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3rd year Laser B1

1) Choose the correct answer. There is an example at the beginning (0).


My brother and I speak / are speaking Spanish because our stepfather is from Cuba.

My sister is very ambitious and always studies / is studying very hard.

I learn / am learning how to do the Salsa. Its becoming a very popular dance.

She loves / is loving her new school; its much nicer than her old one.

I am seeing / see my cousins every Easter when they stay with us.

Until we move to our new house next month, I share / am sharing a room with my stepsister.

My mum works / is working as a teacher. She is really good at her job.

Mum and Dad are going away this weekend, so I look / am looking after the family.

I really dont like / am not liking comedy films, especially really silly ones.

2) Complete the sentences.

1. I've never been able ______________________________________________
2. I have never been very good _______________________________________
3. Im not really very fond ____________________________________________
4. I'm really looking forward __________________________________________
5. Every time I begin ________________________________________________
3) Complete each sentence with the correct word.
1. Whats your favourite ______________
at school?
2. I didnt get a very good____________________

this term. My parents were pretty angry!

3. Next year Ill be able to __________________

how to drive. I can't wait!

4. Sorry, I cant come out tonight. Ive got loads of ______________

to do for my exams.

5. My mum's just started a _________________in French at the local college. She loves it!
6. Kostas is very good ___________________new words.
7. Ive got a terrible ____________________ this term. Weve got Maths for two hours every mo rn in g .
8. At 2.30 we have the last _________________of the day. What a relief.
9. Katrinas not very fond _________________up in the morning.

At most schools in England the children have an

h o u r s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for lunch.
4) Complete each sentence with the correct word.
1. My friend is in the same year as me at school, but she studies completely different __________________
2. I have a tennis ______________________

every Saturday morning.

3. Id like to learn more about computers. Maybe I should do a _____________________ at the local college.
4. Oh this lesson is so boring! When can we have a ___________________
5. Our teacher's just changed our _______________

and now we have English on Monday instead of Wednesday.

6. I dont think you d better show that _______________

to your father; its terrible.

7. If you dont do enough _________________for the exam, you might not pass.
8. Im really looking forward to __________________ this new Harry Potter book.
9. Next year Ill be able to _____________________ German. I can't wait.


Alexia is brilliant at _______________________ sums. She always gets 10 in maths.

3rd year Laser B1

5) Put the verbs in the correct tense.

1. I _____________________
this new timetable we've got. (like)
2. Quick, the teacher _______________

over here. Hide that comic. (look)

3. Dimitri, will you please pay attention. What ___________________

about? (think)

4. My brother ___________________ that joke at school. Im sick of it. (tell)

5. I like this new course book. What _____________________

? (think)

6. I know he has said some horrible things, but he ____________________

7. Elena cant come to school this week. She ___________________
8. My mum ____________________

you really. (like)

a terrible cold. (have)

me with my homework. She doesnt think its right. (help)

9. At first learning a language _____________________so difficult, but in the end its not so bad. (seem)


I know youre busy, but I really ____________________

help. Can you spare five minutes? (need)

6) Complete each sentence with a word or words (up to 3) in the

1. Hes not very _________________ of meeting new people.


2. Im really looking _____________________ to getting back home.

3. Im having my first piano ____________________ tomorrow.
4. Mina is _____________________ telling me what to do.
5. I really ______________- like this cake. Can you give me the recipe?
6. Im sorry, but Katerina cant come out tonight. She is __________________ her


7. I love playing the guitar. Im not very ____________________ it, but its good fun.
8. We __________________ physics every Friday afternoon.
9. George ____________________ try to study, but he just cant concentrate.
10. Biology is a very important ___________________ to study if you want to be a doctor.

a) Look at the texts on page 9, then look at the information in the chart and write a similar paragraph about



Does he enjoy learning

Why is he studying?





He wants to be a translator

b) Now write about you! Why are you studying English?


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