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Jarrod (Human Sorcerer Lich)

General 1 Elf Green Half-Dragon Ranger (Male) (Two-Blade)

Lieutenant 1 Human Sorcerer (Female) (master of oozes and Acid)
Lieutenant 2 Ogre Sorcerer (Male) (Elementalist)
General 2 Dwarf Black Half-Dragon Chain Fighter (Male)
Lieutenant 1 Human Vampire Sorcerer
Lieutenant 2 Halfling Osteomancer
General 3 Halfling White Half-Dragon Rogue (Male)
Lieutenant 1 Human Sorcerer (Ophidamancer)
Lieutenant 2 Human Werewolf and wolf pack
General 4 Human Red Half-Dragon Sorcerer (Female)
Lieutenant 1 Drow Arachnimancer
Lieutenant 2 Elf Force missile mage
General 5 Human Blue Half-Dragon Sword fighter (Female)
Lieutenant 1 Dwarf Sorcerer of shadows
Lieutenant 2 Human Master of illusions

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