Fascination Course

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Fascination Course

The exercises you will learn here have the goal to
cultivate life force and give you a starting point in the practice of fascination.
Western Fascination Tradition refers to an original secret tradition, once
diffused in Europe and showing a great similarity in the practices between
different cultural groups.
Learning fascination means having more power in terms of gaze, more
persuasion, more abilities. Its use can be in personal development as well
in therapy as well in business success. This could be a starting point for a more
deeper development of the person, the highest achievable on this earth:
"the way of the presence".
This last way is not for everyone and it is a way of enlightenment. Anyway,
the more immediate results: better life, better communication, better relationships
are for everyone.
Firstly, the person desiring to develop this force must understand what NATURE
really is, as in nature is the original power. Afterwards, he will have the possibility
of strengthening even more of his faculties.
Some of the aspects of this technique are:
1 - Will Power: This is very important. The person operating the life force must be
in control of himself or herself. There are a number of exercises that will develop it.
2 - Energy: This is nervous energy, and it is strictly connected also to sexual energy
and breathing (pranic) energy. The basic respiration operates on the higher part of
the lungs and is rhythmic. Other exercises use the muscular tension to develop energy.
There are also other sources of energy, such as light and sun.
3 - Power of the gaze: Developing a powerful gaze. One of the most required faculties
is not to blink. This exercise is also in Raja Yoga and consists of fixating an object with
maximal attention. Other exercises consist in expanding the vision and cultivating the
4 - Polarities: The person working in this direction will learn to develop polarities
within himself and to strengthen his ability to work with both sides of its brain.
5 - Words of Power: These are words that will bring energy to the person when
it is most needed. They are created with a complex system that seeks to integrate
man in the universe.
6 - Projection of the self: This is another powerful capability: projecting himself
in things or people. It is the basis of emitting life force. In this category we also
put projecting himself in the future.
7 - Sensitivity: To emit energy someone must be able to feel it. Sensitivity means
the capability to feel sensation.

8 - Development of the self: No bad emotion must stay in a person working with
the system. Fear must vanish, as well as other negative emotions.
Lesson 1.
Time to get started...
Thanks for participating in our course!
We will discuss different useful kind of techniques helping the development of that
fascination we encountered in our search.
As we were initiated in this technique we couldn't believe how deep what we
were to learn actually was. We will help you in developing your fascinating power
and charm. We hope this will useful to you as it has been for many others.
What does it means "to Fascinate"?
The word to fascinate is very evocative...
The hypnotic technique for fascinating is called "fascination"
Learning fascination is the equivalent to learn the hidden keys of the gaze...
to fascinate etymologically is derived from the Latin fascinare meaning
enchanting, charming, both with the eye as with the word.
Who doesn't like to fascinate?
Technically it means creating a specific mental state, similar to what we
are as we watch a film or as somebody holds our attention.
An analysis of the phenomena guides us in discovering how different
brain areas are used:
- The neocortex: interpreting what we see
- The part of the mind bound to the emotions, that many people links
to the limbic system
- And finally the most profound part of ourselves, our reptilian mind, that is
at the basis of the process, blocking our attention in a specific direction.
This process has three steps:
seeing and interpreting an element => emotional charge => fascination and attention.
The hypnotic research has explored the first two levels, but is the third one,
the most profound, at the basis of the phenomena we observe.
Learning fascination on an interpersonal basis (business, relationships etc...) means
also developing eye contact. Eye contact is a fundamental tool of conscious and
unconscious communication and this acts immediately on the most profound levels of our mind.

Every scientific research study can confirm it.

