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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: ___Sabrina Singler______

Clinical Instructor: ____Kristen Cecchetto________
Missed Clinical Hours: ___6___

Missed Lab Hours: ___2___

Please circle the appropriate box

NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Program Goals
Students graduating from this program are prepared as generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups,
communities and populations) in a variety of settings.
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups,
communities and populations) in a variety of settings.
Graduates will learn to continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing
knowledge in their practice.
Students graduating from this program will be prepared to demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care
Graduates will be prepared to contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and
mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers.
Students will demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and
health care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates of this program will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed
interventions and outcome measures.
Year One Goals
Define and describe the term 'selfregulating' and what it means to a
part of a 'self-regulating' profession.
Build a sense of identity between
building a sense of self and
Demonstrate the ability to work
with the aging populations in the
residential settings.
Recognize the meaning and
relevance of the five foci within the
nursing program.

Define the ways of knowing and

learning with a focus on critical and
scientific inquiry.
Recognize the experience of
leadership in nursing and undertake
a leadership role in peer groups.
Articulate their role as individuals
and professionals in providing safe
nursing care.
Establish and maintain a
professional relationship with peers
and an engaged, caring, and
culturally safe relationship with
older adults.
Understand the concepts of
advocacy and social justice. Begin
to develop self-advocacy skills.
Explain the relevance of
information and technology skills
that are essential to safe health care.

Explain the components of the

nursing process. Perform a basic
biopsychosocial assessment of
an individual.
Identify evidence informed
interventions and outcome
measures with guidance.
Course Objective
Established therapeutic nurse-resident relationships in
residential long-term care settings.

Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)
I established a therapeutic nurse-resident relationship
with my three assigned residents as well as other
residents within the long-term care facility. In the first
three weeks of clinical I established my therapeutic
relationship with my first resident through talking with
her about her family, doing crossword puzzles with

Met Objective

Performed skills relevant to situating an individual within

his/her personal, familial and community context

her, doing her nails and giving her a back massage.

During the second rotation although it took me until
the last week to really see the progress, I developed a
therapeutic relationship with my second resident ( Feb.
23 & Mar. 1,15) through encouraging her that people
cared for her within her community, helping her with
daily routine and self care and on the third clinical day,
by sitting with her watching her television shows and
talking about her family and life before long term care.
I also developed a therapeutic relationship with
another resident, who ended up passing away. I visited
her for all three weeks and talked with her to gather
information for my My Day assignment. I helped
comfort her during her wound care and then helped
with getting her dressed and situated comfortably in
her room. I also began developing a therapeutic
relationship in the in the first week of my third
rotation (Mar. 22), when helping her to get ready for
breakfast in the morning, helping to calm her down
when she became distressed and waiting with her until
her cab arrived to take her to the hospital. During this
time we discussed her children, husband and career.
Over the entire clinical placement I have made the
beds of residents as well as assisted residents in and
out of their rooms/beds. I have assisted in toileting and
performing daily activities and personal care. I have
assisted in bathing patients and using the bath lift, as
well as using they sit-to-stand(Mar. 22) and Hoyer lifts
as well as transfer poles (Feb. 23 & Mar. 1,15). I have
also helped to transfer patients to their wheelchair
using a walker (Mar. 22). I have assisted residents in
making their way down to the dining hall and around
the homes as well as to their appointments (hair,

Developed and demonstrated skills in basic assessment

techniques relevant to the long-term care population

Demonstrated skills in providing (resident) client-centered

support for activities of daily living

Developed knowledge about the experience of residents

living in a long-term care setting

dialysis Mar. 22)

Throughout clinical I have used the skills learned in
lab during my placement days such as: transferring
residents, performing bed baths, tub baths and
showers, feeding, changing briefs and dressing
residents, performing vitals, assessing cognitive
function, bowel, lung and heart sounds (Mar. 15), I
have also collected vitals and weights(during bathing,
Mar. 1) of other residents.
Throughout clinical I have assisted not only my
assigned residents, but other residents within the
homes with morning personal care activities including:
cleaning and helping insert dentures or partial plates,
helping insert hearing or vision aids, performing bed
baths and peri care (Feb. 23 & Mar. 1,15), transferring
residents from their bed to their wheelchairs (Mar. 1,
8, 15, 22), monitoring residents performing personal
care (Feb. 23 & Mar. 1,15), assisting with toileting
residents (Feb 23 & Mar. 1, 15, 22) and dressing
themselves (Feb. 23 & Mar. 1, 15, 22), I have assisted
with feedings during breakfast (Mar. 22) as well as
attending activities such as fun & fitness (Mar. 22)
My appreciation for the work all the staff involved in
caring for the residents in long term care has continued
to grow. I have also interacted with residents in long
term care who are not affected by age and
comorbidities, but by cognitive or physical disabilities.
This has allowed me to see in persons that long term
care is not just for the elderly, but for individuals who
are no longer capable of sustaining complete
independence especially in regards to their ADL's. I
have also continued to talk with residents and discuss
their life history such as family members, careers,

