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Name: ____________________Rachael Period:__________3

Independent Art Piece Rubric


I did everything

I have every sketch

We used more than 5

We used our own experience
to come up with our concept

Artist has completed parts
A through C from the
Independent Art Project
Research (IAPR) guide
(IPRG) in their sketchbook.
Artist has completed part
B on the IAPR guide in
their sketchbook. (3
different sources and
research on sources)
Artist has at least 3
different sketches/
planning ideas in her/his
sketchbook. Sketches look
like the examples on Part C
of their IAPR guide
Artist included at least 5
Elements and Principles of
Art and Design in their
final art piece.
Artist created a piece that
communicates a
Ethical issue that is of
value and importance to

I did almost everything but
not everyhting


2 /3 pts.

5 /6 pts.

9 / 9 pts.

5 / 5 pts.

2 / 2 pts.

her/him which is evident in

Part A of their IAPR guide.


Artist wrote an artist
statement that explains
her/his subject, style,
theme of piece, influence
and intention.
Artwork submitted a piece
of work that is complete,
up to standards and ontime.
Artist has a photo of their
finished art piece, their
artist statement and a
photo of this filled rubric
on their digital portfolio.



_____ / 5

_____ /3 pts.

_____ /3 pts.

Total Points: ______ / 36 points

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