It demonstrates how gazing into someone's eyes for more than three seconds
raises strong emotions and will put the person in front of you in a particular state.
The more you exercise the more you will be powerful.
In a conversation, once you will develop your gaze, you will be surprised on
how effective carrying out your key arguments while you are having eye contact
actually is.
Since the listener is then in the so-called "responsive mode", the listener will
be very active and the potential for acceptance higher than usual.
In our practice we will use two types of eye gazing:
1. A continuous gaze.
2. An exploring gaze,
that shows less interest in the conversational partner and is therefore
less invasive, but, if you learn the techniques of this course, can be
also very strong.
Both types of gaze are appropriate at the right time.
But firstly, before even to develop the gaze, it is important to take control
of yourself. As fascination is so strongly bound with physiological responses
we will begin with instruction on how to relax. In order to get the maximum
from this course, it is important that you learn the basics of relaxation.
Through relaxation we open our mind and can achieve a better psychosomatic
balance. We learn also to take control of our body.
Relaxation exercise option 1 (very simple)
Close your eyes and count every time you inhale and exhale in this way:
when you imhale count 1, when you exhale 2, when you imhale 3 and so on until 6.
From 6 you begin again...
(do it for about 3 minutes)
Goal of this first exercise is both to relax yourself, as well as bringing you to
more consciousness.
When we direct our gaze toward some direction, we are also directing
our consciousness.
The second exercise we will do brings attention to our body.
Relaxation exercise option 2
Close your eyes

Say internally SH at the height of your head
Say internally A at the height of your lungs
Say internally M at the height of your abdomen
Repeat saying just A and M
Repeat saying just M
And now, after having relaxed yourself, step in front a mirror (better a big one)
look at you and say to your image: "I know you are only the image of a body. I'm the
real I looking and having consciousness of myself" Repeat now 3 times: "In me
there is the real power" close now your eyes and go away from the mirror.
See us at the next lesson!
Lessons of our online course
Lesson 1 - What is fascination?
Lesson 2 - Mastery of the mind
Lesson 3 - Concentration on body parts
Lesson 4 - The power of breath
Lesson 5 - The power of mirror
LESSON 6 - Using the gaze in ordinary conversation
LESSON 7 - The power of tension.
LESSON 8- Physical Movement
LESSON 9 - Learn the technique of IMMOBILITY
LESSON 10 - Add vivacity to your eyes
LESSON 11 - Visualization and Projection
LESSON 12 - Creating in the reality

Lesson 2.
The fascination training of the fascinators' school seems to be able to induce a specific mental state...
Concentration and Mastery of the Mind.

The key to power is being able to hold the mind in one direction.
The importance of this quality is massive in our age, where each day different stimuli tend to distract
the mind. Everybody recognizes that focusing the mind is the key to success, but the mind of most
people is cluttered with many thoughts. There is also a syndrome, called Adult Attention Deficient
Our masters lived in a different age, but they too had to work on this capacity.
This is the way for achieve greater power and better focus. Concentration means to be able to hold
the mind in a specific direction. Attention focalises the mind on what we want to realize. It is one of
the basic mental capacities.
Developing the qualities described in this course, will give you the possibility to use your concentrated
gaze to affect other people's reality until the point where there is no more difference between reality
and imaginary. This is the basis of the same knowledge that enabled Hindu hypnotists to look into the
eyes of a person and create reality, or for some fakirs to draw a circle on the ground, invite people to
sit inside and tell a story from history that people had the imagination to see with their own eyes. This
same knowledge enables to persuade and convince.
You will be also able to affect your own reality with the gaze. Even if very ancient, this art was always
kept secret and transmitted under oath not to reveal it. As a specific art, it was transmitted in closed
circles. Before, in ancient times, was possession of certain clans. Plinius in the 7th book of Naturalis
Hystoriae says that in Africa, Schythia and Illiria there were families that transmitted the ability to
In the Middle Ages, this ability was attributed to people living in the northern countries. There are
testimonials through the history of people that profess some have this ability but it is clear that, even in
ancient times, was a very closed practice. The reason for it that is the fact that it is an incredible power.
With our attention we can influence the reality around us. This idea is confirmed also by modern
quantum-theory. The student of fascination must learn to control and guide his attention. It is very
important to concentrate, because this means having the capability to control one's mind. These
exercises will also strengthen your gaze, making you more effective in personal conversations.
Find a point in your room.
Observe it intensively
With time, you can arrive at the point of retaining concentration for about 15 minutes (beginning from
smaller intervals)
In a short time you will begin to feel always more concentrated in your daily life: if you are so able to
concentrate on an unimportant thing, you will become very strong in concentrating on important


