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Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name: Rebecca Pazzanese


Grade Level: Kindergarten

Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 2/22

Lesson Type: READ ALOUD Diversity

Title, Author & Summary of the Text Used in this Lesson: Little Blue and Little Yellow by: Leo Lionni
This is a story about blue and yellow who are best friends. One day they are looking for each other and when they find
each other they hug until they become green. When they go home their parents are concerned because they are not blue
or yellow. They cry until they separate then every color realizes that they can hug and mix and separate. They are all
embrace each others differences and arent afraid to touch anymore.
Describe how and provide a rationale for the way you have grouped students for this lesson: I have kept
the groups of the students the same as their reading groups now. Some are in the at or above grade level reading
group, others are in the 1 year below grade level group and a handful are in the 2 years below grade level group. I felt
this set of grouping was appropriate since they were recently tested on their reading ability.

Standard(s) Addressed:
K.8 civics
e) practicing honesty, self-control, and kindness to others;
f) participating in decision making in the classroom;
g) participating successfully in group settings.

The students will demonstrate what being a good citizen is.

Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name: Rebecca Pazzanese

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 2/22

Materials needed/preparation of the learning environment:

The book, paint for the activity, red, yellow and blue, plates for paint, paper. Set up paint at tables.

Plans for differentiation: If students have a difficult time with this activity I will explain to them my instructions in a
different way and show them an example. If students are having an easy time with this lesson, I will have them answer or
think about more complex questions

Before Reading
Engage: Describe how
you will:
capture students
interest and introduce
the text;
activate students
knowledge; and
set the purpose for

I will show students the title page and tell them about the objective of accepting
others differences and even though it is okay to be nervous trying something
new can be fun.
Ask them what they predict will happen
-Say We are going to make some predictions! Turn to the person beside
you and talk about what you think this story will be about based on the title and
cover illustration. Start with the phrase I predict that Try to listen in on the
conversations. After a minute or two, bring the focus back to the book.
-Say: Okay lets hear some predictions. (Call on 2-3 pairs to share) Lets see if
your predictions come true. While I read, look for the times that the main
characters blue and yellow are left out.

5-10 minutes

Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name: Rebecca Pazzanese

Explore: Describe
how you will:
preview the text

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 2/22

Show the cover and go to the first page. Do a picture walk and ask what they
think the story is about.

5 minutes

During Reading
Explain: Describe how
you will:
model/explain your
thinking (list page
numbers and what
you will say/do)
invite students to
model/explain their
thinking about the
words? (list page
numbers and what
you will say/do)

I will show them that its okay to try new things. (when blue and yellow hug)
I will encourage them to tell me what they think will happen to blue and yellow
when they become green.
When blue leave the house I will ask for a few students to tell me what they think
will happen next based on the story so far.
When green is crying yellow and blue ask them why they think green is sad.
How would they make a friend feel better if they were sad about being different?

15-20 minutes

After Reading
Elaborate: Describe
how you will:
engage students in
developing a more
understanding of
the purpose for

Students participate in a dialogue to understand difference.

Becca: If Jakari and Janelly stand next to each other, are they exactly the same?
Student: no
Ms. Hunt: Why not?
Student(s): (point out differences, ones taller, ones shorter, one is a boy the other a
girl, etc.)
Becca: Do these differences mean they should not be friend or nice to eachother?
Students: No

30 minutes

Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name: Rebecca Pazzanese

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 2/22

Becca: to Jakari and Janelly, Hug and go sit in your spots

*then repeat this process with other students 2 or 3 times.
I will have students participate in a painting activity of mixing colors. I will pair the
students up with people at their tables and then explain the activity and send them to
their seats. The pairs will draw pictures of one another then get the paint and place
their hand prints on the paper.
Say: one of you will have blue (or red or yellow) the other will have yellow (red or
blue), then you will both overlap your handprints so the colors mix. *My CT and I will
help monitor the paint available and will help paint hands as needed.
As students do this I will ask them what colors they are making when they overlap
the hand prints

Evaluate: Describe
how you will:
encourage students
to assess their
understanding and
evaluate (formally)
student progress
toward achieving
the educational

I will encourage them to see each others differences and get to know one another
and other kids. I will ask them questions about what 2 colors mixed together make
another color and their ability to follow directions.
I will formally evaluate their ability to follow directions and place their hand prints on
paper and mix colors.
I will also evaluate them on their ability to name the colors used and colors created.


Closure: Describe how

you will:
remind students of
the lesson objective
link the new
learning to future

I will close the lesson with asking them what they learned and what they will do next
time they are in a new situation.
I will ask them if they will isolate someone who looks different than them or does
something a different way than them or ask if they will try and understand that

3 min

Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name: Rebecca Pazzanese

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 2/22


What could go wrong with this lesson and what will you do about it?
Open: a student could not have a partner to discuss predictions with. To solve this, I will allow for a group of three to be
made if necessary
Lesson: I will be prepared to use scaffolding to further explain any questions asked if the children seem to be having difficulty
understanding. I will walk through any words that students seem to be having trouble with such as least or prediction

The students could make a mess with the paint and get it on the table or their clothes, I will monitor the amount of paint
being used and ask that they bring an old shirt or apron to wear for painting.
Closing: Some students may be shy and not want to talk to the whole group. Those students who I know are quitter I will
talk to while they are working to access their learning during the lesson. I will also encourage all students to be willing to
share because this is a safe place for sharing and I will try and make the students feel as comfortable as possible. Some
student may not be finished or still confused with what the objective was. At that point I will ask clarifying questions of
that student and use scaffolding to help the student to better understand what is going on. If the student is unfinished I
will tell him or her that they can finish during free time.

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