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Chat Abbreviations!

& - and
@ - at
2MORO or 2mr - Tomorrow
2nite - Tonight
420 - Marijuana
4EVER - Forever
AFK Away From Keyboard
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
B4 Before
Bcuz Because
B/c - Because
BF - Boyfriend
BFF - Best Friends Forever
BRB - Be Right Back
BK - Back
BTW - By The Way
CBA Cant Be Arsed
CUZ - Because
CYA See you
DIY - Do It Yourself
DW - Don't Worry
F2F - Face To Face
F2T - Free To Talk?
FAVE - Favourite
FFS For F*** Sake
FU F*** You
FWD - Forward

Nicholas Marriott

FYI - For Your Information

G2G - Got To Go
GD - Good
GTG - Got To Go
GF - Girlfriend
GJ - Good Job
GL - Good Luck
GR8 - Great
H8 - Hate
HBU - How About You?
HRU How Are You?
IC - I See
ICU I See You
IDC - I Don't Care
IDK - I Don't Know
IDM - It Don't Mind
IK - I Know
ILY - I Love You
IRL - In Real Life
JK Joke
L8R - Later
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LOLED - Laughed
LMAO - Laughing My A** Off

MIA - Missing In Action

TBA - To Be Announced

MB My Bad (Sorry)

TBH - To Be Honest

NFS - Not For Sale

TGIF Thank God It's Friday

NM - Nothing Much

THX Thanks

NOOB or N00B Newcomer

TL;DR Too Long/Lazy, Didnt read

NP - No Problem

TTYL - Talk To You Later

NVM - Never Mind

TY - Thank You

OTT Over The Top

U - You

PLS - Please

U2 - You Too

PLZ Please

UR - You Are -or- You're

PLOX or PL0X - Please

W8 - Wait

POV - Point Of View

W/ - With

PPL - People

W/E - Whatever

Q Question

W/O Without

Q & A Question and Answer

WASSAP Whats Up?

ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing

WB - Welcome Back

R - Are

WTF - What The F***

RL - Real Life

WUU2 What you up to?

SMS - Short Message Service

XOXO - Hugs and Kisses

SOZ - Sorry

YOLO - You Only Live Once

SRY - Sorry

Y Why?

STFU - Shut The F*** Up

YW - You Are Welcome

SUP - What's Up?

ZZZ - Tired or bored

SYS - See You Soon

Nicholas Marriott

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