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Josh Schulhoff

11/19/15 Observation of Stockdale/Evans Collab EPF:

Enter 1:50
Evans seated at front of room operating slides and projector while
Stockdale circulated room checking in on groups and interjecting with
expansion or additional evidence
Students are seated 4 to a pairing of 2 tables. Students are on their laptops
copying notes into word from a projected power point while Evans and
Stockdale pull information from slides highlighting sections while sharing
anecdotal information of banking experiences.
1:52 Evans asks a choral question with a weight time of 5 seconds.
1:53 A student responds by calling out a response
1:53 Evans- Why would age play a factor? What do you all think? Boy calls
out response
Evans- If you are a young family and you are starting your first home, why
might you need the money? Same boy calls out to make repairs
Stockdale: Remind me what principal is Same boy calls out. Stockdale:
and the additional money girl calls out response interest.
1:56 Choral questions X 3 and responses continue with same individuals
responding, and a few echoes .one response was made by a different
student but I could not determine where it came from.
1:58- Evans: show of hands for single or multiple accounts no hands went
up, there were a few murmurs and a young lady raised her hand and was
called on.
2:00 If you need more information about banks who are the people you can
ask? Wait for 5 seconds.. you mean there is no one in your lives that you
would ask for help? 15 seconds from initial question a few students call out
parents ----One young lady off task.
2:02- Activity researching banks. Each table group was assigned a banking
institution to research and was given a graphic diagram with four
quadrants. Students needed to fill in the quadrant for which they were
2:06 Stockdale and Evans circulating
Just prior to leaving, Stockdale and Evans advised they would pick up there
next class.

1. I wonder if the students could
have access to the slides and
have outlined important
information prior to coming to
class so more time could be
devoted to activities like the
one with which you closed?
2. In light of the few students that
repeatedly respond, I would
suggest calling on individuals
rather than asking questions as
a whole class.
3. Asking individuals would allow
you to increase wait time so
that others that take longer to
process will be able to be more
engaged in the discussion.
4. I really liked the banking
activity. While listening to the
notes and conversations during
the first part of the class, I was
thinking that this would be a
great thing to do and then you
did it! I loved that each table
was a different bank and that
each group member had
information they were
responsible for researching and
recording. Having only one 8.5
x 11 sheet divided in quadrants
meant that students could not
write down their findings at
the same time. Students were
having to wait to fill it in until
others were done which meant
some were ready to write but
time ran out.

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