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March 2016

How do Colombian celebrate Easter?

By Jhon Paul Jaimes Sanchez
Colombia celebrate Holly Week
By Jose Orlando Sandoval Herrera




Steve Jobs an example of life

By By Joan Sebastian Parra &
Brayan Jos Chinome



Rolling stones concert

By Manuel Castaeda

Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral Regional Santander


For Colombias Catholic population, this week is the

most important celebration of the year and many
processions and religious ceremonies take place in the

How do Colombians

Holly week is more a traditional one in Colombia, for

many people, it is the opportunity to remember and
reflect upon the life and death of Jesus.

celebrate Easter?

Since Monday, Thursday and Friday are all national

holidays, most of the cities are empty because people
take a week off of work. Many others visit relatives, or
just get out of town on holiday and relax.

Many Colombians celebrate Easter as it should be, it is a

spiritual week in which people reflect upon themselves
and remember all the sacrifices God made for us to save
Humankind. Unluckily, some others celebrate these
dates drinking alcohol, and not praying. That's sad but

Popayan is recognized as a religious center and, in 2009,

its celebration was added to the UNESCO list of
Intangible World Heritage for its elaborate processions ,
which is a 400-year old tradition that now brings to the
city thousands of tourist each year.
The capital city of Colombia, Bogota will be similarly
involved in religious festivities, particularly in the
central district and on the temple of Monserrate.
Mompox is a touristic town in the north of the country,
women walk through the streets dressed in their finest
clothes and wearing jewellery to show their mourning of
Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, in the municipality of Silvia, in the state of
Cauca, indigenous Colombians wear traditional clothes
and celebrate by cooking their best dishes.

What is the Holly Week?

Easter is a time of contemplation and reflection held
by the death and resurrection of Christ, when he
sacrificed his life for mens salvation. Holly week is
all about remembering the mysteries performed by
Christ during his last days before being proclaimed in
Therefore, there is no excuse for not traveling around
Colombia, everything is ready for Easter, It is time to
know and explore the most paradisiacal tourist sites.
By Jhon Paul Jaimes Sanchez

As it can be seen, Colombia is a catholic country and the

last Sunday is the most important day of the week,
because Christians celebrate the Jesus Chris't
By Jose Orlando Sandoval Herrera

Page 1

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March 2016




Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral Regional Santander


Steve Jobs an

example of life

Steve's story is so rich and exciting that deserves to be

shared. It tells us that during the seventies, Jobs joined
the engineer Stephen Wozniak and became his first
partner. Jobs immediately appreciated the commercial
interests embedded in the domestic microcomputer
project in which his friend was working on; among the
furniture and garage's elements, they created an
imaginative motherboard and then a full computer, the
Apple I, which is considered to be the first personal
computer in History.
In 1976, Jobs created the company Apple Computer with
the money obtained from the sale of his old Volkswagen
van. The company was so small, that it was even located
in his family's garage.
As the story states, Jobs created this entrepreneurial
project from scratch going through many obstacles and
was able to create other revolutionary inventions such as:
iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and many others, becoming a
remarkable entrepreneur in the computer and
entertainment industry.

All his accomplisments have taught people that if this great

man was able to invent and create, many devices with few
opportunities at that time, Why would not we able to do
some similar if we have got many opportunities at SENA?
At C.I.M.I there might be thousands of Steve Jobs waiting to
come out. Just become one!
By Joan Sebastian Parra & Brayan Jos Chinome
1093749 - Mantenimiento de equipos de cmputo,
diseo e instalacin de cableado estructurado

Rolling stones


After waiting a long time, finally the legendary English

band well known as the dinosaurs of the rock the
Rolling stones arrived in Colombia. They made a
performance in Bogota, the capital city. It was a crazy
night because there were a lot of people who waited
outside the stadium for about two days before the
performance. They were 45.000 people from all
Mick Jagger who is the vocalist of the band sang in a duet
with Juanes. Everybody was extremely happy and
decided to continue with their tour to Cuba.
In Colombia the cheapest ticket cost 250.000 and the
scalpers were taking advance of it selling it more
expensive. In comparison to Cuba the tickets were for
What are the benefits of these activities in Colombia?
Well people can have temporary jobs and that helps the
high level of unemployment. We can say that it soothes a
little bit the economic situation in Colombia.
By Manuel Castaeda

Ing. Claudia Celina Marin Ariza
Ana Maria Martinez Serrano
Bibiana Fernanda Torres Avila
Javier Amaya Diaz
Laura Margarita Pinzon Jacome
Martha Isabel Barbosa Rodriguez
Martha Lucia Chaves Nio


Brayan Jos Chinome
Jhon Paul Jaimes Sanchez
Joan Sebastian Parra
Jose Orlando Sandoval Herrera
Manuel Castaeda



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