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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Lesson Plan
Grade x


At the end of the session, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the things that the Martian pertains in the poem;
b. Explain how the Martian describes the objects; and
c. Determine what Figures of Speech are used in the poem.



A. Topic: A Martian Sends A Postcard Home by Craig Raine
B. References: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature; English 10 Learners Material
Module 4: Rebuilding Our Societies
C. Materials: Manila papers, Markers and Activity Worksheets
D. Concepts: A Martian Sends A Postcard Home by Craig Raine is about a Martian who visited
the planet Earth that describes the unfamiliar objects he saw in different way.
E. Process Skills: Stating, Performing and Citing
F. Values Integration: Patience and Cooperation in group activity, Humility and Respect in
answering the questions.
G. Duration: 1 Hour
H. Methodology: 3Is Approach (Introduction, Interaction, Integration)

a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Securing cleanliness and



Good morning class!

Good morning maam!

(The star of the day will lead the


Let us all put ourselves in the

presence of the Lord

Before taking your seats, pick up

first the pieces of papers around
you and also under your chairs
and then throw it to the trashcan.

(Students will pick the papers up)

You may now take your seats.

d. Checking of attendance

Ill be checking now your

attendance. Say present once
your name is called.

e. Recall

Who Can recall of what we have

discussed last meeting?

(Students will now take their


(Student) Last time weve made a


Thank you.
2. Motivation

I have here a picture. I want you

to tell me what/ who is in the
Thank you. Where do you think
Marvin lives?
Very good. Imagine that Marvin
just visited planet Earth for the

(Student) It is Marvin the

(Student) He lives in Mrs.
(Student) With his ignorance, he
maybe describes the unfamiliar
objects different from how we

a. Introduction

b. Interaction

first time, what do you think will

be his attitude to those things
that he saw for the first time?
Exactly! Marvin the Martian is
related to our topic for today
which is A Martian Sends
Postcard Home.
Lets have an activity. Group
yourselves into six. Each group
will be given a copy of the story.
Read the story and identify what
objects were the Martian is
pertaining in poem. After 15 mins
we will check your answers
whether it is correct. Is it already
Okay youre timer starts now.
(After 15 mins)
Times up! Lets check your

c. Integration

Very good class all your answers

were correct. Why did you think
that these objects were the
Martian was pertaining?

know about it.

(Student) Yes Maam.

(The students do their task)

1.Lines 1-6
2.Lines 7-10
-sky and fog
3.Lines 11-12
4.Lines 13- 16
5.Lines 17- 18
6.Lines 19-24
7.Lines 25-30
-comfort room
8.Lines 31-34
-two persons sleeping and
1.Lines 1-6
- Caxton pertains to an
Englishman, William Caxton, the
first person who printed books in
English. The Martian also
describes a book as a bird
because it looks like one when its
2.Lines 7-10
-The Martian is talking about the
sky which he suggested was like
a vessel, presumably a flying
saucer or a spaceship and the fog
that makes the surrounding dim.
He also went back on pertaining
to a book in lines 9-10.
3.Lines 11-12
- He compared the rain into a
4.Lines 13- 16
-He refers to a car as a room and

when it is started it moves like his

experience of seeing things go by.
The film was the rearview
mirror. We can see what we
missed by looking at it and it was
like a movie when you look at it/
5.Lines 17- 18
-He refers to a wrist watch.
6.Lines 19-24
-He refers to a telephone that
rings when someone is calling
and we press it when we need to
call someone. He called it a
haunted apparatus because of the
voice he heard when someone is
talking in the phone.
7.Lines 25-30
-He refers to a comfort room/
restroom because of the sounds
we produce inside of it when we
were defecating with pain.
Very good class. All your answers
are correct.
What are the figures of speech
that were used in the poem?
Youre correct. Give a sample
sentence that express metaphor
and simile.

8.Lines 31-34
-He pertains to two persons who
are sleeping and dreaming.
(Student) Thank you Maam.

(Student) The writer used

metaphor and simile.
Caxtons are mechanical birds
with many wings
and some are treasured for their

Yes, thats right. Why do you

think the Martian send a postcard

If you were the Martian, would

you also share your experiences
to your friends through
postcards? Why?
Very good class. You really
learned a lot from the lesson.

then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue
(Student) It is because he also
want to share what is in the
planet Earth to his family in other
planet or maybe he also want to
encourage his friends to go here
in planet Earth to experience and
see what he was talking about.
(Student) Yes, because I want
them to know how beautiful and
great things in this world are.

(Student) Thank you Maam.


Explain how different the Martian see the objects in the poem. Cite some lines from the text to
prove your answer. (10 points)


Read Chapter 7 of the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

Thats all for today class. Study your lessons. Goodbye!

Prepared by:
Practice Teacher

Submitted to:
Cooperating Teacher

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home

Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings..
they cause the eyes to melt
or the body to shriek with pain
I have never seen one fly, but
sometimes they perch on the hand.
Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on the ground:
then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.
Rain is when the earth is television
it has the property of making colours darker.
Model T is a room with the lock inside ...
a lock is turned to free the world
for movement, so quick there is a film
to watch for anything missed.
But time is tied to the wrist
or kept in a box ticking with impatience.
In homes a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.
If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep
with sounds. A yet they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger.
Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room
with water, but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises
alone. No one is exempt
and everyones pain has a different smell.
At night, when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs
and read about themselves ...
in colour, with their eyelids shut

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