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Towards a grammatical analysis

Content words:

Names of entities (persons and things)

o Common names:
Things, concrete, general
Things, concrete, specific
Things, abstract
o Proper names
Names of processes (action, events, etc.)
o Doing and happening
o Sensing and saying
o Being and having
Names of qualities:
o Evaluative (beautiful, famous)
o Emotive (attached, intimately, personal, national

Word classes can be viewed from above: which means, semantically. (Nouns
refer typically to identities, verbs to processes. So on)
Or from round about, at their own level. The relationships into witch they enter:
Paradigmically: the options that are open to them
Sintagmatically: the company they keep

In both we can
establish lexical
relationships (the
company they keep,
and grammatical

1) Syntagmatic/lexical [collocation]
The measure of collocation is determined:
The probability of a word [lexical item] increases because of the presence of
another word [node] within a specified range [span].
Collocational patterns contribute significantly to the unfolding meaning of a
2) Syntagmatic/grammatical [structure]
Syntagms an organized/frequent/patronizing sequence of grammatical
The significance of such a syntagm is that here it is the realization of a structure: an organic configuration
of elements, which we can analyse in functional terms.

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