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OLD TES CAMGAIDEE|) Test ( David said that the accident was his fault. TOOK David the accident. We would try really hard, but my older sister and I never got on. HOw No. my older sister and I never got on. Stmight get cold when you're out this evening, so it's probably a good idea to take gloves. CASE W's probably worth ...... this evening. .. Cold when you're out ‘They told Nick not to go to the city centre on New Year's Eve. WARNED. Nick Eve. . from the city centre on New Year's | wish ! could have finished my biology project on time, ABLE I regret not on time, my biology project finished John didn't know he had to phone his teacher if he was going to miss a class. MEANT John didn’t know was going to miss a class, his teacher a call ithe The costs of digital photography have come down over the last few years, DROP There over the last few years. . the costs of digital photography | was bitterly disappointed they didn't give me a part in the school play. BITTER eric given a part in the school play. OLD TEMS cameerdsEe®) TEM 2 Dr Sharp wants you to look after his patients while he's away. CARE Dr Sharp would like you to .. ‘Yasmin’s uncle said to her that she should stop her children eating junk food. eT ‘Yasmin's uncle told her more, . junk food any was surprised how hard | had to work when | became a teacher. EXPECTED thadto . when | became a teacher. We will send your new passport tomorrow, provided your paperwork is in order. LONG ‘Your new passport will. your paperwork is in order. The weather was getting worse, so Joe was forced to give up his attempt to climb to the summit, BUT Due to the worsening weather, Joe had .. to give up his attempt to climb to the summit. What are your plans for celebrating Nina's birthday? ‘MIND What . for celebrating Nina's birthday? (Once the visitors had gone, Rachel started her homework immediately. DOWN ‘Once the visitors had gone, Rachel immediately her homework. Pierre's presentation showed he was against the proposed takeover. OBJECTED Inhis presentation, Pierre made it. proposed takeover. OLD tests CAMBADGE @ Tesh ) Pat does not intend to have a holiday this year. 0 INTENTION Pathas .-on holiday this year. John thought it was very strange that Fred had not answered his letter. FAILURE John thought that his letter was very strange. | think itwas a mistake to lend your car to Joe. SHOULD | don't think your car to Joe. by the end of the month, it willbe two years since Hendrik came to England. FOR By the end of the month, Hendrik so tWO years. + Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start. HARD No matter . they couldn't get the old car to start. «vm sorry, but there's no way I'm going to sleep on the floor,’ said Naor CLEAR Naomi made. ..« prepared to sleep on the floor. | don't think you'll have much difficulty understanding the local dialect. FIND | don't think: to understand the local dialect. Mats promised to ring as soon as he got home. MOMENT Mats said that he got home. OLS TESTS CAMBRIDGE (B) TEM 2 AR ‘The reduction in the price of the magazines led to a growth in Sales. RESULT Sales of the magazine Price, .. the reduction in the | think the weather will improve next week. CHANGE | think there't be ... next week. better in the weather Phoebe was surprised to be offered a place on the course. CAME The offer of a place on the COUFSE «...ssrere Phoebe, lhe doesn't get that job, who knows what he'll do! KNOWING Ithe doesn’t get that job, .. what he'll dot ‘Do you want to go and see the new play at the Arts Centre?’ Petra asked her friend. INTERESTED Petra asked her friend whether .... new play at the Arts Centre. to see the Georgia hasn't written to me recently HEARD ' awhile. ‘They put Roger in charge of health and safety at the factory. for health and safely in the factory, {tis important to be well prepared for an interview because if you make a mistake, you may not get the job. cost ‘Amistake in an interview may important to be well prepared, soitis OLS TESS CAMARI BEE B) TERY A0b My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. RECOLLECTION My grandfather didn't. night. Hf Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. NAME Hf Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have himself as an art historian. ‘The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees, COUNT ‘The company's employees shouldn't. allocated a car-parking space. Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. PUT not willing .. from my colleagues any _Jpnger,’ said Delia. ‘This holiday is within our price range, provided we don't go to the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre, AFFORD We: i .. a8 we avoid the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre. {t's very unlikely that Martin will win the 100 metres, as he's out of training. CHANCE Martin has almost... out of training, the 100 metres, as he's Nadia’s friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. POINT Nadia was just friend arrived. . the restaurant when her Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. IMPOSSIBLE The terrible weather .... house all day. .» Paul to leave the OLDIES GAM ERIDGE @) Ole There is no way Lisa will give up her independence to get married. OF Lisa has martied. _-« up her independence to go! ‘Simon really ought to make a decision about his future. MIND It’s high time Simon .. about