Myanmar Bagan Dynasty Epoch Pagan Dynasty

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Myanmar Bagan dynasty epoch Pagan Dynasty

Bagan dynasty (Pagan ended AD 846 ~ 1297), is a Burmese dynasty

ruled Myanmar, also the first time a unified Myanmar territory dynasty,
but also Burma Burmese and many ethnic peoples from the half-tour
into the agricultural society dynasty, Myanmar Civilization starts here.
AD 1044 history of Myanmar, Anuradhapura Tagaytay (Vatican
Anawrahta, bar Anuruddha) unified Burma Bagan dynasty (Pagan
ended AD 846 ~ 1297) to divide.
Before the year 1044 are untraceable, according to age.
Sven records began after AD 1044.
AD 1044 years ago
Before the year 1044, a city of a country-wide Myanmar respective
king, there is an unwritten rule, anyone who killed the king will be able
to replace the incumbent. So you not monarch, minister not minister,
the father not father, the child is not the child, brothers and friends to
kill to kill to fight for wins things right on a daily basis.
Puma is one of the Mon State (later Burman system of) Myanmar
congregation built a small country, about 900 AD by the Founders
Bagan (Burmese) went out, in situ - the establishment of Myanmar
Bagan area Bagan family ruled the country, it is also one of a small
country congregation Myanmar region. Legend Bagan dynasty of 55
kings pass, before 42 are no data can pass the exam, as is the gun I
killed your situation, when reached 42 office, King was unified Burma
Anuyata inadvertently kill, A Tagaytay become Bagan State may
Anu Tagaytay childhood lived in the palace in Bagan, is the second
generation of royal, have the right to succession to the throne after he
invited overlord, overlord that the old, famously said; old people such
as Higurashi Western Hills, Chances are young people.
AD 1019 - Anu Tagaytay (Vatican Anawrahta, bar Anuruddha) Birth
Anu Tagaytay --- born in AD 1019, died in 1077 at the age of 58 years,
the reign of 33 years, Lu Chuan bit crown prince (Sawlu, 1038 Year 1084).
AD 1030 - Jiang Starwood (Kyanzittha) Birth

Starwood Jiang was born in 1030, died in 1113, at the age of 83

years, in the year 1084 to the throne, ruling the reign of 29 years, have
four wives, and incubated for 1 child and 1 female, pass to the
grandson of Aaron learned all (Alaungsithu, 1090 Year - 1167 to 1113
--1167 ruled Burma.
AD 1044 Myanmar began Swaine records.
AD 1044 Starwood Jiang 14 years old, was recruited into the Pagan Anu
Tagaytay palace, trained to learn a skill, cultivate develop will only, as
later became the leader of one of the four big national unity
commander and yellow robe driving body become Bagan Country
Mingjun, are Anu Tagaytay grace, so Jiang Starwood and Anu Tagaytay
yes yes division also friends, but also his son.
AD 1044 25-year-old Anu Tagaytay throne, trying to blow away the
cobwebs innovation.
1. Careers, enable Burmese wise beyond.
2. cultivate develop young civil and military personnel, force fine map
3. The acceptance of technology and artistic talents outside the
4. promote the Theravada Buddhist Teaching with objective for the
country, built Buddhist Teaching with construction.
5. to create or Yi leather Burmese text (the text 1044 years ago does
not appear Burma).
6. Fusion accept all major ethnic groups, ethnic groups and Religion
respect the beliefs and customs.
7. Construction of irrigation systems, the revitalization of agriculture so
that the Burmese evolved from semi-nomadic to an agricultural society.
8. unified the peoples of Myanmar to establish the rule of the Burmese
Pagan dynasty.
AD 1044 ~ 1059
Jiang Starwood day at Bagan dynasty prosperity, often had mishaps
through the influence of the war, from Mao child became founding
fathers, is already under the command of a man riding Wenwuquancai

