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By: Pway Htoo

A- East Asia
BC- Capital City: Naypyidaw
D- Population: About 5.26 million people
E- Major Ethnic Groups: Kachin-Indians-Kayah-Bamar-Shan-keyih-MonRakhine.
F- Languages: Burmese
G- Religion (S) of its people: Buddhism-Christain-Muslims
H- Life Expectancy: Total population: 66.29 years
I- Literacy rate: Total population: 93.1%

A- Tropical monsoon with lots of rain + a lots of sun

B- Big river with large flood plains along rivers, sea highlands and

C- Gems, minerals, oil, natural gas.

Myanmar Government
A- Military run democracy.

B- Members of parliament are appointed by

the military Commander in Chet.

C- Aung San Sun Kyi- Women

A-Find the GDP: About 1,200
B- Myanmar per capital is 824.19
C- Corn, sugarcane, wheat, barley
D- Construction material, gems, metals, oil and natural gas
E- Oil and natural gas
F- High and low. Low standard of living lower rent, Pepsi is 89cent.

Myanmar Culture
Men dress in longyis, shirts without collars and tradition jackets. Women
wear longyis is and blouses with and opening in the front, which are
buttoned either in the Centre or on the side.

Myanmar tradition music is based from the sound made from instruments.
They made of harp and padauk, mahogany.
Myanmar school is not same like U.S.A. Myanmar school is the level of
education start grade 1 to grade 11. Grade 11 is very important to a final
level for student to go to enter University. School is like Is made of wood and.

Current event
Feb 2, 2016
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Presided over the first freely elected parliament after years
of military rule. She is not eligible to become President as she a British citizen.
Feb 2, 2016
Myanmars new government bannea the export of raw timer to fight deforestation,
idling thousands of elephants used to move the wood.
Aung San Suu Kyi is the leader of Myanmar (Burma). She is President. Aung San Suu
Kyi heads Burmas dream of democracy.

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