$55009 iPS. Slabs SGmm(STGRERADE) im TeATE| $0.00] $587.50) “$700.09 IPS. Slabs eean(SRBRATO) ir TREO] SHTETE|—$eBT OA] _¥4005 IPS: Sabe-B3Eem(StFBRATO) in S27OTE] $445.02] $420.00] $450.00 PS, Slabs 650mm SaERA20) im SOT] SAAT A] _$ABAa) $480.09 \00555: Post-Tensioning Postiensonine im $2ue] Sama] $5.19] 85.0] (005589: MC/LMC Concrete Resurfacing of Bridge Decks and \Pavements (Class 2 Preparation ime SoG] $558] SABE] — SOG [Constuet HC Resuache nz ‘S51 70] $2530] $6842] $65.00] Furian Wrosiiea Concrete imd| $261.46) $400.00] “¥25808] ~ $950.0) (00585: Expansion Joints [int Elastomer Gone Nesina a ‘S20, $5748] $357.39] $2000 [Poured Seatant Joint Seals im $eaza] —— 6EBA] STAR] $0000 [reformed Elastomer St Seals im Trase] S628] $808.85] $750.00 (00587: Bridge Rails [2 Tbe Cub Mount (STaRBRZOB) a ‘$4zERG] S016 RO] ~$HEZA) $250.00 5 Tube Curb Mount (SERBRZTO) im Fo.oo] $247.20] $0.00] $250.00 [Comb Br RanSiGHORZT6, 220) in SHAT] Ssa7 wa] SaBD.eT| $350.00 (Cone. Parapet wiPed RallSigWOR250) __|[m $0.00] SBS] 406-78) $425.00 Rai- Omemenial Goneete Ral im $748.32] —S758.50] “$965 81] $625.00 Ral Type F(SEFEREDO) im SGOT] $1084] SPDT EA] $225.00 [Rai Type F Replace (StaRBRZBO) im $250.96] #22778] S287 BB] $300.00 [Rai Type F Reto (STaRBRZED) im Sasa] $1597] SABAH] 90000 Hie: Bears Ra im Fisasi| $0057] SPIT] $275.00 [Thio- Beara Ral Rar im $208.19] 22651] $1, 12867] $270.00 [00591; Membrane Waterproofing Membrane Watsproorng [nz TOR] FSSA STB] — $7.00 (00595: Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts enforead Coverte Box Cuber FV Jn | $2827] —_$398z2] $620.62] $500.00 [Wingwals, Aprons GIP Ends ima | se0o.Ta] —s2.46087] _$000| 965000) Rev. 8/23/02 ESTIMATED Bip ITEM Cost [Speci [terWame [Units [Averages Tee These prices are average of bid data received. Each job should be reviewed and | 1989 ) 2000 | 2001 | ‘adjusted for site conditions, very small or very large quantities, unusual traffic handling problem, geographical location, anticipated inflation and unusually short construction time limits. (00596: Retaining Walls Ret Wall, CLP. Cone. ine $608) SAESBH] S587 3a] S00 [Ret Wai, Gabion War nz $000] $0.00] 813438] “$200.09 Ret Wall, MSE-Reint Earth Wal ine $565.85] _ $3726) S27 a2] S505 09 (00597; Soundwalls [Sound Wal-Oastin-Pace Concreio ine 30.00] $248.76] $0.00] “S250. [Sound Wai-Masoney nz SSAA BED SATO] $200.09 [Sound walrPrecast Panel ine 30.00] $184.18] $700.00] $150.00 (00599: Concrete Slope Paving Concrete Slope PavnglSTGRBRTTS) ine | S107 88] saa 60] —S7a.Ba] $00.09 [Slope Paving Curbs(Sia#BRI75) im SHES] $6959] $100.83] “S175.00) (00810: Metal Guard Rail [Guard Ral Transtion (T0806) IEA _[ $1,800.00] $2098-13] $260.00] $2,780.00] (00920: Sign Support Footing [Sian Stuet Sian Brdoe re 376 ar] 83__ $550) [Sian Sect Butory ko 78 cE [Sin Stud Cantilever ie Be] Teal Tar} — $809 [Sion Stud Siucture Mount is O38] 1085] 10.68] $107) [Sion Supp Footings nS | $688.68] $588.08] ~S708-25] S700. [a1050: Fences Fence, Prot-Type ARAL im ‘.e0] $300.00] $000] “$2009 