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Street Art

After going on a street art tour of downtown in Salt Lake City there were a few images
that stood out to me and got me talking with the other girls in the tour with me. One of
the images that me and all of the girls were really passionate about was this mural of
an elk on a side of a gun shop.

This mural really opened my eyes because in my opinion I think it is resembling what
little natural life is left on Earth because of guns (right side of the mural). While on the
other side it is all destructive and chaotic impact that humans are having on the world.
In the middle of the mural you can start to see both sides mix together making a
massive storm starting to form over on the nature side. In my opinion the storm that is
forming is representing where we are today in the world, if humans continue with
these same destructive actions the path we are heading on our world is going to look
like the scary left side.

It really got me thinking that humans are actually the most dangerous species on Earth
because humans kill millions of animals a year for their own selsh reasons. While all
the other animals in nature are living amongst each other in harmony.

Another image on the art tour that changing my thinking was this picture of cowboys
and indians at war (this picture was also by the gun shop).

When I rst looked at this picture it reminded me of history class and how we learned
about the war between the cowboys and Indians when people rst settled in America.
The Indians have been living o America s land for centuries before the colonists
arrived and pushed the Indians o the land.

After I got looking more closely at this image it kind of hit me that this war was such an
unfair cruel battle. In the artwork, you can see that the cowboys are using guns and
riding on horses when coming to attack the native people, while the Indians are just
using the Earth s elements to ght back air, earth, water). The indians never stood a
chance because of the disadvantage they had to the colonists weapons.

I think why the artist decided to paint this mural right by the gun shop really makes this
image have a stronger meaning is because in my opinion it is trying to show awareness

about gun safety and usage. Guns have been nothing but destructive since they have
developed and used for war. It disgusts me that in every war America has been in that
guns and weapons have played such a huge role. People need to be aware of the
power they are holding in their hands when using guns, its strong enough to take away
some else s life.

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