Demonstrated safe and ethical clinical practice at the level

appropriate for a year one nursing student

Participated in professional development based on

reflective practice and clinical inquiry

Examined personal attitudes regarding the elderly and

other residents of long-term care homes

likes & dislikes and hobbies, (Feb. 23 &Mar. 1, 15, 22)

to have a better understanding of their current
situation, health problems etc.
I have continued to demonstrate safe and ethical
practice throughout my weeks of clinical. If I was
unsure, I asked my instructor or the staff within the
facility: I did this when I was unsure of dietary habits
or restrictions, transfer status, ADL's and what is
typical for a specific resident etc. I also ensured the
use of PPE's when required or did not enter rooms that
required the use and instead allowed the PSW's to
bring residents on precaution their food, I did not
transfer resident's using lifts without supervision and
assistance of a PWS. (Mar. 8, 22), I ensured I was
consistently performing hand hygiene with both soap
and water and hand sanitizer. I also ensured that,
linens, clothing, garbage etc was sorted into the correct
bins. As well as wore the apron when helping to serve
food or feed. ( Feb. 23 & Mar. 1, 15, 22)
I participated in professional development each week
through my reflections on what occurred during
clinical each week. I posed questions to staff, my
instructors and professors; which allowed me to ensure
I was doing things correctly or if I was confused as to
why something was or was not being done. I also
completed the Learning Plan and the Therapeutic
encounter. Furthermore I completed the NURS 1002
paper which was based on my second resident and her
life events and potential nursing interventions that
could be taken to improve her quality of life.
My understanding of the aging population has
continued to be developed through NURS1002, my
other courses and clinical. My understanding of

individuals with cognitive disabilities has greatly

improved. I found it unnerving to hear one of the
PSW's refer to a female resident who I believe had
some sort of mental deficit or dementia of some sort
as odd and another resident as crazy. I know that
the loss of cognitive function is a part of aging and that
it can cause individuals to say strange things; to me
that does not make them odd or crazy and I find
that referring to our aging population with negative
words like that is unfair. One cannot stop themselves
from aging or what time will do to their minds and
bodies. I also feel that individuals in long-term care
who are younger and are there for rehabilitative
purposes are very strong. For example the resident
who was in the vehicular accident; I believe it must be
difficult considering his already difficult
circumstances and youth, to life with an aging
population who can appear to outsiders as sad and
pathetic. This has opened my eyes to how negative
expressing pity can be to a person whether they are old
Developed a basis knowledge of the clinical manifestations Throughout the second have of the semester I
and relevant nursing interventions of chronic diseases
familiarized myself with my two new assigned
residents diagnosis' as well as some of their treatments
or nursing interventions. For example with B.L she
had a partial plate and glasses. I was aware of her
macular degeneration and her right eye blindness and I
ensured that when I communicated with her I was
directly in front of her or on her left (strong) side. I
also completed a care card for this resident. For my
third resident, I immediately looked at her file to see
what her diagnosis' were and established that she had
severe chronic anxiety and chronic renal failure which

was being treated three times a week with dialysis.

One of these days of treatment is the day we are at
clinical and therefore she has a different routine. I
applied my personal understanding of anxiety to help
reduce hers. I will be completing her care card, but
many of the diseases I have already researched and
had to submit with my other care cards. This has given
me a prior understanding of the diseases affecting her
and how I may apply possible nursing interventions to
my resident's care over the final two weeks of clinical.
(Feb. 23 & Mar. 1, 15, 22)
Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.
Identify 3 areas requiring further development.
1. Communication Skills
1. Vital assessment
2. Application of learned skills and assessments

2. Communication with residents or patients who

have limited ability to communicate.

3. Professional development through reflection

3. Using transfer machines, specifically the hoyer


Clinical Instructor Comments

Week 1
Week 4


Week 2
Week 5

Week 7

Week 10


Week 3
Week 6


Week 8

Week 9

Week 11

Week 12

Total number of clinical hours completed_______

Peer Evaluation Completed ____________ _____________________
Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________


Signature of Student_____________________________________________________


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