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Bali Tourism Watch: Synergy of Agriculture

with Tourism
The rapid development of tourism in Bali is not only positive impacts such as
increased local revenues, job creation, and increased welfare but also have negative
impacts such as pollution, traffic congestion, environmental damage and land
conversion, especially agricultural land which is used as a place to develop the
facilities and tourism facilities such as hotels, restaurants, attractions and more.
The development of tourism in Bali has contributed much to damage and
environmental balance, especially in tourism development which utilize agricultural
land both wetlands and dry. Region-Badung Seminyak, a lot of farming rice paddies
have been diverted functions for the development of tourism facilities such as hotels,
villas, bungalows, caf, art shop and others. With the construction of these facilities,
the system automatically transfer or distribution of water blocked by the concreteconcrete cross firmly in the region that resulted in the water can not flow properly
throughout the paddy fields. Inhibition of drains in the area has also resulted in new
problems "flooding", especially during the rainy season. Water overflows into the
surface water channels were small and not smooth and spilled onto the street. Water
distribution system known as "Subak" and paddy which was once the main source of
income of local communities will be extinct swallowed era and the rapid pace of
development of tourism. Seeing this fact, is it possible environment, fields and water
control system can be sustainable? With this damage, too, could the noble culture of
the Balinese people, especially agriculture can Ajeg?
Utilization of agricultural land for the purposes of tourism has also resulted in a gap
between the tourism industry to agriculture. This problem is motivated by the
imbalance of revenue sharing agricultural use for the sake of tourism. Mounting case
to make them look shiny zinc in paddy fields residents that occurred in CekingGianyar regency is clear evidence that describes disharmonious relationships
between the farmers and the tourism industry. Sawah citizens are elegant and
beautiful scenery made for a number of restaurants, cafes and hotels, but farmers
who have beautiful rice does not benefit in connection with the use of rice fields and
farming activities as a tourist attraction. The farmer vexation land owners led to the
installation of zinc in rice fields which resulted in tourists complained because they
can not see the beautiful scenery as promised.
Another example that has almost the same problems are in the object-Tourism
Village Jatiluwih Tabanan regency. The beauty of the landscape of rice fields in this
place is not only attractive to domestic and foreign travelers, but also for the team
members of the election committee of international cultural and natural heritage.
Because of its beauty, tourism village Jatiluwih nominated as one of the world's

natural heritage (world natural heritage) and is the only natural attractions were
nominated in Bali. The fact that happened on the ground, local villagers and the land
owners are not getting the results and benefits from tourism activities undertaken in
the region. Operators tour that sell travel packages such as sightseeing, cycling and
trekking in the Tourism Village Jatiluwih directly bring the tour guide (tour guide), the
purpose of the food and beverage and equipment tourist activities such from their
respective offices so that local people did not benefit and vice versa local
communities only receive the remains of garbage and footprints tourists only.
Maybe the tour operators who sell travel packages to objects Tourism Village
Jatiluwih not know that rice paddy farming activities that include land preparation,
seeding, planting, maintenance and harvesting requires a high cost. Costs incurred
by the farmer is not at all borne by the tour operator. Supposedly, the tour operators
who sell objects Jatiluwih Village Tourism provides incentives to farmers to keep
doing agricultural activity and help reduce the burden of the costs incurred by
farmers. To cover the costs incurred for farming, some farmers have started to
expand into the poultry sector. Around the area of Village Tourism Jatiluwih has
seemed built some chicken coop that reduces the beauty of the tourist attraction and
does not rule out the possibility that in the whole area of the terraces will dibagun
chicken farm also in the future which may result in air pollution caused by odor the
chicken manure.
World Tourism Organization (WTO) in fact has outlined a policy of sustainable
tourism development that focuses on three things: the sustainability of the natural,
social and cultural, and economic. This concept clearly outlined that tourism
development must not destroy nature, environment, and land, especially agricultural
land. Agrotourism is a model of tourism development has a close link between
agriculture and tourism.
How to synergize agriculture with tourism? The development of agrotourism is a
model of proper development and complement developing a model of cultural
tourism is developed today in Bali. Agro tourism is tourism development based on
agriculture, better utilization of agricultural activities such as plowing, planting rice
and harvesting as a tourist attraction, tourist attractions and tourist attractions as well
as the utilization of agricultural products such as rice, vegetables and fruit for the
purposes of tourism industry such as hotels and restaurants a tourist destination.
Bagus Agro in Plaga-Badung, is one example of agrotourism objects that utilize
organic agricultural activities as its tourism appeal. Travelers can directly see a wide
range of crops (vegetables and fruits) and the agricultural activities carried out by
local people at the venue. In addition, travelers can also reap the fruits directly to the
areas surrounding Nice Agrowisata while looking beautiful hills and amazing. While
crops are used for the benefit of hotels and restaurants that are specialized in selling
organic food is a healthy food and a trend for the tourists both domestic and foreign.

Not all agro-tourism development could go well. Agrotourism in Sibetan-Karangasem

utilizing agricultural activities and bark-which is the fruit of Bali as an icon object and
its tourism appeal does not operate as planned. Many factors contribute to the failure
of the management of agro-tourism in this place. Obscurity management is a major
factor. The object of this agro-tourism is not managed properly from the area made
the object of the arrangement, the operational activities of the tour, and human
resources. Another factor is marketing. Agro Sibeten object has not been marketed
to the maximum by the management so that managers not known by many tour
operators that sell tourist packages in Bali. The government especially Karangasem
Tourism Department should re-map the objects of tourism in the region and further
promoted through the mass media, television, Internet and other media publications.
In addition to the management and marketing, cooperation among tourism
stakeholders (government, NGOs, local communities, the tourism industry, and
academia) have not been going well since only the travel agent who sells travel
packages to Eastern region of Bali who walk on their own without the support of
stakeholders other tourism.
In conclusion, it is possible to improve agriculture to tourism which is embodied in
the development of agro-tourism. The need for commitment of all tourism
stakeholders to jointly implement kosep sustainable development (sustainable
development) or in Bali is often referred to as Ajeg Bali namely the sustainability of
natural resources, socio-cultural, and providing economic benefits to local

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