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23rd of June 2015

Dr. Nadera
EDSE 605
Group 4 Lesson Plan

Audience: Graduate students

Subject: Media Literacy
Duration of session: 90-120 minutes
1. Review different sources to select, print and hang statistics and facts highlighting
media use in our lives.
2. Select videos, transcripts, quotes, pictures and headlines from various sources to
help illustrate examples of media use.
Seating arrangement: U-shape to optimize discussion
Materials/Equipment: Laptop - USB - iPad Printouts stationary handouts -
Learning Objectives and Goals: By the end of the session, the SWBAT:

Recognize the pervasiveness of media in our everyday lives and the role they
play in shaping our experience of the world.

Understand what media literacy is, its purpose and how it can be applied within
a classroom setting.

Specify the knowledge and skills required to be media literate including the five
main core concepts, the key questions & required processing skills.

Deconstruct media messages using the WHO, HOW, FOR WHOM, WHAT and
WHY model.

Integrate ML seamlessly into their regular classrooms and come up with

relevant, targeted activities for that purpose.

1. What is Media Literacy?

Defining the terms

Highlighting difference between media and reading literacy

Introduce the 5 Core Concepts, the Key Questions and the Skills required to
deconstruct media.

2. Why is ML important today?

3. ML in the classroom
a. A focus on Dubai International Schools
4. Our definition & WH Questions
5. Core concepts 1-5: WHO/HOW/FOR WHOM/WHAT/WHY?
a. Main ideas of each
b. Key Questions to use while analyzing
c. Examples from different media sources
6. Addressing multiple concepts in one ad
7. Integrating ML in the classroom
a. Introducing the character: AIDEM!
b. Integrate ML questions into KWL
c. Integrate ML in different subjects
d. Example lessons:
i. How does media represent gender?
1. Gender- based marketing examples
2. Stereotypical ads
ii. Create a cereal box

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