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Association Jardiniers du Sud-Ouest Chives

Issue: 117
March, 2016

There was rather a disappointing turnout this month, which was
unfortunate as we had invited Chris Luck to answer questions.
Nevertheless, it was a very interesting session.
Next meeting, Tuesday, April 19th, 14:30.
Our next meeting will be a workshop about all the things we
should be doing in the garden. Also it is our bulb competition, so
please bring your spring flowers and/or photographs of flowers
that you have grown from bulbs.
From our Chairman
Hi Everyone.
This month, April, I will be running a workshop on all aspects of
garden work for the months of April and May.
The intention was to have a speaker this month, but after the
poor attendance last month, (16 people, 5 of us from the
committee, and a guest, Chris Luck) it was a bit of an
embarrassment. PLEASE, if you are unable to come, drop Sue
an e-mail.

The Three Wise Men.

I hate going on about this, but I work, and once a month give up
an afternoon for the club, plus other time arranging speakers and
events with Sue. I have not stopped since before Christmas,
business has been good, so can not really give up time, bit
heartbreaking when very few members come to a meeting.
Enough said.

If anyone is interested, 9th April, Bring and Buy plant sale at 21

Rue Saint Herie MATHA from 10h.00 until 16h.00.
Saint Herie is on the south side of Matha. Event being held by
Take any seedlings, plugs, cuttings, plants, books or tools that
you would like to swop or sell.
AULNAY plant show is on Sunday 24th April. I will be at both
Whilst the Blackthorn in the hedgerows has its white flowers we
can expect cold weather, once they finish flowering we are free of
That's all for now, hope to see you at the next meeting.

New, Improved Website: Please give us

your feedback

Publisher: Les Jardiniers du Sud-Ouest Chives, 8 rue des Roseaux, Le Vivier Jusseau 17510 Chives

Some random facts :

Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented.
It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden'.
And thus the word GOLF entered the English language.
Coca-Cola was originally green.
If a statue of a mounted person has the horse with both
front legs in the air, the person died in battle.
If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died
from wounds received in battle.
If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person
died of natural causes.

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