Model Un

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Model UN Position Paper

Jack Dobson
2nd Period

Topic: Iranian Nuclear Programs

Country: Poland
In recent years, the UN has suspected Iran of possessing weapons of mass
destruction. This would be a direct violation of the NPT, but thus far Iran has denied the
allegations. The main problem faced in this situation is the possibility of global nuclear
warfare. Poland has adopted the same policies as that of NATO, in result of their
partaking in recent peacekeeping missions. In the event that Iran is in possession of these
weapons, Poland is likely to be involved in the process of removing them.
In the 1950s, Iran launched a nuclear program as part of the Atoms for Peace
organization. The first nuclear reactors were then built in Iran by American Machine and
Foundry. In 1968, Iran signed the NPT. This treaty promoted peaceful use of nuclear
weapons, in the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. After a policy of concealment
that Iran placed on the program in 2005, suspicions have been raised. An IAEA report
quotes, "there is no evidence that the previously undeclared nuclear material and
activities ... were related to a nuclear weapons program." This yields another issue with
the proposal, as there has been no real proof of wrong doing. Iran states that the
development of nuclear weapons would be in disregard to their Islamic religious
principles, and that nuclear power is necessary for industrializing the nation. They have
also stated that under the NPT, they should legally be aloud to enrich their uranium

facilities. The main argument proposed by the U.S. and other countries is that the fullest
possible exchange of nuclear information should be shared between countries, as stated
in article 4 of the NPT.
If the violation of the NPT is proven to be true, Poland is prone to get involved in
a seemingly nonviolent establishment of more peaceful Iranian programs. As the issue
has already been brought up to the UN, it will not be difficult to implicate this action. A
large problem yielded by conflict in Iran are their large oil reservoirs. Destruction of
these reservoirs could lead to a global environmental crisis, and would also leave many
countries with little access to the resource. Steps have been taken however, by Poland and
the rest of the EU to enforce an oil embargo on all imports from Iran. This action has
been taken in hope that it will stifle the Iranian economy, making nuclear research for the
country a more expensive operation, and thus irrelevant until they find more ways to get
their oil exported. With their ties to NATO, the Polish military could take an alternative
approach to the situation by establishing outposts near Iran. In the event that this action is
implicated, it could prevent future conflict over these alleged nuclear programs until the
issue has blown over.

"Iran and Weapons of Mass Destruction." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27

Mar. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.
"Fact Sheet: Article IV of the NPT U.S. Support for Peaceful Nuclear
Cooperation." Fact Sheet: Article IV of the NPT U.S. Support for Peaceful Nuclear
Cooperation. Bureau of Nonproliferation, U.S. Department of State, 01 Apr. 2000. Web.
24 Mar. 2013.

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