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Section #_

MAE 214 SP 16
Homework 2
Due: February 11, 2015 Thursday by 3:30 p.m.
Total Problems: 4 (115 points) All problems are electronic submissions. Read all
instructions carefully.
Problem 1: Make a solid works part model for the given figure below. All dimensions are
in millimeters. You can only use total of 3 features with a combination of Boss-baseExtrude and Cut-Extrude. All sketches must be fully defined in all features. (30 Points)
Save your solid works part file as follows through GWC 481 computers only:
Documents/Homework 2 Folder/Problem 1_Lastname.SLDPRT

Section #_
Problem 2: Make a solid works part model for the given figure below. All dimensions are
in inches. Use only Revolve command to make a circular plate and circular sketch
pattern for holes. All sketches must be fully defined. (25 points)
Save your solid works part file as follows through GWC 481 computers only:
Documents/Homework 2 Folder/Problem 2_Lastname.SLDPRT

Section #_

Problem 3: Make a solid works part model for the given figure below. All dimensions are
in inches. All holes are through unless otherwise stated. All sketches must be fully
defined in all features used. (30 points)
Save your solid works part file as follows through GWC 481 computers only:
Documents/Homework 2 Folder/Problem 3_Lastname.SLDPRT

Section #_

Problem 4(a): Make a solid works part from the given drawing sheet below. All sketches
must be fully defined in all features. All dimensions are in inches. (20 points)
Save your work as in My Documents/Homework 2 Folder/Prob 4a_Last Name.SLDPRT
Problem 4(b): Make a drawing sheet of the same part which you have created for Problem 5
(a) and include all necessary dimensions as shown. (10 points)
Save your work as in in My Documents/Homework 2 Folder/Prob 4a_Last

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