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ECD 132 Learning Plan

Activity Name: Dancing Train

Age of Child: 3-5 years
Content Focus: Dance
Key Content Area Concepts: Body Awareness, Space Awareness, Relationships
Key Content Area Skills: Using different body parts, sharing space with
classmates, moving in different directions, at different levels and pathways, and
moving body parts in different spatial relationships.
Integrated Learning Outcomes:
PD-3K-1.2 Coordinate movements to perform simple tasks.
2.1 Explores different ways of moving his/her body with and without music
2.2 Attempts to move to the beat of music
Materials to collect/prepare:
- CD Player
- Children in a line
- Spacious Area

Transition/warm up:
Teachers will read How Can you Dance? By Rick Walton to give children ideas
on how they are able to move and create movements.
Adult Procedures:
1. Teacher will explain the directions to the activity.
2. Teacher will lead by coordinating a movement at the front of the line then
going to the back of the line.
3. Teacher will copy the next persons movement. And continue working around
the room in the train
Child Procedures:
1. Children will listen to the directions of the activity.
2. Children will copy the movement of the teacher and continue walking in the
3. Children will copy each of their classmates movements and when its their
turn they will do a movement and move to the back of the line.
Accommodations for individuals
Simplification for atypical learners:
To make this activity simpler the children could stand in one place instead of walking
around the room while coordinating the movements.
Challenge for advanced learners:
To make this activity a little more challenging children could use a combination of
movements instead of one movement at a time.
Conversation to Support Learning:
At what levels were you and your classmates moving?
What kinds of movements did you notice?
What other movements could we try out?
What body parts did we use?
Tell me what you think would happen if we were to walk backwards instead of
Observations and Assessment:
PD-3K-1.2 Coordinate movements to perform simple tasks.
The child will be able to use body parts to move simple movements.
2.1 Explores different ways of moving his/her body with and without music

The children will move their bodies in different ways while copying their classmates
2.2 Attempts to move to the beat of music
The children will be able to coordinate their movements to the beat of the music.
Good Start Grow Smart South Carolina Early Learning Standards
New Jersey Early Learning Standards

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