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Anecdotal Record #2

Childs ID: N

Age of Child: 4 y 7 m

Date of Observation: February 13, 2015 Location of observation:

Prince George
Time began: 10:00

Time ended: 10:50

1. Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Circle Time
Snack Time
2. Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is
doing and/or saying:
The child sat on the correct letter of her name on the
carpet during circle time. (Lang)
The child sang along to the good morning song. (Lang)
The child made movements with the words to the song.
The child sat quietly while listening to the story. (cog)
The child made predictions while teacher was reading the
story. (Cog)
The child talked with other classmates while eating
snacks. (S/E)
3. Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s)
and the child:
Child was making comments towards the teacher while
she was reading the story. (Lang)
4. Note significant interactions between the child and other
The child talked with other children at the snack table.
(S/E, Lang)
During circle time the child was talking with a group of
her classmates. (S/E, Lang)
5. Code observation notes (SE=social emotional, FM=fine motor,
GM=gross motor, L=language, C=cognitive)

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

1. What did I learn about the childs development from todays
N is able to remember verses and movements to songs.
N is communicating more with her classmates.
N is able to make predictions with stories.
2. What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
I would like to focus on Ns physical development.
3. What questions do I have regarding the childs development
and learning?
I would like to ask her what kinds of activities she like to
do outside.
I want to have her make something in the arts and crafts
section for me.

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