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Wilmar Martinez
English 11

America's bias with the Death penalty

The death penalty is a topic that has been throughout the history of the world. Dating
back with the Japanese. But is Death penalty the right way to enforce justice. Who gets the death
penalty? Is everybody treated with equal justice or does your race affect your possibilities of
Death penalty. United States has been unfair with the people from different race by being unfair
with race. The government will more likely give a person death penalty if there black or a
different color; just because different races have a higher possibility of getting death penalty in
the same situation then an American.
Death penalty has been in the United States since the 13 colonies existed. The total of
death executions in the United States history since 1976 is a total of 1,389 executions. "Out of
the many in death row 42% is African American, 43% is American and 13% is Latino". These
statistics show the percentages of races in death row. Are all death penalty citations treated in the
same way? In the history of death penalty only 31 white Americans have been executed for
murdering African Americans and 289. African Americans who were executed for murdering
white people. These statistics prove that the courts still see the white race more important than
African Americans. by the fact that if a white American kills a black or different color person the

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courts will just send the person to jail but if a black man murders a white man it is most likely
the black man is sentenced to death penalty.
So the question is the death penalty a right way of punishment and is it distributed
equally to all races. I find it unfair for Africans to be more likely to receive death penalty for the
same situation then a white person. The United States should remove the death penalty the death
penalty seems less humane then anything why should someone deserve to die for a dumb
decision they made. The death penalty is a less civilized way of punishment. And if they dont
keep it they should distribute the death penalty equally. But when will this happen when will the
United States realize they are being inhumane. Till then suffrage and bias will end in the world.

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Death penalty, Still Racist and Arbitrary
Published: July 8, 2011

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