his futuro. Pay claims must be submitted before the end of the month. PUT You have of the month. your pay claims before thn) «rit There are various ways of avoiding insect bites, PREVENTED: Insect bites can. . various ways. | think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time. POINT Iean't how to use a typewriter. ‘Your mobile phone should be switched off at all times during the performance. SHOULD Under no during the performance. - your mobile phone switched on Ityou don't pay on time, your booking will be cancelled, RESULT Failure to . Your booking being cancelled Darius soon recovered after the operation on his knee and was able to rejoin the team. _ MADE After the operation on his knee, Darius .. and was able to rejoin the team. ; ee ed A Od TERS Canceidse ey Ao2- Sally was all ready to leave the office when her boss asked her to type up a report Point ~ Sally was the office when her boss asked her to type up a report Sally was on the point of leaving the office when her boss asked her to type up a report 2 Mark once worked for an international charity organization on a voluntary basis As ~ Mark used with an international charity organization Mark used to work as a volunteer with an international charity organization 3 They plan to repair the bridge this weekend Scheduled — The repair of the bridge place this weekend ‘The repair of the bridge has been /is scheduled to take place this weekend 4 If you change any of these arrangements, please be sure to let us know Notify Please ensure that change in these arrangements Please ensure that you notify us of any change in these arrangements 5 “Most of the problems arose because there was no leadership on the committee Caused — It was the ‘most of the problems of the committee Tt was the lack of leadership which caused most of the problems of the committee 6 I didn’t realise that she had decided to come to the meeting Decision — 1 was unaware attend the meeting I was unaware of her decision to attend the meeting 7 I'm going to eat less chocolate this year Down -I'm going to of chocolate this year I’m going to cut down (on) the amount/ quantity of chocolate this year 8 The got started on the new project immediately Time ~ We lost on the new project ‘We lost no/ little time (in) starting / getting started on the new project, A LD TESS CAMBUBCES) 1 It is essential that this door is kept unlocked Should - Onno locked Aoo On no account should this door be locked 2 It seems unbelievable that this jewellery is almost a thousand years old when it is so well preserved Hard ~ This jewellery is in such good believe that it is almost a thousand years old. This jewellery is in such good condition that one can hardly believe that it is almost a thousand years old. 3 ‘When it comes to punctuality, Fiona really takes after her mother Concerned ~ As , Fiona really takes after her mother As far as punctuality is concerned , Fiona really takes after her mother 4 You have to be very patient to work as a primary school teacher these days Deal ~ Working as a primary schoo! teacher calls these days Working as a primary school teacher calls a great deal of patience these days 5 He didn’t understand exactly what was wrong until he read Julie’s letter Only — It he read Julie's letter that he understood exactly what was wrong, It was only when /after he read Julie’s letter that he understood exactly what was wrong. 6 ‘None of the other team members supported Terry’s idea Support — Terry’s idea met with the other members of the team ‘Terry's idea met with no support from the other members of the team 7 The region is rich in natural resources Offer ~'The region has a lot. terms of natural resources The region has a lot to offer in terms of natural resources 8 Because of its price, the book may never become a bestseller Prevent ~ The price of the book may a bestseller The price of the book may prevent it from becoming a bestseller Part4 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that thas a sinlon m/ainng Fo ae jens, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You trust use between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). CG ia It 0 Chice would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ‘ON Chloe _... a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza. “The gap can be filed with the words ‘insisted on having}, so you write: Example: {0 || INSISTED ON HAVING Inthe exam, wite only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 25 (Only time wil tell whether Ella was right to change her training Progremme- REMAINS nGenrs: training programme. whether Ella was right to change her 26 ‘Would you lend me your camera, Patrick?’ asked John. BORROW John asked 4. camera. 27 Ronar fully intends to write,a blog about his round-the-world trip. EVERY = [RSENTION TO VORSTS Ronan JARS Sool .. a blog about his round-the-world trip. 28 (ifndbody objects) today's class will be held on the terrace outside. UNLESS Today's class will be held outside on the terrace sane OBjections. 29 Ursula's parents did not approve of her plan to visita friend in the USA. MET Ursula’s plan to visit a friend in the USA... her parents. of 30. Thetbig increase in hits on his website came as a surprise to Philip GOT ae Muct ea _ a big increase in hits on his webstte. TEST 6: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH

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