Fence, Pot-Type B Ret im 30,00] $180.00] $130.00] ~ $730.09 Fence, Prot Type Rat im $120.0) $0.00] $150.68) $150.0] Fence, Protecive-Omamentar im $445 00] 47235] $0100] $480.0] Fence, Protecive-Type ATSIHERZW®) __[m S1SE.1G] _ SITE TH] $170.00] $7000] Fence, Proteaive Type B(STGFER2AD) ——_[m $0.00] $6.00} ~$200,00] ~ $200.00 Fence, Protective Type C(STGRBR2A0) [Im $120.00] $000] $1244] $12600] Rev, 8123/02 03/04/03 APPENDIX C Example of Cost Submission to Specification Writer wo Codes For Fase IOs 3 Code] Spec Units] Tham Ce lcranular Stricture BackiTI-a? [0510 | eBoor oor [Structure Excavation~as D510 B3__[ A007 00K, [Shoring @ crabbing D510 13 oA00T00% FReinforcenent=coated 0530 73 [ 0800r00n, fReinforcenent-uncoated 0530 Ts__[ 0R00T00% Struct. conc. Class 75, 0540 T3__[ 1a00700R, Struct —cone._class 30, 0540 TS | 1A00150a IRC, br. pnd Panels. 545 az [onvoi005 Steel, Structural for Steel BEE 0560) Ts [93007000 feiectrica! condust-30mn. D587 "m__[ 0R00350F Poured Sealant_Joint seals 505. Ts | 0n00550% concrete Parapet. ‘Osa TS [ OROGHSOF fraii~ type + (sea¥enZ00y 567 TS | OK0T100% Ret, Watt, WSE-Reint. Earth Wal 596 m2 onons00 rence, Protective-type cistavsnzioy [| — i080 m__[an00200F- Fence, Protective-type C(stafsezaoy 1080 a as00200F- BRIDGE ENGINEERING SECTION (OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FINAL ESTIMATE SHEET FOR IR_18724 ey) “Suet. Name: SW.4 3th Ave: O'xIng UPRR, No: _ $8726 Pos Key 10269, Section: SW 4th St- SW2nd St. (Ontario) Ste County: _Maneur Highway: io me Co. Str. No. system: _ MEE] ‘0100 Length O10 Width Rwy Width Height loimary Project: BR_ Bridge Construction S335 9m 1483" m 1200 m m Deserition: _ = pore Loading: _ 522.5 ee Est Made From: "Checker: Date: — was: — | Jonny ‘UNIT COST PAAR ROAECT ‘SUBTOTAL: 987,200 Total Cost wio Add items: Cnet met) MOBILIZATION AT _ 10.9% OF SUBTOT: 98,720 | Deck Area: me SUBTOTAL WITH MOBILIZATION: _ 1,085,920 cost per m2_ $1,327.81 20% ENGINEERING and CONTINGENCIES: 217,180 TOTAL PROJECT costs: _§1,303,100. i foe fe fe = & a : et aver | 1000 a i= ry —vav00 isso 28 pesca t0o i a ieee [es aoe} i — Teneo [es 0, Bre Be, tna Panels = Sonny ea io Sr lgeeate deructurel for staal 8raG__ "kg £07000 a Erieiitenes! conauicatan 3300 l= | Sr Poured saslane. Joint a i500 3 cones boars = a Eo ous iype r cerarona00) iar ne BE Ret swells fabeneine aes wa BD at Tm fonawrprovectivertype €(seaaReT)— ‘ioe Hos Br_Ponce,PeovastivesType-€(statanzto) Sao ena age 1 1722/2003 03/04/03, APPENDIX D Example of FHWA Report April 16, 2001 TO: David Cox Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Attention: Bruce Johnson, P.E. FROM: — Mark Hirota, P.E. State Bridge Engineer SUBJECT: 2000 Bridge Construction Unit Cost We have completed the study of bridge construction costs for 2000, as you requested, Shown below are the average costs per square meter for each highway system System No, of ‘Area in Square | Eligible Costs | Cost per Bridges Meters Square Meter | Federal-Aid 20 22,378 $20,050,126 $896 Highways _ Off Systems 11 3,973 $2,799,708 $705 The bridges used for the study are listed on the enclosed sheets. If you have any questions, please contact our office. MAF: Enclosures Attachment D BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNIT COST “New and Replaced Bridges Let or Awarded During Calendar or Fiscal Year” STATE: OREGON Federal-aid Highways: NHS and Other Federal-aid Highways No. of Areain Eligible Cost per k, Bridges | SquareMeter | _Costs | Square Meter Federal-Aid 20 22378 $20,050,126 $896 Highways No. of Area in Eligible Cost per | Bri | Square Feet Costs Square Foot Federal-Aid 240,875 | $20,050,126 $83 Highways Non-Federal-aid Highways: Bridges on local roads and rural minor collectors (Off-System) No. of Area in Eligible Cost per Bridges _| Square Meter Costs __| Square Meter Off Systems 14 3973 $2,799,708 $705 No. of Areain Eligible Cost per Bridges _| Square Feet Costs Square Foot | Off Systems| 14 42,765 $2,799,708 $65 rate gees —9zt‘oso'ozs BLe'ze 0% Teo. Cermanseaaniov-aairaisx Zoot yeuou, yarn aIVETEMIS 49C1S (ovetos-ais-sua-x ezL01 orl (e2so0gddHOV'adH-X O8tv0 EMPTY vacuo aIv ETERS e985 ASD OEGIE HLS aD XOAGON TSS ORC ISVORUE ITO NORTON 9298 eine evo waco xoaso 9185 t9H'PaLTS eins ssvoRus wacsIO ONION Bers ET ESHES ssugo6| TENE LSI WEELO OSGI 8S cempget Ter -UsvOREs Ba FOBTON CES ms spot -1VORHA-¥ECMIO XOOM 0985 pug (our ns) x psy 9p sip Gor Leper HC 7S n¥g09 #0 geo, NSNAL S04" HSKTUIO OBO onto skal 904 eacRO XO OU (eev08-SOF-HNOV (cOL905-SON-HNOV senor soup eam 229 stoug ns voy ssn, 658 voor sfeveeep sed 8H sop ‘Spee rouse) ED Hoa Sat aa Ser ea PROD LAT sexo stoug (omm(y HD NOM HHL sKemyBiy ple-tesapes JN uoReZIaOW — (ss8}0u auenbg nom ‘auenbs) ONdvs = # hoy ‘Aunog ‘edhy ainyonsyg Jad s09 yunoury yesUED AyuEND #PERUOD wen ainjonns ¢96PUE a yoday JsoD WUN BAY YC NN — raBeq SoLs g0z'66z'z7$ ele’ u Tey ump, SOME THIS HSS LOWS wet wet 9aRE HOE AEN SEB bWeg SHOLEL 1 HORC-ISvOREEWaCRHO OHH 9 EET RAT Pro EE ON, syqunjeg umgyel Load IsvOREE wae HOHE (Cosdooos-ais-x dong 06 -LSVORNA- BETHIO NOAH Sp ye049 nbs (rpourowex ut 96s usvoRta-wEEHD xOED wet (edoor048-x age svomaa: WEED KORE vse (oo.s00-0x8-x voitonsea ops sv: ICID NOSE 19S wore domi luuges-savissé 8188 uve sus, luuges- Savi sé" 608s covet (deo0r 04x. (eOso0r 08x gun shemyBiy ple-tesopeg UON J2}9y) —oREaIIGOW — (ss0jou auenbs yom auenbs) ONavs #foy — Ayunog 24K, aimonng Jed 3s09 yUnoWly FesTUOD AINUEND #yERUOD ‘aweN ainonys ¥ 05pug 03/04/03 APPENDIX E State Highway Map and Numbers STATE OF OREGON HIGHWAY NUMBERS AND ROUTES STATE HIGHWAYS gray Rate Nurboray tava he wayne eet cron RE Ara common wh er ts han ae mes so, PRIMARY HIGHWAYS | __ tgheay are Roe amber i a SSR RE OO ‘| one one ot | aa US ONT ORE sacar ae ot OT ‘Sr | ens ‘eae aT ‘er | ears my To ‘a-| ouacaa oo Sapoets 3 sacs Se aE Tenshrivtawray— [on ont ana cat cayoasa hy = t_[ eect a cs at | comings oe | career —| orm one | rece [er sono —| oe ac_| wa a ‘| rsa on GSE [es et ‘areas a oar |S ‘a ‘Sr [oa oS ‘Sr [amanmcnia Lorie st Ra are 