Find a point in your room.
Observe it intensively and imagine sending little arrows to the target
This little exercise will help you develop more projective power in a short period of time.
Different steps in concentration
During these exercises you will go through several different steps:
Step 1: the point is perceived as a part of the reality in front of you
Step 2: the point is perceived as the only thing in front of you
Step 3: you and the point are bound together; there is no more duality.
Place a small piece of white paper on the centre of a glass, and see how long you can look at it and the
object without winking or weariness. Repeat this again and again until you can look steadily at the
object for 10 and then for 15 minutes.
If you are not able to arrive at 15 minutes don't try to overdo the exercise.
With time you will develop the capability.
In general, 3 minutes without blinking will begin to give you more power in ordinary conversations, 10
minutes will be useful for hypnotizing using also words, 20 minutes for distant influence, 30 minutes
will awaken other hidden resources.
At least one time in your life you should try to do it for a long time. The result of this concentration
will stay with you for a long time

Lesson 3.
Concentration on body parts and on the elements.
Introduction on Western Fascination Psycho Physical Practices.
Western Fascination tradition refers to an original secret tradition diffused once in Europe and showing
a great similarity in the practices between different cultural groups.
This online course will focus specifically on Western European practices; those of transforming one's
body, taught control, harmonization and developing inner power and influence.
There were a number of groups that had access to some of the elements of the ancient fascination
These practices were diffused within Europe until the 20th Century when modernity led to clashes
between ancient popular practices based on self-development and modernity.
This clash led to a transformation of the system.

While some aspects of what has been called "animal magnetism" have had broader diffusion, the
complete culture, practices of fascination and many aspects of the magnetism that were not justified by
the scientific perspective of the last century have gradually disappeared and were almost completely
lost and deleted from the records of human civilization.

Man and Universe.

The masters taught us to be in contact with the nature and with the universe. If we feel separate from
the world then we are not in a position in which we can operate on him. This old truth is also an axiom
of modern physics: the observer is part of the world he observes.
The goal today is to guide you in understanding that the interior elements are also outside you. As a
fascinator, you must learn to operate inside the world and modify your own as well as other people's
reality. From every point of view, what we call "reality" is created inside our brain. If we feel sick, we
will look at the world in a different way to when we are OK. This means our inner states influence the
reality we perceive.
The process can be seen also in another way. As we can operate inside ourselves, we can operate
outside ourselves. The distinction between inner and outer is just a point of view. This is also sound
psychology. The aptitude we have has an impact on what we perceive from the world and on the map
we create.
We have a freedom. We can CHOOSE how to look at it and as we see it we will modify it as we bring
it to conscious attention. This exercise therefore is fundamental in grounding in our subconscious the
idea that we are "creators of our reality".
We will do an exercise that we call " Elementary balance". This exercise is of German origin.
The parts of your body are:
These are very important parts in your body and you can work on them for acquiring more strength. It
is very useful to concentrate on the elements and bring each of them in the respective part of the body.
Head = Volitional = Fire
Lungs = Logical = Air
Abdomen = Emotions = Water
Feet = Heavy/operating = Earth
These exercises are both whole body and based on body parts.

Whole body exercise
Bring a sensation of warm in the body - dissolve it
Bring a sensation of lightness in the body - dissolve it

Bring a sensation of cold in the body - dissolve it

Bring a sensation of heavy in the body - dissolve it

Specific parts of the body
Bring a sensation of warm in the head - dissolve it
Bring a sensation of lightness in the lung - dissolve it
Bring a sensation of cold in the abdomen - dissolve it
Bring a sensation of heavy in the feet - dissolve it

You can bring each element in the respective part and dissolve it. This exercise is bringing more
balance in your self. Balance of elements in the body is fundamental to any further progress. Don't
overdo the exercises. Instead, after having got the knack of them, repeat them a few times over several
In our live course, we also teach another one, very powerful, with five elements

