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Ian Moguin


Microsoft Office

ne of the major benefits of using the Macintosh and Macintosh applications is that you can easily
apply what u have learned about one program to any other Macintosh program. In the past, with
other computer operating systems, when you moved from one program to another there was no
relationship between how the two operated.
In the Macintosh environment the screen display, menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes are alike. For instance,
the ways in which you start and quit programs, move between programs and files, move around within a
document, use menus, type, edit, cut or copy text, and use Help are the same.
The Macintosh operating system lets you run more than one application at a time and easily transfer data
between open applications. Just click the Application menu to move from one application to another. The
graphical interface makes using your computer both easy and fun.
Microsoft designed its Office suite of applications to allow you to create documents with data from word
processing, spreadsheet, graphics, presentation, and database programs integrated into a single document.
You no longer have to spend hours trying to convert data from on file on your PC to access it for another
Since Microsoft introduced its Office suite, many of the other major software developers who were tied to
one particular type of application have either merged with other companies or have become involved in
joint efforts to market their products with a suite of programs.

Excel the Microsoft Office spreadsheet application. A spreadsheet application is based on the accountants
green sheets of bygone days. Each worksheet in the program contains 256 columns and up to 65,536 rows.
Columns are identified by letters across the top of the worksheet beginning with A through Z and then
continuing with AA through AZ, then BA through BZ and so on. Rows are numbered from 1 down the left
side of the worksheet.
The intersection of a column and row is called a cell. Cells are the units for storing data, which can then be
edited, manipulated, charted, etc. At the bottom of each worksheet is a series of tabs identifying each of the
possible 255 worksheets in a workbook.

PowerPoint is the Office application that allows you to create professional quality 35mm slides, overheads,
photoprints, or on-screen presentations. For those who are not comfortable using objects, PowerPoint will
do the work with Wizards. Wizard is an aid that asks you to respond to questions about the task you want
to accomplish. With the data you enter, the Wizard creates a presentation for you.
You can use PowerPoint slide shows for any task that requires you to present data. PowerPoint provides
sophisticated layout tools that help you add visual interest to you slides with clip art, charts, and a wide
variety of designs and slide formats.
Microsoft Entourage is a desktop data management program that helps you organize the data on your
desktop and communicate with others. You can use Entourage to manage personal and business data such
as e-mail messages, appointments, business and personal contacts, tasks, and files. You can also track
activities. Entourage lets you share data with a group using e-mail, group scheduling, file sharing, and
more. You can share data between Office programs and browse and find office files.

Ian Moguin
You can also use Entourage to access the most exciting data exchange medium currently available the
World Wide Web. Entourage lets you connect directly to the World Wide Web and share data in many
different ways once you are online.

The application that is probably used most often is word processing. You can use Word to produce letters,
memos, envelopes, newsletters, reports, fax cover sheets, mailing labels, and many other kinds of printed
documents. Many of Words features would have been available only in desktop publishing applications
just a few years ago. You can easily use many different fonts, create display type, align text, and add
graphics, borders, and shading.
An add benefit is that you can share data from Excel and PowerPoint and any other Macintosh application
without any difficulty.

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