Bagan CITIZEN great general. Anu command in Tagaytay, the

unification of the territory of Myanmar as the current size of the land
AD 1059 Starwood Jiang 29 years old, 40 years old Anu Tagaytay,
Bagan dynasty has been ruling for 15 years.
AD 1059 Cupressaceae (names) is aristocracy (what family today have
research) siege, Mon lords to help Anu Tagaytay, Tagaytay Anu Jiang
faction Starwood four major generals commanding the rescue with
400,000 troops, reinforcements such as fire, four major command in a
hurry aging, day and night on their way first, when the city nearly Boke
Boke city break finally arrived. And smoothly into the Mon lords. Mon
lords looking forward to rescue the army, is heading for the result but
only 4 people 4 to ride, ride 4 4 how to deal with hundreds of
thousands of sea and land aristocratic army? Mon lords dumbfounding
This era has infantry, cavalry, like soldiers, sailors, artillery should have
(to be verified). Boke aristocratic army attack the city together.
Jiang Starwood four major requirements to play the enemy generals,
Mon Lord says with a smile: I have no thanks to your kindness, I may
not be divided into many horses to you, you still rest it! The road tired
enough, and we rely on the Buddha bless it!
Starwood Jiang said: We do not have your troops, you only see the
mouth and eyes, standing on the city match and cry enough.
Four generals assigned the task, each display their own unique skills,
toward the enemy, the enemy did not look to the human face, mouth
fell open Mon lords forgotten voice shouted, four generals have put the
enemy military commanders and the leading generals alive back to the
wall, the aristocracy army leaderless, suddenly saw the chiefs were
arrested appeared on the city, scared to turn around and run,
autocorrelation stampede died ten thirty-four , again came to the
rescue of four hundred thousand troops went, they did not play each
other crowded Tasi a group, all remaining alive back to the Mon lords,
Mon lords admiration body cast, said: You have 4 large General not
people, is God, we surrender Mon life, no longer enemies with Pagan
Burmese dynasty.
Four generals complete the rescue, moving the division back to Beijing.

Mon lords surrender and express a sense of relief troops,

presented as a tribute to soldiers and gold and silver jewelry, will also
be 17 to 18 years of age to play princess Moni Sang dedicated to
Anu Tagaytay as concubine, in order to watch surrender .
Jiang Starwood escort Mon princess returned to Beijing, all the way
from morning till evening, actually happened feelings are the roots of
troubles? Or hero becomes a prisoner? In short river Starwood is fallen,
unable to extricate themselves fell into the abyss of suffering, a life of
loved ones, the other side of love as father and son like emperor lord. .
Back to Bagan, generals classic bubble emperor concubine of news,
such as the bomb exploded as flowering, Nao was Manchao rain. Anu
Tagaytay also be looking to face problems and lost his mind, it could be
Anu Tagaytay not read or heard "brothers as brothers, women such
as clothes," the old saying, and perhaps also political considerations, in
short, huff tied generals Starwood river in front of the ministers in the
palace hall, and rebuked the outside and big guns Invited to hi River
Delta, is Anu Tagaytay kindness? Or rage at the loss of the associate
head? Or emperor Wenwuquancai for harem overdraft self-inflicted
martial arts? Cut the spear flew over the river Starwood hands tied into
the rope on the floor, picked up guns look of his death Jiang Hi, may
blame the emperor, "brothers as brothers, women such as clothes,"
through fire and water with you, even the clothes are reluctant, Bale !
Anu looked Yata, strode out of the palace. The emperor ordered not
stop, did not ordered to kill Jiang Starwood calmly smooth leave the
For roots, develop border open a chart kings lost founding generals, a
commanding general to make history Million generals lost his life in
exchange for power and wealth and status. Is the praise or the sigh?
For that matter, Anu Tagaytay no impunity decreed river Starwood,
quietly satisfied that the concubine Mon princess. Jiang Starwood left
Bagan, wandering lived civilian life. Both AD 1077, have not been
Anuradhapura Tagaytay died exchanges.
Mon princess was as concubine, died after Anu Tagaytay
crown prince ascended the throne longer be satisfied Weifei Paul, as
Paul ruled Bagan killed seven years later, Jiang Xi (AD 1084) Mon
princess Starwood's return to the embrace of the river has also been
established as a Princess. They separated in 1059 AD, meet again after

