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Theme of my study is the social effects of marijuana on youths and specifically

deals with young persons between the ages of 16 towmfe wfewefwffww 24 residing
in my village of Bon- Accord. A short story will be used for my reflective piece so as
to depict some of the effects faced by young people in a relatable manner. In the
Analytical segment the focus would be on attitudes to languages and
communicative behavior used in my short story. My expository section will be
presented using research gained through observation and secondary data (internet)
on the effects of marijuana and comment on their reliability and validity a solution
will also be proposed to challenge these effects.
My theme came from my love of sociology and the passion I have towards becoming
a Sociologist. I strongly agree with A. Giddens belief saying: It is a dazzling and
compelling enterprise having as its subject matter our own behavior as social
beings. I have also noticed many social changes in friends that are viewed as a
result of marijuana but I intend to research which of these changes are a result of
marijuana and how can we solve it through research on the social effects of
marijuana on youths.

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