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During his term, Dalhousie increased the extent of
British India to Punjab, Oudh, Satara, Jhansi and other
parts of India. His territorial acquisition transformed the
map of India. He was not only a conqueror but also a
great administrator.. 1.. He started molding the
medieval provinces into modern centralized states- with
his non-regulation system. Punjab was divided into
smaller district supervised by Deputy Commissioners,
who were in turn supervised by a Chief Commissioner.
2.. he introduced railways in india for the commercial ,
administrative purpose, 3. introduced potal stams.. 4.
gave more focus on education specially women .5.
created PWD also combined revenue and judicial
departments.. . The Modern India stands on the pillars
of state-district administration, Rail-Post-Telecom
infrastructure and three tier education system.
Dalhousie directly involved in all of them, hence aptly
called the founder of Modern India
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Shashi Kant Lord Dalhousie functioned as the
governor general of India from 1848 - 1856 his eight
year rules are full of important events in every sphere
Administration reforms -: He adopted the principle of
centralization he handed over all power relating Justice,
Police and land revenue to District Magistrate. He made
provision for the Lieutenant governor of Bengal by the
parliamentary act 1853
Railway reforms -: Dalhousie was the father of Indian
railway. The first railway line connecting Bombay with
Thane was laid in 1853. It covered distance of 26 miles
The Electric Telegraph -: In 1852 Dalhousie introduced
the electric telegraph system in India. The first
telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra was opened in
1854 People could send messages from one place to

another place very easily by this telegraph system

Dalhousie was the great both war and peace he
introduced number of reforms in other field also like
postal reforms, Established public work department,
Social reforms Comerica reforms, Educational reforms
he introduced number of reforms in his tenure and
earned the title of "Maker of the Modern India "

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