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Daily Lesson Plan

Instructors Name: Patrick Esposito

Lesson Plan Title: Why is the South so Fat?


Content Area: World Geography

Concept (s) / Topic (s) to Teach:

Five Themes of Geography: Theme of Place

Connection between the aspects of Place and Obesity (as well as obesity related

Content Standards Addressed:

SC Standards/National Strand
-SC Standard - WG-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and
human characteristics of places, including the creation of regions and the ways that culture and
experience influence the perception of place.
SC Standard Indicator WG-1.2 Analyze human characteristics of places,
including the ways places change with innovation and the diffusion of people and ideas
NCSS Thematic Strand - 3:
Social Studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people,
places, and environments
Common Core State Standards Addressed: (be sure to include both the number and description
of each standard):
Social Studies 9th-10th grade:
Key Ideas and Details
1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources,
attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide
an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
7. Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative
analysis in print or digital text.

Learning Outcomes (the student will be able to):

Students will be able to locate and describe the Diabetes Belt, the Obesity Belt, and the
Stroke Belt
Students will be able to discuss and analyze the possible factors that have led to the obesity
epidemic in the U.S. and how they relate to the concept of Place (especially in the South
Eastern U.S.)
Students will begin to understand the connections between place, location, socio-economic
status, health, and obesity
Required Materials/Resources:
CNN Student News: (
Map assignment slip: attached to lesson plan
US Obesity Epidemic, 1985-2010 Map/ Video
Time Article: Why are Southerners so Fat? (also attached to lesson plan)
Problem and solutions chart:
Projector/ Smart Board
White Board/ Smart Board/ Dry-erase markers
Internet access
Student notebooks/ pens/ pencils
Student phone/ Chromebook
Before Reading Strategy:
Brainstorming/ Mind Mapping:
Examine the title of the selection you are about to read
Place the title/subject as the main idea, then develop a "mind map" around it.

List all the information that the students provide during activity and instruct them to:
o Use these pieces of information to recall and understand the material
o Use this knowledge to reframe or reorder what you know, or to note what you
disagree with, for further research
What does this title say about the article?
What are some possible connections between the South Eastern U.S. and the increased
rates of obesity and obesity related disease found there? (Emphasize concept of
If students are struggling with this process, give them some hints:
Food, culture, activities, transportation, weather, traditions, etc.
Teacher writes article title on the board, then uses students responses to fill out map. Teacher
should use follow up questions to student responses that lead to deeper thinking and analysis
of the concept question.

During Reading Strategy:

Problem Solving Chart:
The Problem-Solution chart is a variation of column notes. It helps students focus on the four
areas critical to problem-solving: identifying the problem, listing the consequences or results
of that problem, isolating the causes, and proposing solutions.
Teacher instructs students on the concept of the problem solving chart. Students are to use the
article to fill out the chart as they read. The final question about solutions should be based on
creative ideas formed by individual students.

After Reading Strategy:

Questioning the Text:
Teacher outlines and describes the following questions about the text for the students. Teacher
should write the questions on a smart or whiteboard for students to answer on their own paper.
Instruct students to hold onto questions and answer to use for the assessment paper.
1. Right There (Text Explicit)
What is the poorest region in the U.S.?
What is the poorest state in the U.S?

What is the most obese state in the U.S.?

2. Think and Search (Text Implicit)
What are 3 reasons the article describes that possibly contribute to greater rates
of obesity in the South?
What are 2 of the counter arguments/examples that are given by the article to
cast doubt on their own suggested causes of obesity in the south?
3. Reader and Author (Text Implicit / Experienced Based)
Describe a personal experience or situation that relates your own life to one of
the possible causes of obesity in the south.
The author briefly discusses school lunches in the article. From what you have
seen or experienced personally, in your opinion, do school lunches consistently
provide healthy food to students?
4. On my own (Text Implicit / Experienced Based)
Describe how the concept of Place may play a part in the high obesity rates in
the South Eastern U.S.
Encourage students to answer with a couple of sentences for each question
Short Essay Assignment:
Students should answer the following questions in a 2 page essay. Double spaced, 12 point
Times New Roman. Use APA citation format.
Describe in your own words some possible reasons for the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and
the South East in general based on the information in the article and the activities in class. (use
at least 2 quotes)
What are some personal connections you can make with the article and its suggested reasons
for increased obesity rates in the South? (give examples)
Describe how the reasons suggested for the souths increased obesity rates in article relate to
the geographical concept of place. (be specific)
What are some possible solutions to the causes of increased obesity in the south you have
outlined in your paper? (be creative)
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
1. Answer the questions in complete sentences in an essay form
2. Relate the concepts from the article to personal experience
3. Have creative, yet somewhat realistic solutions to the problems in the article
4. Use quotes and citations properly to answer questions
Adaptations & Extensions:
- If students are struggling with the Before Reading Strategy: Brainstorm, give them

some hints: Food, culture, activities, transportation, weather, traditions, etc.


More directly address the concepts obesity and place as it relates to socio-economic status.
(relate to at-risk/ low income students)
Create worksheets for the questioning the text section to speed up process
Replace paper assessment with students turning in their problem solving charts for an
assessment grade. (challenged writing/ format skills)
Cut the map assignment for students without tech skills/ tech access
Answer questioning the text questions as a class/ group.

- This could be extended by using GIS to have students explore SES, grocery store access,
obesity rates, heat indexes avg., and other indicators discussed in the article to form a true
research paper.
Step-by-Step Procedures for this lesson:
Lesson Outline / Notes / Timeline:
Opening: Before class, the teacher will remind the students of this weeks theme, place, and ask them for the
definition. The teacher will then remind students to make sure their Daily Map assignment story reports are
focusing on aspects of place
10 minutes (0 10 min) Introduction/ Map Slip: The teacher will play the CNN Students News and the
students will complete their daily map assignment (Summarize a story from news and explain it in the context of
the weeks theme, place) Use back of Map Slip to complete assignment. Mark where story is on map. Use
phone to get GPS coordinates.
10 minutes (10 20 min): Teacher will show the US Obesity Epidemic, 1985-2010 video/map without
showing the map/video title. Teacher will allow time for students to make hypothesis about what the map
represents in their notebooks, followed by open discussion about their hypothesis. Teacher will then reveal the
map title and subject matter to lead into article reading. Teacher will briefly discuss the location of the obesity
belt, diabetes belt, and stroke belt using the final map from the video. All are in the southeastern U.S.
5 minutes (20 25 min) : Teacher will briefly instruct students on how to complete a brainstorming activity.
Students will be given the title of the article, Why are Southerners so Fat?, and asked to brainstorm with some
of the following prompts:
What does this title say about the article?
What are some possible connections between the South Eastern U.S. and the increased rates of
obesity and obesity related disease found there? (Emphasize concept of Place)
If students are struggling with this process, give them some hints:
o Food, culture, activities, transportation, weather, traditions, etc.
15 minutes (25-40 min) Problem Solving Chart: Teacher instructs students on the concept of the problem
solving chart using description in During Reading section. Students are to use the article to fill out the chart as
they read. *The final question about solutions should be based on creative ideas formed by individual students.
15 minutes (40-55 min) Questioning the Text: Teacher outlines and describes the following questions about the
text for the students. Teacher should write the questions on a smart or whiteboard for students to answer on their
own paper. Instruct students to hold onto questions and answer to use for the assessment paper.
5 min (55-60) Explain Assessment Paper: Hand out assignment sheet for the assessment paper. Go over the

paper and field questions from students on the assignment.

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