Leson 4
The Power of Breathing.
Breathing is fundamental for our health. There is a real development you can achieve through
breathing. It is fundamental for developing interpersonal power. The reason why being healthy and
energetic also gives us more interpersonal power is rooted in our deepest brain. Our deepest brain has
some reactions that are bound to our past
How was possible, in prehistoric ages, to ascertain the status of a person?
Physiology was fundamental. A healthy person was deemed stronger. This idea that a healthier person
is stronger stays in our deepest mind even now. The fascinator strives to achieve a specific change in
his physiology, in order to be a different person. This change is visible. Therefore it is important to
develop the power of the gaze, posture and obviously breathing.
This lesson is about breathing. Breathing is fundamental in many cultures. For example a specific
branch of Yoga, called Pranayama, is only devoted to breathing.
With breathing we achieve not only a physiological change, but also we can also get more mental
energy. Through breathing we create a connection between our inner reality and the exterior reality. In
this way, we will further develop some concepts that we have already developed in the lesson about
concentration on the body parts.
Air is inside before and outside afterwards. And we can do even more: we can impregnate breathing
with our thought and bring them to life. Each morning on rising, and at the earliest period of the day
when fresh air can be obtained, the adept should stand erect, with chest well thrown out, mouth shut,
and inhale slowly through his nostrils, and fully expand his lungs. It may be several weeks before he
can take good long breaths and retain them, say, one minute in the lungs before exhaling. He should
not exhale rapidly - on the contrary, exercise as much control over the last act as the former two,
namely, the inspiration of the air and the power of retaining it in the lungs.

One key element is being able to exercise two types of respiration:
The first one (we will call "first type") begins from the upper chest and filling the belly.
This kind of breathing in energizing.
The second one (we will call it "second type") begins from the belly and then fills the upper part. This
kind of breathing is soothing.
A useful respiration (use the first type of respiration)
This kind of breathing will give you more "power"
Inspire for 7 seconds
Hold for 3 seconds
Expire for 7 seconds
Hold for 3 seconds
Do this breathing exercise looking straight ahead and without blinking.
This kind of breathing is very useful for accumulating power. It is important while you inspire to think
you are bringing into yourself the energy of the universe. While you hold this energy starts diffusing
itself in your body.
Another useful breathing is the following (use the second type of breathing)
Inspire for 5 seconds
Hold for 20 seconds
Expire for 10 seconds
The most important is the rhythm and the ratio between these times: you can also do 6 24 12, or 4 16 8.
With experience, instead of the seconds, you can use heartbeats.
Don't overdo these exercises, and remember the mental side is the most important!

Lesson 5.
The fascinators are people that use their gaze to affect other people's reality.
They are also people able to affect easily their own reality with the gaze.

Even if very ancient, this art was always kept secret and transmitted under oath not to reveal it. As a
specific art, it was transmitted in closed circles.
Before, in ancient times, it was the possession of certain clans. Plinius, in the 7th book of Naturalis
Hystoriae, says that in Africa, Schythia and Illiria there were families that transmitted the ability to
In the middle age this ability was attributed to people living in the northern countries.

The testimonials demonstrate the history of people having this ability but it is clear that, even in
ancient times, it was a very closed practice. Fascination was always very near to the practice of magic.
Anyway, the persons practicing this technique were always a very small elite group as there was a
need of a very specific training.
Through the exercise of concentration, visualization, etc, you have developed yourself. Now you can
begin exercises with a mirror. Little children don't understand what a mirror is. They think in the
mirror is another child, as does the most profound part of our mind. With the mirror you can develop
your gaze. After, when you will meet somebody, your gaze will be strong and steady. There is a
connection between fascination and persuasion. As a mother wants his son to obey, she looks into his
eyes. Fascination is the basis for developing status and rapport.
The mirror is also the basis for understanding that the world is made of appearance. Our world is a
world of appearance. The Indians use the world MAYA (illusion) for speaking about reality. These
exercises will help in operating profound changes in yourself.

Find a mirror in your home.
Better a mirror encompassing your entire body.
Look at the "you" in the mirror
Concentrate your gaze on the "you" in the mirror.
In a short time you will become to feel a specific sensation.
Say something very good to the "you" in the mirror mentally as "you are very powerful"
Close your eyes
Repeat this exercise every morning as you wake up and wash
The mirror will become a way of giving yourself positive ideas
Go in front of a mirror, look at the self in front of you and try to send him a thought, as you have done
previously when you have tried to make people in the street look back at you.
Stay in front of the mirror no more than 15 minutes.
You will see that what you send will become reality in you and your aptitudes.
The mirror can be a useful help in what the Indians call YAMA (personal development).
The mirror as a way of reaching outer realities
Observing the mirror, you can go inside the mirror from the other side and discover new realities. You
can also work on an interior plane, closing your eyes and imagining being in front of a mirror. We
consider very important to exercise also with a real mirror.