25 years, is the forties and fifties age, Mon princess by three degrees
was established as Princess have no children, the elderly have good
finally Bagan palace.
AD 1059 ~ 1070
Jiang Starwood left the palace in Bagan, very frustrated wandering, be
self-imposed exile Ye Hao, Ye Hao therapy hurt feelings, or to prove
their true worth mentioning Kennedy of love, he left his loves and his
power kingdom back to the civil society, and the people face the reality
of life as he is no longer a major general. Jiang Starwood 14 to 5 years
followed Anu Tagaytay conquer the world, we can say do not
understand the hardships, should probably fortunate to have this great
love of recorded history, let him have the opportunity to understand
the feelings in the end of life of the lower small people, then People
ascend the throne after a generation of children in Myanmar, such as
the history of the wise and great king.
During that time, Jiang Starwood wandering folk, Anu Tagaytay not
decreed hunt, river Starwood nor anonymity.
Met in his life was the second woman Na, Na was to
accompany him to spend his life in the lowest tide, and for him to take
care of the home of his parents in the street, in the year 1065 - around
70 years gave birth to a daughter, Jiang Starwood life fathered a
daughter and a son, later this daughter married Anu Tagaytay
grandson, the son of the Emperor Paul. AD 1090 successor, Jiang Xi Da
Jiang Xi's daughter gave birth after Wong Tat grandson Aaron
learned all (Alaungsithu, 1090 Year - 1167). Jiang Starwood will pass
back to the throne Anu Tagaytay offspring, the throne returned to royal
lineage, not passed to his only son, it is true history.
AD 1044 ~ 1070, Bagan dynasty already is a unified country, there
may be peace and prosperity, Wu governance steering sandwiches era,
Bagan dynasty in the national unity and stability of this time, culture,
agriculture, politics, and Religion, handicrafts, etc. have been the
development of the space, creating a glorious era in Myanmar's history.
AD 1070 ~ 1077
Starwood Jiang came to know the life of a third woman was Ma

Anu Tagaytay ride elephants troops to the capital, when a hunter into
the city to report: Austria take odd face bison infested region,
wounding countless attacks, even professional hunters are afraid to
enter. Anu Tagaytay not listened back to the palace, nor ordered
someone to solve, personally like to sit seat battle, he wanted to use
his seat like to solve bison. So take a straight face Austrian odd. Seat
like bison frightened face, like a fall from Anu Tagaytay accidental
1077, 56-year-old died suddenly flourishing Anu Tagaytay, the Paul
succeeded to the throne.

Recalling Anu Tagaytay life:

1. irrigation irrigation projects, expand the area under cultivation,
agriculture has made significant progress.
2. The army had to Nanzhao (now Yunnan Dali) strike a tooth by
Nanzhao Wang hospitality, established friendly relations and agreed
jasper statue and go.
3.1057 ANNUAL straight conquest under Myanmar, monks and scholars
and various artisans capture up to 3 million people, with 32 elephant
piggy back to three Tripitaka and treasure and other booty to Bagan,
the Bagan promote religious, political, economic, development and
culture, but also laid the foundation for a unified Burma. Arhat and
monk appointed teacher for the country, above the seat of Buddhism
(Theravada Buddhism) replace the outdated Alicante teach. The
Theravada Buddhism as the state religion. Since then, Theravada
Buddhism became the spiritual core of Burmese culture, has continued
to this day. Later, as the Burmese Theravada Buddhism spread to
Thailand to expand into Thailand, but also affected by Thailand,
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka Sangha has also helped the
revival of Theravada Buddhism.
4. In order to facilitate the translation of Buddhist scriptures, Anu
Tagaytay also ordered the Burmese alphabet created by Meng text his
mother evolved into Myanmar text.
5. The conquest of the region, the first complete unified Burma.

6. The widespread construction of the stupa to be built in Bagan Swiss

hi famous pagoda palace. Collection from Ceylon tower ushered tooth
and sacred objects, a huge one, until he died when not yet completed.
7.1071 of which shall please the king of Ceylon, sent monks to Ceylon
people bring classic preaching preaching.
8. expedition wave emperor Gaya State, but also to accept the king
presented the princess and many craftsmen, we can see its prestige
has gone beyond the borders of Myanmar.
9. 1077 Anu Tagaytay died.
AD 1077 ~ 1084
1077 Anu Tagaytay died, the throne Paul.
The Paul (Sawlu, 1038 Year - 1084), who in 1077 --1084 ruled Burma.
Anu Tagaytay's son, sent troops to crusade Mon lords Yeaman dry
(Yamankan), Paul captured the rebel flat in Boke region, the general
Jiang Xi Da fled Bagan, defeated Yeaman dry, inheritance Bagan
After the 29-year-old Paul to the throne, died unexpectedly because
Anu Tagaytay, the region has the opportunity to revolt against the
lords. So Bagan dynasty fell into the war.
About 1082, the Lu advice monks and ministers of strokes river
Starwood Hui Gong, when any of the military command, and then Paul
did not release the real power to the river Starwood, all military power
are held in their own hands.
Starwood Jiezhi Jiang Hui Gong when any great general. His life was
third woman, pregnant, when to leave the ring as a token of his
departure, was happy after the river was Darden throne with his
son got hold token, when his son was seven eight years old.
Years of war, almost destroyed Bagan.
1084 Boke Meng clan lords Yeaman dry (Yamankan) mutiny advancing
Bagan capital, the river does not listen to Paul's admonition Starwood,
Jigong dry feed and night raids, captured after the ambush, Bagan
hundreds of thousands of troops fled.

