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Stella Connaughton


HW P02
1. Explain what happens to the value that is returned to nowhere
When the value is returned to nowhere, that means that the value refers to
another value in system memory. So, that means that the value is not stored
anywhere in the system.
2. What is the scope of a variable? Why is it an important concept?
The scope of a variable is the extent it can be used. It is important, because some
variables are local variables, meaning since they were defined within one function,
they can only exist in one function.
3. How the blocks of code are delineated in Python? Explain with examples.
Blocks of code are delineated line by line. Each line represents a certain action
(statement). For example, one line would be

print Hello, world!

This is a statement, because the code is telling the program to do some sort of
action (show the text Hello, world!
Another example would be

This is a statement, because it sets a variable equal to a value.

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