Lesson 6.
Using the Gaze in Ordinary Conversation
After having operated with the mirror, you can begin to use gaze in ordinary conversations.
In conversation, look at the person to whom you are speaking quietly and steadily. Don't stare but
look straight into their eyes. Think your thoughts as well as speak them. There is nothing that will
disconcert a courteous or discourteous liar than a steady look.
When looking with a steady and quiet gaze, think; picture a scene in your mind. Should the
person you are looking at give expression to the ideas or words induced by you repeat the
process again and again as opportunity is afforded, until you have eliminated the elements of
accident and coincident.
While there is some element of thought-transference connected with this, you must first gain the
power of looking naturally and steadily at a person or an object for a considerable length of time
without weariness. If, for some reason, you experience problems gazing directly into someones
eyes, focus on something else that can hold your attention on her/his face.
Sometimes you could also wander. Important: wandering unconsciously with the eye will harm
your persuasion skills. The blinking, winking, and irresolute eye never accomplished much good
in this world. If you wander, do it consciously and not because you feel uncomfortable in looking
somebody in his eyes. The only reason to wander is to avoid the problems connected to the fact
that the person feels too much in terms of stress level as he is looked upon.
Wandering with the focus of your eyes while gazing at someones face is an art that must be
practiced according to some very specific rules depending on the type of conversation you are
having and whom you are dealing with. In this context we distinguish the three following types of
- The Business Gaze, during which your eyes typically wander in an imaginary triangular area
whose delimiting points are the eyes and the centre of your forehead.
- The Social Gaze, used to develop a social atmosphere by letting your eyes wander in another
triangular area, whereby this time the third delimiting point beside the eyes is the mouth, in other
words the triangle is reversed in its orientation and higher.
- The Intimate Gaze, used in courtship or between two lovers is the triangular area that extends
from the eyes to the chest or breast when near, or from the eyes to the crotch when gazing from
a distance.
NOTE: Any sign of weakness, such as inability to look at a person steadily and for a length of
time, would be prejudicial to successful results. The eyes should indicate strength of purpose,
and show no-sign of weakness. For this, the optic nerve and the muscles of the eyes and eyelids
must be educated for their work.

At a place of amusement or at a lecture, sit behind someone and look steadily at the nape of the
neck with the intention of giving him or her the desire to turn around. Persevering with your
practice can do thisa small measure of success will soon show you what can be done. You will
begin to realise that the conscious direction of will by the eye becomes a most subtle and
powerful mode or vehicle of thought.

he fascinators are people that use their gaze to affect other people's reality.
They are also people able to affect easily their own reality with the gaze.

Even if very ancient, this art was always kept secret and transmitted under oath not to reveal it. As a
specific art, it was transmitted in closed circles.
Before, in ancient times, it was the possession of certain clans. Plinius, in the 7th book of Naturalis
Hystoriae, says that in Africa, Schythia and Illiria there were families that transmitted the ability to
In the middle age this ability was attributed to people living in the northern countries.
The testimonials demonstrate the history of people having this ability but it is clear that, even in
ancient times, it was a very closed practice. Fascination was always very near to the practice of magic.
Anyway, the persons practicing this technique were always a very small elite group as there was a
need of a very specific training.
Through the exercise of concentration, visualization, etc, you have developed yourself. Now you can
begin exercises with a mirror. Little children don't understand what a mirror is. They think in the
mirror is another child, as does the most profound part of our mind. With the mirror you can develop
your gaze. After, when you will meet somebody, your gaze will be strong and steady. There is a
connection between fascination and persuasion. As a mother wants his son to obey, she looks into his
eyes. Fascination is the basis for developing status and rapport.
The mirror is also the basis for understanding that the world is made of appearance. Our world is a
world of appearance. The Indians use the world MAYA (illusion) for speaking about reality. These
exercises will help in operating profound changes in yourself.

Lesson 6.b
The eye has been widely studied from a physiological point of view, but very little from a
psychological and energetic one.
Seeing is always in two directions: physically from an object to us and mentally from us to the
It is important to understand that we don't see the images of the world in our brain. We see them
where they should be. It is as if we form our image of the world in our brain, but it "goes" where
we see it. The eyes are the way in which we create the idea of space, and the two halves of the
brain help the binocular perception. Some hypnotists have tried to study the eye, but very few
There are plenty of legends about the power of the eye. The idea of the "evil eye" is well known.
In the preceding lessons we have seen the possibility to externalise during a conversation. In the
next lesson we will study how to make this power even stronger.