Jiang Xi Da fled to the city of Bagan, the ministers did not know that Lu
Po Ganquan Jun volts captured, Guiqiu Jiang Xi Da Dengji emperor,
Jiang Starwood willed to say: As long as His Majesty alive, I would not
be emperor. His Majesty captured we should rescue efforts.
Jiang Starwood arrange good Bagan city dispatch military guard, led
the children of the elite rescue Paul.
Risked his life to steal into the Mon lords Yeaman dry (Yamankan)
military camp, killing guards who rescued by Paul.
Starwood carrying the Lu Jiang to flee.
The Lu Jiang Starwood's back thinking: Jiang Starwood parent
concubine of Emperor defection, did not move him back and reuse, he
risked his life to save me without any reason, it must be like to seize
the opportunity to kill my son. As we grew up is dry Yeaman family
friend friends, how to say, he can not kill me ---. Think of it, the Paul
shouted: Help! Help! Starwood defenders found Jiang et al.'s
Whereabouts, was surrounded, had to put down the river Starwood
Paul, stand out. The army did not bring a person to escape, were all
Starwood hop Ruyiluowa river bottom river was only escape.
Starwood fled across the river for fear Yeaman dry kill, but also to
escape for a long time very far.
Jiang Starwood pick a place called Goose Gentile, it is hungry and
sleepy, so he had to turn to a family. So this home is the village head
goose Gentile people. Jiang Starwood to introduce its own headman.
Starwood river headman appreciate the man, but to admire his will
was, so he is willing to chase then and full support.
Headman in his village and neighboring villages to recruit the first
batch of army, Jiang Starwood also make the time to wander
Sanshanwuyue trick report loyalist, did not take long to hire tens of
thousands of people.
In the midst of the tumult, the headman of the more than 20-year-old
daughter - Chin pendant also fancy more than 50-year-old Jiang
Starwood, and favors. This is life in the river Starwood fourth woman.

Mon Lord Yeaman dry (Yamankan) rebels under direct Bagan city, and
the city will be at the head of the Paul scored, with the city councilors
said: the Emperor is dead now, and I'm the emperor, Kaesong I palace
Ministers said: Now can not open the door, you can not accept the
throne, because the problem is not resolved, you emperor, Jiang
Starwood generals to fight back, how to do? The so-called mountain
can not accommodate two tigers, the best way to solve the problem on
the outside of you, who wins and who come back, who is the Pagan
emperor, we first meet volt road.
Mon Lord Yeaman dry (Yamankan) put down the Bagan city, meet Qin
Wang came to the rescue of the river Starwood temporary component.
Bagan near where the two armies in confrontation.
Under Jiang Starwood's call is automatically added around the lord
Wang Qin.
Under Jiang Starwood logistics dimensional screen, Mon lords Yeaman
dry army was beaten a hasty retreat.
Later Yeaman dry Irrawaddy goose Gentile was shot in the village
headman, knot Bouquet of civil strife after reunification.
Jiang Starwood return to Bagan town, folks Kaesong bowed welcome
and smooth on the third place when a unified Bagan dynasty monarch

Year 1084 Year - 1113

Jiang Starwood (Kyanzittha) born in 1030, died in 1113, at the age
of 83 years, in the year 1084 to the throne, ruling the reign of 29
years, have four wives, and incubated for 1 child and 1 female, pass to
the grandson of Aaron learned all ( Alaungsithu, 1090 - The 1167 to
1113 --1167 ruled Myanmar).
Jiang Starwood (Kyanzittha) continuation of all policies Anu Tagaytay
planning, stability and development has contributed to the Pagan
dynasty given group.

