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Water Pollution

By: Veon Carroll

ater pollution makes a huge impacts on our lives. Without

clean water our world would come o a end. Only way to stop that
will be to know the weakness and strength of water pollution.

What is the problem/topic?

Do you realize how essential water is to human beings?
Up to 62% of a human body is supported with water. Our
problem is if that water is edible or not. Mammals are more
affected by dirty water than we are. There are several ways to
have cleaner water also ways to have a cleaner environment.

What are the impacts to personal health?

Water pollution also impacts our personal health. Water
Pollution can impact us in several of ways some ways are from
eating toxic fish, also it can infiltrate our water supply The Guides
Network, 2005). The world is made with 75% of water but very
little of that water is drinkable. Therefore, we can run out of clean
drinking water if we don't make a change now. Water we drink can
be contaminated it can also impact our air (Chris Woodford,2006).
In the water cycle water gets evaporated from oceans, lakes ,and
streams. From there it goes straight to condensation and is in our
air. With us breathing bad air it can harm our health.

What are current solutions?

People ask me all the time what are some current
solutions. Some solutions are to not litter, pick up litter
whenever you see it because if you start doing that around your
neighborhood it wouldn't even get to the oceans (Flesher, 2015).
We can also have Washington clean some of their waterways.
Also we can put more fines on littering. Another great idea is to
make more organizations to clean up the ocean itself it can also
help students get their community service. Therefor we can
make a better change in our world.

What is causing the issue?

Water pollution is having a detrimental impact on
mammals. For example, statistics show that out of 10 plastics 1

mammal will die by it (Project Aware, December 23, 2015). Sea
turtle, mammals, and birds have a 92% chance of dying by
plastic because of water pollution (Project Aware, December 23,
2015). This means that at this rate a lot of mammals like sea
turtle and birds can easily go extinct. Therefore, trash is a enemy
to mammals.

What are new solutions?
There are a lot of crazy new solutions. One that I have picked
was the latest potentially revolutionary use of robotic technology
comes from Bristol University in the UK. There is a new robot
that eats water pollution and produces electricity as it swims
(Nield,2015). Therefore, we have more help in cleaning our

What are the impacts to the environment?

Recycle is something humans have been lacking on.
Some causes that make water pollution worse is people littering
everyday. Over 250 million metric tons of plastic could make its
way to the ocean in the next 10 years. (Project Aware, 2015)
Thats also means 25 million mammals are dieing through those
years. Five years ago, a broken pipe soaked a land with as much
as 420,000 gallons of wastewater which can be easily used for
something else. (Flesher,2015). Also, oil spills are a huge
disaster for mammals because they have no chance of living in
the type of environment. Perfluorochemicals is in Minnesota's
waters and they can definitely use clean water. (In Minnesota
Water & ELPC, 2011) Therefore, every ounce of water is

Final Remarks
Water is very essential to us and that is only because water
can be gone so easily in several of ways. Water can also be
affected by us humans because it can contains all the trashy
sources we feed it. Although we are not the only ones feeding off
of water. The question that always lies on the table is. We might
have a lot of water but how are we going to keep it clean?

What are the impacts to global or local communities?

Watering water is not being taken as serious as it is supposed to.
If we are getting deeper into a drought we should be working
harder to get out of it. According to Flesher,to feed a lot of cattle
you must have a lot of water(2015). Some farmers take an
advantage of the government for paying for their taxes, so they
end up wasting some water. Its sad that people are more
interested in earning money than saving the environment. Trash
is always the key factor in water pollution. According to Kiril
Kalchev Youtube channel, plastic bottles that are not recycled
end up in the ocean as a form of water pollution. Plastic is not
biodegradable; therefore, animals eat it, convinced that it is food
and die or become ill. Those fish can have all kinds of diseases.
We can eat fish or other mammals and easily become sick.

What are the impacts to global communities?

Water pollution also has an impact on global
communities. The reason why it can impact global communities
is because there is toxic compounds in the ocean and trash, it
can also have some harm with the marine life making the water

acidify. (The Guides Network, 2005), Also, in Flint Michigan
there was a huge pollution in their drinking water. Their main
water way was poisoned by lead. Lead can cause internal brain
damage to anyone. The mayor knew about this problem from
2014 and Obama figured out and made a difference right away. (

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