THINK as you look at somebody. Just one word repeated slowly (about 1 sec pause between
each repetition), as "attention" or "look at me". Try also "you like me"

Lesson 7.
Achieving power is achieving energy. The more energy you have, the more capacity to do also
mental exercises. As mind and body are connected, we can create mental energy from our body.
As with the energy of the body we are so able to influence the mind (our and this of the others),
many exercises were kept secret. We have worked hard in order to uncover them, and choose
the most efficient.
Physically, in addition to the power of breathing there are also other very important sources of
power: among them, the glands. We mention "glandular exercises" operating on the endocrine
glands. Many authors describe as incredible and beyond everything the development of kundalini
("kundalini raising"). In our opinion this development corresponds physiologically to the
We don't agree completely on the reasons that some of them offer for justifying this
dangerousness. Anyway, in our tradition we believe that this synchronization can be better and
easier achieved if performed before the adept have already worked on another subsystem.
This system is this of "muscular exercises". We will awaken energy through muscular tension that
is allowed to distribute the energy that is created.
We have discovered that many persons studying modern development techniques are new to this
concept, as they believe that the most important thing is to relax themselves. They are new to the
concept that muscular tension can create mental energy, but we can look at a simple example.
As we wake up, we stretch. We studied very carefully the different systems that we were taught
to find the most efficient in order to create energy. The simplest form is during the day - try to
stretch and release the tension softly (over some seconds). You will see that you begin to gain
more energy. This is also a physical effect as in releasing the muscle, you are allowing some
substances to be released inside your body.

If you have more time, the following technique to give yourself power will be very useful. We
Stand erect with arms to the sides of body, head up, chin drawn in sufficiently to show a spirit of
independence, and with eyes steadily gazing upon spot before you that is not more than seven
feet away. Your body must be in a perfectly relaxed condition, but your spinal column must be
firm and erect, as the spinal cord is the seat of the soul. The weight of body is to be balanced
upon the balls of the feet. To succeed in doing this, gracefully allow the body to swing easily
forward and back. No weight is to be allowed to rest upon the heels. Keep the mouth closed,
teeth separated, and the tip of tongue resting against lower teeth, as in first exercise.
While inhaling, and following the currents of breath intuitively. Gently raise the body and allow the

weight to balance toward the tips of toes whilst inhaling slowly and harmoniously for seven
seconds. Now lower the body to its former position, gradually exhaling and giving it that graceful
You are to remember, when going through this exercise, if immediate results are to be expected
then be sure to clinch the hands tightly while inhaling. Do this thoroughly but gradually. Clinch
fists tighter and tighter and tighter, yet without any effort, and be careful not to tense the muscles
or to grind the teeth in the least. In exhaling, gradually relax your fists and allow the weight of
body to rest upon the balls of the feet, and although heels touch the floor, no weight must he felt
To relax easily, all you have to do is to empty your lungs thoroughly and allow your knees to bend
forward about one tenth of an inch. This will bring your weight to the ball of the feet and make you
feel lighter as well as limber. Do not exercise more than three minutes at a time and not more
This exercise is best taken during waking hours. Do not take the exercise immediately after
meals. You may have this exercise follow the first exercise providing the latter has been practiced
for at least two weeks, and the breath of seven seconds for the space of three minutes can be
taken conveniently.

Lesson 8.
Physical Movement

This will be the shortest lesson. It is nevertheless very important. Mind and body are
strictly bound, and the energy of the mind is strictly connected to the energy of the
body. Many of us waste our energy, as we use only a small portion of energy, or we
dont do anything to develop body energy. In the western countries, sedentarily is a
plague. As only 60 years ago, most of people walked for hours each day, it is a surprise
that the average time is now less than 30 minutes. The result is less physical energy,
but both sexual energy and will are also affected.

Walk each day.
This will both awaken your mind and will give more energy to your body.
You must learn to develop the physical side of yourself.
As you do it, you will also develop the power of the will and of the sexuality.
Our sex centers are those from which we can develop our energy.
As we develop them, we develop also the energy of will.
Walking is very effective to this aim.
NOTE: Dont walk lazily; walk energetically.
Walking energetically is the simplest of a series of exercises for developing magnetic power.
There are also other specific powerful exercises to speed up even more the development of the
power, but now they go far beyond the goals of this brief introductory course..