( 846 ~ 1297 ),




1044 Myanmar , Anuradhapura Tagaytay ( ,
bar Anuruddha)
( 846 ~ 1297 )

Sven 1044
1044 -

, , ,

- puma situ , . ,
() 900 built
( )

42 55
42 ,
, Tagaytay May ,.
Anu Tagaytay ,
overlord , overlord,
, Higurashi Hills ,

1019 - Anu Tagaytay ( , bar Anuruddha)
1019 Anu Tagaytay ---, 58 1077
, 33 , Lu Chuan (- 1084 Sawlu,
1038 )

1030 - Jiang Starwood (Kyanzittha)

Starwood Jiang ( , 1090 1030 29
, 1084 83 1113
, , , 1 1
incubated, - 1113 1167 --1167

1044 Swaine
14 1044 Starwood Jiang,
, Anu Tagaytay

Mingjun ,

Anu Tagaytay , Jiang Starwood
Anu Tagaytay
1044 25 Anu Tagaytay,

1. Careers,


4. built

5. (1044
6. Fusion ,

7. ,



1059 1044 ~
Jiang Starwood

. ,



1059 Starwood Jiang 29 , 40 Anu Tagaytay,
1059 Cupressaceae ()
( ) , Anu Tagaytay ,
Tagaytay Anu Jiang
Starwood 400,000
, ,
, command ,
Boke Boke


4 4, 4 4 ?

, , , ,
( ) Boke

Jiang Starwood , ,
, !
Starwood Jiang :




, ,
, autocorrelation Stampeders
. . ,


: 4 ,




17 18 Moni ,
Anu Tagaytay Sang
Jiang Starwood . ,

? Starwood

Back , ,

, Nao Manchao Anu Tagaytay

, Anu

" , , " huff
Anu Tagaytay

? overdraft Self Wenwuquancai? ,

, " ,
, "
, , ,

Cut ! Anu strode, Yata
, Jiang

, Anu Tagaytay

Jiang Starwood ,
1077 , Anuradhapura Tagaytay

Anu Tagaytay ,
Jiang ( 1084) ,
, Weifei

, 1059 25

1070 1059 ~
Jiang Starwood, Self-
Hao , Hao


Jiang Starwood 14 5 Anu
Tagaytay ,




Jiang Starwood , Anu Tagaytay
, Starwood anonymity

Na, Na

- 70 , Jiang
Starwood , Anu Tagaytay
, Wong Tat

(- 1167 , 1090 )
1090 Jiang Da Jiang Jiang Starwood

Anu Tagaytay ,


~ 1070 1044,
, etc

, , , ,
, , , Wu

1077 1070 ~
Starwood Jiang Ma bula

Anu Tagaytay
, Anu

Anu Tagaytay ,
1077, 56 Anu Tagaytay ,

Anu Tagaytay :
1. , ,

2. , Nanzhao
Nanzhao ( Dali)

3,1057 ,
32 Tripitaka piggy
, 3 , , , , ,
, for Burma

( ) ,



, , ,

4. , Anu Tagaytay


5. ,

6. hi

Ceylon ,

Ceylon 7,1071 . Ceylon
8. ,

9. 1077 Anu Tagaytay
1084 1077 ~
1077 Anu Tagaytay
--1084 - (1084 Sawlu, 1038 )
Anu Tagaytay , Yeaman (Yamankan) crusade
Boke , Jiang Da
, Yeaman
Anu Tagaytay,

command , Starwood

1082, Lu

Starwood Gong ,

Starwood Jiezhi Jiang Gong

Darden ,

1084 Boke Meng

Yeaman (Yamankan)
lords, , Starwood, Jigong

feed ,

: Jiang Da

Lu Ganquan Volts ,
Guiqiu Jiang Da Dengji , Jiang Starwood

Jiang Starwood
dispatch ,

, Yeaman
Lu Jiang Starwood
Lu Jiang Starwood : Jiang
Starwood ,


, --- ,
: ! ! Starwood , Jiang et al ,
, Starwood

Starwood-hop Ruyiluowa

Starwood Yeaman , kill


Jiang Starwood Goose ,


, Jiang Starwood
Sanshanwuyue ,

50 Jiang Starwood , . 20
, , Kaesong : Yeaman

, !
: .

, , Jiang Starwood


, ,

Yeaman (Yamankan)
, Qin

Jiang Starwood Qin

Jiang Starwood
, Yeaman




Jiang Starwood , Kaesong

1084 - 1113
Jiang Starwood (Kyanzittha) 1030 , ( , 29
, 1084 83 1113
, 1 1

incubated, , 1090 - 1113 1167 --1167

Anu Tagaytay ,

Starwood (Kyanzittha)


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