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Stella Connaughton


Binary, Analog and Programming Languages

1. a. iTunes: can play audio mp3 files.
b. Microsoft Word: can compose, edit, print, format text.
c. Windows Photo editor: can manipulate and display .png and .jpg files
d. Windows Video editor: can manipulate and display video files (.mp4, .wav, etc.)
e. Google Chrome: allows user to browse internet.

a. Linux: operating system that supports computers basic functions, such as

managing tasks and executing programs.
b. BIOS: (stands for Basic Input/Output System) performs hardware initialization
when computer is turned on.
c. Backup computer restore: copies and archives data in case of data loss
2. a. unambiguous, because binary only has two states: on and off
b. creates flawless copies, because no noise to affect copy making
c. anything can be represented, because anything with any pattern can be represented
with a pattern of bits
d. binary devices are simple and easy to build, because it is just a combination of 0s and
1s and on/off switches are easy to build, as there is only two commands, and have discrete
3. In computers, the binary value is tested only at certain points in time, giving the wire
(or other device) time to change. Clocks are needed, because it keeps all these points in time in
sync. The faster the clock, the more wires will be checked in a shorter period of time, making
the system faster.
4. Machine language
5. A formal language created to communicate instructions to a computer. Programming
languages control the behavior of the computer and run algorithms.

Stella Connaughton

6. They must be unambiguous and only interpreted in one way. Programming languages
should be explicit directions that the computer can follow one and only one type of way.
7. Programming languages are unambiguous, while human language sentences and
phrases can have many different interpretations or meanings. Human language is understood by
humans, and not by computers, and programming language is understood by computers.
Programming language has the purpose of instruction, while human language has many

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