Lesson 9
The technique of the Sphynx

We call this lesson the sphinx because we will speak here of the technique of IMMOBILITY.
Immobility is born out of self-control. Therefore, this lesson is about self-control.
You are on the way to developing an ability that is not very well known in our modern society, as
society is typified by speed of movement. However, too much speed of movement leads to fewer
results in social situations. Our primal mind thinks movement could be a danger.
A person with a high rate of movement risks awakening primal reactions of defence. Learning to
control yourself will avoid triggering these mechanisms. The results - you will be able to achieve and
go far beyond, being more effective in personal situations.
Here is also an ancient key for developing the self.
The basic point is achieving immobility in a NATURAL WAY.

You can begin exerting yourself in front of a mirror.

Dont give yourself any suggestions.
Just stay in front of a mirror and look at you.
Dont make your muscles stiff.
Just stare at yourself.
If you are master of yourself, you dont need to move.
A powerful technique is learning to control your body.
We begin to master the universe starting from what we have more control of: our body.
This concept has powerful practical applications. As you listen to somebody dont move your
hands and feet to the right or left. Learn to move only the necessary muscles. In this way you will
acquire power. If, at the same time, you concentrate your attention on the person to whom you
speak, you will see a strong increase in your communication efficiency.
It is also easier to listen than to speak. And as you listen, your mind works better. Think of what
you desire and think you are there to help your partner understand and decide. Remember that a
person can be fascinated also by his own words. When you interrupt what he is saying, you risk
relegating him and his comments to a subordinate position, or to what you think he should say.
Too often people forget what it feels like to be rudely interrupted and abruptly stopped from
expressing what they want to say. Nobody likes it. It isnt nice at all. Lots of people think that what
they have to say is so important that it doesnt matter what the other is saying about it.
Theoretically this might be true; but remember: what we are dealing with isnt theoretical, its
pragmatic, its an art formyou need to express yourself and let your interlocutors express
themselves too. And you will be amazed that just with immobility and concentration of thought
you will have the possibility to guide your client WHERE YOU WANT.
TEST: try to guide a conversation only listening.

Lesson 10
Add Vivacity to the Gaze

Until now we have exercised the fixed gaze. This is very important for the mastery of the mind, so
now we will also learn to make the mind AWAKE.
The eyes are there to see, but also to be seen. As two people meet, each one tries to guess what is in the
eyes of the other, or his interior life.
The eyes are windows of the soul.

Add vivacity to your eyes. As the eyes are so linked with the mind, moving them will make the
mind more awake. As we will awaken our mind, we will give it more power. To do this, look at
different objects on the right and on the left. The right pace of the movement is about one second
to the right and one second to the left. Afterwards, look up and down. Each time OBSERVE what
you look at.
After that do circles with your eyes. Learning to move the eyes will make your mind awake.


You can learn it in front of a mirror.

Observe yourselves in the mirror, and try to admire your gaze.
Think "my gaze is very powerful"
In a short time, you will see that your gaze will become more expressive.

Lesson 11
Visualization and Projection


Most of the time, people live in an inner trance. Living in an inner trance means we dont pay attention
to the exterior, but instead we react automatically to the events of life. These aspects have been
recently observed by modern herapist (Erickson, Rossi) and are important elements of many traditions.
Gurdjeff, for example, spoke of the automatic man - the man that sleeps and go through life
sleeping. This sleeping could be deemed an inner trance state within modern terminology. We react
on the basis of learned responses.
Besides the reaction based on learned response, there are also many moments in which we dont pay
attention to the exterior as we are caught in an internal trance state. In these moments we are imagining
and reliving old patterns and moments.

