Stephen Covey: Name: Xiomara Beatriz Hernández Martínez Section 02, ID: 31-3749-2008

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Name: Xiomara Beatriz Hernndez Martnez


Section 02, ID: 31-3749-

A paradigm comes from the Greek groups paradigma, it basically means a
pattern, a model, representation, something extend for something else, it
comes from the mental image you have in your mind of the way things are
out there, and the images we carrying in our heads of the way things are our of
reality comes basically from our own backgrounds, are all experiences.
All of this things we see the world as it is, in fact we see the world as we are,
we projects until the outside world or environment the people we associate
with, including how we see ourselves, we project are all about on conditioning
experiences our backgrounds, are certain representation, a certain model, a
certain several expectation, a certain assumption on the reality out there and
we think that the way it is. I might describe myself for you or a situation as if I
am describing as it is, in fact I am describing myself that is my perception, my
feel of references, my world view, my value system, my own biography, I am
projective a pattern the outside. Now let me give you a very simple _________
ways of lucky of a paradigm, it is a map like a map of this hotel or a map of say
of Portland, Ill ask this gentleman what would you do if you came here to
Portland and you have not information all about this place and you given a map
when you rent the car and it was a map of Seattle, but on the top of the map it
said Portland what would you do? See you dont know ______
Never been here you have to no source information.
GentlemanI hope ask for a ____________ more direction ______________ may be
have them start me up
Stephen__ and the person said, so sorry Sir. Is al we have _____________ good
luck to you, youre the key of you car is in number 14 and if you follow this
map, youll not be able to find this hotel that you want to get to can I suggest
_________ your buddy here up on the phone and he knows that you get a map
and he says to you what Your first name?
-- Kip
Stephen__ your tired so I dont ___________ speak whats gonna happen
Gentleman____Im gonna get twice as fast you coming back in _______ of total
Stephen___And you say him Im never been so confused and so lost on my life
and Im following this map to the _____ and I have double my speed and lost
twice fast he ______ youre really down and almost ready to give up.

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