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By: Ivette Lopez

Country Profile

Syria is in the Middle East

Capital City : Damascus, Syria

Population : 22.85 million

Major Ethnic Groups : Arab, Kurds, and Armenians

Languages : Arabic, Kurdish, Armenian

Religions : Islam, Judaism, Christianity

Life Expectancy : Female : 77 years , Male : 72 years

Literacy Rate : 84%

Syria has a Mediterranean climate. Meaning that It has hot, dry, sunny
summers and mild rainy winters.
Some major geographic landforms in Syria are mountains and plains.
One body of water that goes through it is the Euphrates River.

The major natural resources in this country are petroleum and iron.

Syrias type of government is a dictatorship. Meaning that the
government is ruled by an individual. Citizens are to do what they are
told in a dictatorship. Bashar al-Assad is the current leader of Syria.


GDP : 2,066

GDP Per Capita : 5,100

Major crops : Wheat and tobacco

Major Industries : The bulk of Syrian imports and machinery

Major Exports : raw cotton , clothing , fruits, cereal grains

I think that the standard of living in Syria is low. It is low

because there are not enough jobs for people to work. Also 80%
of the people there live in poverty.


People in Syria wear clothes that covers their entire body except their
face and their hands.

Women wear jeans with a dress over it.

People in Syria listen mostly to Syrian Music.

Although Syria is a poor country it has an educational system. They

have very little school supplies and 98% of the schools in Syria are

Current Events
The article I have was published on February 4, 2016 on CNN Student News. Syria
is having a civil war. More than 250,000 people have been killed already. Because
of this there are about 4 million refugees around Syria. Many people are taken
out of their homes and getting killed.

Current Events
The article I have is from and it was published on February 7,
2016. Many Syrians fleeing their government remained stranded on the Turkish
border. Turkey had reached the capacity of the amount of people that they had
in refugees. Many people are disappointed about this and some dont have a
place where to go.

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