One of the key aspects of entering into an inner trance is the eye focalisation.
We defocalize from the reality. The fascinator instead learns to focalise his thoughts and to create his
inner world, at least in some moments, as he wants. He learns concentration, mastery of thought, and
mastery of visualization and imagination. Learning to create his own reality, he understands that reality
is appearance, and thus we can see a link between these techniques and the concept of presence, and
we can also understand some applications for therapy and personal relationships.
Through visualization and projection, we can create realities in the mental world and in the physical
world. Seeing is always in two directions: physically from an object to us and mentally from us to the
object. It is important to understand that we don't see the images of the world in our brain; we see them
where they should be. Is like we form our image of the world in our brain, but it "goes" where we see
With this lesson we approach even more the old tradition, and we learn some basic concepts
How to exercise visualization
Visualization is the art of creating mental images. Some people are very good at visualization from the
first time they try it, while some others must learn how to visualize.
Begin with two senses at the same time. For example, try to see a flower at the same time as touching
it. What happens is that in using two senses, one sense will make the second stronger. Begin to
visualize concrete things, and after a while begin to visualize abstract things (peace or love, for
example). Through repetition you will become stronger.
Projection is the art of sending these images into reality. Each time we do a physical act we project a
thought in reality. We can enhance projection through the concentration exercise of fixing a point and
imagining sending small darts to the point in question.
We can also enhance projection in becoming more conscious of our physical acts. We enhance
projection in bringing each thing we begin to the end.
But seeing has also an even more physical side. It is like in our brain we create an image, and only
afterwards we bring it outside. When we look at somebody, we are bringing outside our brain and
projecting our image onto him. It is like seeing that it operates actively outside us. It is as we bring our
I outside us. It is the I outside us that touches us when somebody looks at us.
Some exercises taught in projecting could have the objective to fix the back of a person imagining and
desiring that he will look back. You will amazed at the success!
How to operate with visual symbols
At the same time, you can begin to do exercises with images and symbols.
The old fascination school used symbols to increase efficacy.

Exercise 1

You visualize the symbol in front of you and you enter the symbol (don't overdo this exercise).
Exercise 2


With images of persons, you look at the eyes of the image and you get in touch with her.

Lesson 12
Creating in the Reality
This simple exercise is of Indian origin and will put your self in a positive state for creating realities. Once you
have opened the eye chakra, you will find it stays open and you will be more able to create the reality around
We call projection the act of sending in the reality a mental thought. What we create is a basis for the reality
to get a certain form.
This exercise is for illustrating the power of visualization and projection:
1 - Imagine what you want
2 - Charge the heart with emotional feelings and bring them to the image
3 - Bring the image of what you want in the centre of yourself at the navel
4 - Through inspiration and expiration, charge yourself with energy
5 - Bring the eyes under the closed eyelids toward your front (ajna chakra)
6 - Send a light beam to the scene
7 - Expire sending the scene in the exterior reality
You will be amazed by the power of this exercise. At the same time you will better understand the concept of
visualization and projection.

Further Lessons....
The most basic exercises you have learnt have the goal to cultivate life force and give you a starting point in
the practice of fascination.
Continuing with the teachings will bring you greater results. Now you are at the door: ready to enter into our
tradition even more.
For the most results, there is also a COSMOLOGY attached to these techniques; a unique way of looking to the

universe. This unique way is THE key to wonderful results.

The person desiring to develop this force must understand what NATURE really is, as in nature is the power.
And making sure that the force of nature inside is working is the most a human being can do in this universe.
If possible, we will try to give you even more information.
However, the best you can do is come to visit us and learn this technique. Making this decision will change
your life.
The professional hypnotists will learn simple and immediate techniques to hypnotize WITHOUT WORDS.
Moreover, these techniques will be easier to work with than the verbal techniques.
Every person learning these techniques will put them in practice and will result in them being more powerful.
If you already practice hypnosis or hypnotherapy, you have the occasion of a quantum leap in your profession.
For the researcher:
The researcher will know that there is a sure-fire method to investigate paranormal phenomena, and to
awaken the inner energy.
The technique we have developed is the most advanced and the most sure-fire method to awaken hidden
For the business person:
The person interested in business will learn the POWER OF GAZE and of REAL MAGNETISM to get what they
want in the life.
For everyone:
Everyone will learn the REJUVENATING TECHNIQUES that strengthen the body organs and help you to retain
And there is even more: starting form here you can access the more aristocratic way of the presence. The
way of the presence is the final direction of all paths of awakening, both eastern as well as western. It is the
final point where we go past the world of MAYA in the only world of reality there is.
These techniques are a gift to the world.
We invite you to get in contact with us for further information.

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