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Due Every Monday


Week of :

Home Study Record (Home)





(30+ min.)
write the title
of your book
(Keep track of
what you
need to work
on using the

o Weekly Checklist (Home and School)

ST Math~ 3 thirty minute sessions per week

*Working with, or around an adult is great!

Reflex Math ~ 3 Green Lights per week

*(The more the better! Average time to green light is 25 min)
*To be done independently

Typing Club~ 2-3 Sessions per week

*Make sure finger placement is correct, or, create a homemade shield!



Due Every Monday

Our programs this year are wonderful as they can be completed at home or at school.
The more connected we stay and the more time students put in in both
environments, the more they will achieve! That being said, it can be very tricky to
keep track of what has been done each week either at home or at school, so that you
can make informed decisions each night about which program students should work
on. My hope is that this new Learning Record will help us. Thank you for supporting
our work!
-Each Monday students will turn in their parent signed and completed record and will receive a
fresh copy for the week!
-Keep this sheet record in your orange folder as we will be using it both at home and at school.
Two Charts:
1. The top chart Homework Study Records (Home) is to be completed at home.
For the Nightly Reading section, record the title of your book.
For the Checklist Choice section, refer to the Weekly Checklist below to see what still needs
to be completed for the week. Select one program to work on each night. Write ST Math,
Reflex Math, or Typing Club.
2. The bottom chart Weekly Checklist (Home & School) is to be completed at home and at
school! This will keep us connected.


Due Every Monday

Parent Signature


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