Happy Hades

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1. List ' sentences that show the personality of . Copy each sentence
verbatim (word for word). At the end of each sentence, provide the page
number for each example in    (p. 329).
? After each sentence, tell what  
sentence shows about Hadesǯs personality. (e.g., DzThis sentence
shows how   Hades can be.dz) Do not use the same ('
twice, please!
2. The '
 in the : Whose '
 is it? ) in detail your reasoning.
3. How did Zeusǯs master &
 end up in Percyǯs &**?
4. What was  +  to cause a Dzthree-way $,dz or war, between the
Dz,  dz? Be ) in your answer.
5. The master bolt gets ' only when Percy treks through the -  
Why wasnǯt the bolt heavy the 
  that it was in Percyǯs *?
  caused by the 
 occurs quite a bit in c c. Why do you think
that the author, * 
 , has written the story this way?
7. Who wins the & between Percy and Ares? How does the  end,
8. What is ! ? Be '  specific.
9. At the   of C19, Percy tells us, DzI knew now  was in that .dz What do
you  * Percy now knows?
10. What is Percyǯs next  
at the close of C19? Why does he  to
go there?

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