1 r_[rase i | way a [wa or S| Saher — ‘SECONDARY HIGHWAYS re Highway Name Route Number 100 | Fisiore Coluntia Rivera Taso 702 nenaien Hy Uses, FAT, ORGO2, USTOTBe 103_| Fishnawn Falls Ray — 104 | For Stevens Fy 105 | Warrenton Astra Hay ysiOTeue 110 | Mist Caekone ‘OR? “20_| Swit "23 Norbeas Poland Ty asap 150_| Lite Nestucea Hay z 31 Nota wy 40 | Wileboro-svanon ay ‘OR, ORS ‘1 Beaveon-Tuslatin Hay Halle | 142 Farmington Hy “Tonto 143|Schote fy ‘ona ‘44 | Beaverton: Tigard ‘ORZ7 150 | Salen-Dayion Hwy ‘oraz 161_| VamhitNeweeg Hany ‘ona0 155__| Sallewe-Hopewel Fy 154 Latent Huy “65 _[_Amiy-Oayion ey ORS 166 [Mediate Hy 157_| Wilanine Shane CRs 160_| Carcass Hwy South R219, 161 | Woodburn Estacaca Hay ‘ont 162_| Nor Sanit ‘one, 163 | Siver Grek Fal ‘ORata 164 [Jerson Fay 171 Clackamas ty ‘OR, 20, ORT 172 Eagle CreeicSandy Fy ‘One 173 | Tinbarins Fwy 174_[ cinckamas-Borng Ray oR | 180—[ eseyileBiodnet Hay ei | siz ry ore 182 | Ota Rock Ty 129__| Dales lees Fey oR 181 Kings Vatoy ‘ona 193 | "indopensence Hwy ‘ORS 7104 Monmouth Fwy 200_| Tori wy [201 | Ase Deaswood Huy 710 | Covatis-Lebanon ORS 211_| Absany-Lyone Fy ‘one 212] Haley Sweet Hone Ty ‘oRz28 215 | clear LakeSahnap Springs Tiny | OR Tae 222] Spiegel Craswal Hay 226 | Mevay Hy 226_| Goshon De finy | OR — 221_| upone-Soringld Hy 1105, ORI 7228_| Eugene 2ndind Couple 729__|"MepllonJuncton Cy Hwy ORS. 730_| Tata ty —F one 231 Eon Suen ny ‘one 232] CratarLake Neth iy ‘ORI 7233-_| West Diamond Late Hay ‘OR [236 [-oatana Shady Hay ‘ORS. 235_| Bilary ‘ORSS, 240 | "Cape ago 241| C208 Rives Fy 242_| Powers Hwy 7243 | Emp Cooe Gay Fy — 244] Conullo-Bendon Fwy Ra - ‘SECONDARY HIGHWAYS (CONTINUED) B6i_[ Pat Over ing 255 | Carpantenie Hy 260_| Roque River Lop Hg 270| take of tha Woods Hy ona, 271_[ Same Vaey Hw, (Ona34, OR 272_[ seaksoneie Hy ‘ona36 27a Sisiou ‘ORs. 251_| Hood Riv Hi 22_| Odell 7200_|_Shorre Bridge Hay, Rate “pot_| Shani Foss ORD 202 | Mosi-The Dales Hay S30 203_|Antlope Hwy '300_[ Wascoespnor Hay ‘GR, ORDOT 301_| Callo-Wasco Hwy ‘ona 320_| Lexington Echo ‘OR2OT 321 | Heponer-Spray Hy ‘ORO 320 _| Weston Bin ‘ORE 51_[ Urata mission gy 352 | sunnyste-Umapie Hay 355_| Hermiston ‘ora 34_[_Aons Holga Hay 35 vena Habe Hy 359_ | Freswator vey [210 [Mecca Springs Hay ORE Se1_[ UWersigar Hey ‘OR 342_[ cove Hwy ‘ORT }-as0~ | Line Shoop Groce Huy 351 | Joseph Walows Laks ty '300_| Mesras Peni Hy ae t_| Culver Hoy - S70 | GNst wy S7_| Power uray 372_[ Centey Owe = 380_[ Paulina Hy ‘390 | Sonic Critica Fay CRT, 402_| Cres Hay “410” |_ sumer Vay Hy 483 Hates -Aniteny Hw “435 Haway-Comucopis Fy [114 Pine Grok ay. “15 | Oseley Nouns Fn CRB 20 | Mind Hy 422_| Choguin Hy Lower Klamath Fwy South Kamat Fats Hay oR, est Diamond Lake Hmy | OR138 ‘Crescent ave Hay 1 Warmer ey oR Frencgen Fay ‘ona06 7 Stoo ay ORT [aao_[ Huntington ray us30 [480 | Svoeor Crook te ‘ORF 51 vase wastr 1453_[ Asser avoa Vaioy #54 Adran-Catwol ny 65] Ode Fary Orta Hay ‘GR, USGoN, VERDE 66 [LON Hay uses

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