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Eee Test Takers Name KWASNICKI, ANDRIA ‘Candidate ID Number. 10879067 Sogial Secnty Nuno: Sex F Date of Birth osro1r1983 ESSN) College Where Relevant Training Was Recaived: MONTCLAIR STATE UNIV Undergraduate Major. MUSIC EDUCATION Graduate Major: MUSIC EDUCATION Educational Lave: ‘SENIOR (FOURTH YEAR) GPA: 35-40 Seeeisee monet esies) Code Reciplont Namo Code Recipient Namo RIED MONTCLAIR STATE UNNT 7686) INEW JERSEY DEPT OF EDUCATION ‘Score Reciplent Code(s) rom Heres seneosovecnsnaee foc 2 vo a onsen TEST CATEGORY* Points | Points Earned | Available | Range MUSIC: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE I eon ano composition % ® NN_PEOAGOGY, PROFESSIONAL ISSUES, ANO TECHNOLOGY s 2 Usrenne 2 z i * Category level intrmaton indicates the numberof est qustons answered caret forrlathely small subse ofthe questions. Because they are based on sirall nub of auestons, category scores ate less elabls han the oll scted scare, wich ate based on the fl et of questions Furthermore, he ‘questions ia catagory may vary in cfc ro one ts or to another, Therefore, he Category scores of dua who ae kon Ffornt orms of tho {Gat ae nt necessary comparable. Forthese reasons, caagory scores shoul mt be considered proce rotoston oa candi level of knowladoe {Rat ctegry and C18 reoanmends thal xtegoyomaton no be used nfm any econ feng candhsts witout care coridraon of uch inherent ack of pecison ‘The range of sores camed bythe mid 50% ofa group of test takers who tock tis form ofthe test at he most ecent naonal amnion or ether ‘comparable tina pared WIC moore ra hi ange wes na computed Boca fewer than 20 tat takes took this form of he tt or ecaure tere were fever ‘hon B questions nthe category efor consuced esponse mode, fewer than ® pois fo be awarded bythe raters, NA inceates that this test secon was rol taken and, eefore, he infomation ol apatcadle zor SARA 2008 Easton! Testa Serves. i tgs esaNed ETS ad ne ETS lp ae epsieed tasenans o EAusteal Tsang Sete cam RE PRANS SERIES eaten wETS i some an nemesis

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